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J Town

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Posts posted by J Town

  1. 31 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    There has been a significant reduction in road deaths involving children and young healthy people during this lock down proving that law enforcement can be used to save many lives yet little priority has been put on this.We have lived with the Hunger Road Games for far to long we've come to accept it as a way of death.Even the flu here in Thailand is 50 times more deadly than Covid19 yet again nothing is done that compares to the effort of the Sars Cov 2 outbreak in Thailand.Hunger Games?Yes indeed.Do you or have you care/d about the flu fatalities here in Thailand for the past 10 years?If not you are as bad as those at whom your finger points. 

    The death toll in the US has just passed the 2018-2019 deaths due to flu. That was a WHOLE YEAR of deaths compared to several months and the number continues to rise. The swift rate of transmission is the truly frightening aspect of Covid-19, and I don't believe ANY statistics EVER used from Thai sources.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Thailand said:

    Then why are lockdowns and restrictions increasing when many countries hit much harder than Thailand are planning opening up?

    Because they don't care what the human cost is. Dr. Oz was on that horrible state propaganda tv station saying "Schools are a very appetizing opportunity. I just saw a nice piece in The Lancet arguing the opening of schools may only cost us 2 to 3%, in terms of total mortality."


    How in ANY normal universe is it acceptable to lose 2-3% of a country's children for the sake of money? Are we really turning into a "Hunger Game" world?

  3. 19 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

    Nether is the daddy. 

    My 2014 Acer Chromebook is still working, has been dropped, abused, and never stopped working. 

    Never installed any anti-virus, it is built in.

    Still download and watch TV shows and Movies, has full size HDMI to connect

    Isn't that a hardware thing vs a software thing?

  4. 2 minutes ago, teatime101 said:

    I've been using both for a long time. I ran Mac labs in schools for years. Once I started using Win7, it became my main system. I hate Win10.

    Did I tell you I hate Win10?

    LOL. I hated Win 10 until I used it regularly as well as Win 7 simultaneously. It's a learning curve. On the other hand, I would go back to a Windows XP platform in a New York minute!

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  5. 3 minutes ago, topt said:

    Performance is always relative :wink:

    I was using until recently a 2009 bought Wndows laptop with original components and the only reason I don't continue much with it is the screen has some marks on it that wont come off - otherwise I would have added an SSD. Still adequate for most tasks but I don't tend to play around with any graphics/video editing.

    Oh and I am sticking with Win 7 for the forseeable.........


    And writing this on an upgraded 2007 machine........


    wtf girl smiley.jpg

  6. 2 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    I prefer windows probably because i started on it. The gf has a mac and i have used it for about 6 months and just cant stand it. I only do basic stuff but it still drives me nuts.

    My biggest complaints about the Mac is the mouse.


    First, a wireless mouse costs approximately $100 US, though it's been a while since I bought one, maybe prices have gone down. Regardless, NOT LONG AGO every Mac item cost $100 US, keyboard included.


    Second, and most important, the feel wasn't the same as a Windows mouse. It was more difficult to move that graphic where I wanted it to, or to grab a specific part of a track in the music file.


    Third, Apple made that damned mouse dependent on the Apple Batteries. I worked around it with tape and sticky note, but C'MON APPLE! Shame on you.

  7. 6 minutes ago, GalaxyMan said:

    Sorry to disagree, but I worked for 15 years as a graphic artist which is what caused me to first purchase an Apple computer. The designer that I replaced had created everything in proprietary Apple fonts and the ownership didn't want to change to something Windows compatible. They preferred wasting a lot of money buying computers to suit the software. I HATED using the iMac or the MacBookPro for those tasks. It is so much easier and faster in Windows.

    Don't be sorry! Windows works for you (and me, too!) and the Mac people? It works for them. It's much like the argument Pepsi vs Coke. Up to you.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, CharlieK said:

    I don't seem to have any problems doing illegal things with my Mac. And to the OP, I wonder how many windows computers lasted as long as your Mac has. Using a Mac circa 2012 and it's still working is pretty good going in my opinion.   

    I've been a pirate/hacker for decades. The Windows operating system and file system is MUCH more amenable to getting your hands into it. The Mac file system is much more amorphous and difficult to get in to get your hands dirty. Yes, you've obviously worked around it. Kudos to you.

  9. 1 minute ago, CharlieK said:

    I don't seem to have any problems doing illegal things with my Mac. And to the OP, I wonder how many windows computers lasted as long as your Mac has. Using a Mac circa 2012 and it's still working is pretty good going in my opinion.   

    I still have a Mac mini 2010. That was the last year (as far as I know) where the user could add RAM and change out the hard drive with not TOO much difficulty. There are even Youtube videos offering step-by-step how to's.

  10. 1 minute ago, cyril sneer said:

    Most people use Windows and have never tried a Mac, so Windows will win the poll

    I taught music - recording techniques - at several international schools for years, and as such needed to be well versed on both platforms. I used Windows Pro Tools and Mac Logic.


    Pro Tools was hands down superior when editing sound tracks. Logic was the most forgiving when it came to hardware. I had an 88-key keyboard that had been built in China. I tried everything I could, downloaded every driver imaginable to connect that damned thing to Pro Tools with no luck. I plugged it into my Mac and *poof* it was instantly recognized. I used to tell my students I believe we could have plugged in a toaster and the Mac would somehow connect.


    On the other hand, I had a copy of Office for Mac, and it would be kind to call it an abomination.


    As I previously posted, in my not-so-humble opinion, Windows is great for business apps, Mac is great for art apps.



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