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Everything posted by swissie

  1. Concerns my righ eye. I experience lower eye-lid "flickering". As if an electric current goes thru my lower eye-lid, causing "nervous vibrations". If comes and goes. Eye-Doctor finds nothing wrong with the eye itself. Strange.
  2. Not having filed any FBAR, my question remains: Will I be arrested at any US Airport upon entry?
  3. So far , purely hypothetical: As a US Citizen what would change for you as an Expat in Thailand if Donald would become president?
  4. In Europe, an increasing number of pensioneers relocate to "third world countries" as the pension benefits will not allow for a "decent-living" in their home countries anymore. (Political discussions concerning this matter are in full swing in Europe). THE TRAP: Those undercapitalised "pensioneer-fugitives" have not the financial means to cover lenghty hospital costs nor are they able to pay for any private health insurance. Only conclusion: Unless you have a fat wallet, stay in your home country once you have qualified yourself as "an old men" with limited financial resources. - There was once a movie "No country for old men". Unless one has a fat wallet, Thailand is also just a "No country for old men". Hopes, of finding financial relief by the "Thai-Family" or the Embassy of the home country in case of financial emergency are usually dashed quickly. A tropical Paradise without a fat wallet is not available. Nowhere. Have known a numer of undercapitalised Farangs, claiming that upon their demise, they will die in their bed in Thailand. But those were exactly the ones that have run up astronomical hospital bills in the end. Much to the disadvantage of the Thai Hospital and Thai Society. Again: Unless well capitalised, "Thailand is no country for old men". No matter how young your Thai Wife is.
  5. Holy smoke! Are the retired folks (called "Snowbirds" in Arizona) starting to kill each other? Or have the youthful gangs of L.A. discovered that "old folks" in Quartzsite are easy prey? Unthinkable 20 years ago.
  6. On my US Passport, on page 4, § 6 it says: "All US ctizens working and residing overseas are required to file and report on their worldwide income". Hmmm? FBAR: Every account + 10.000 $ must be reported. (= practically every US citizen, assuming with confidence that his foreighn account is heavier than $ 10K). I never filed with the FBAR. Question: Having not filed, will I be arrested on any US-Airport upon entry of the US ? This is meant as a serious question. During my time in the US I was always remembered by my US friends: "Whatever you do, don't mess with the IRS"!
  7. Talking about NVIDIA: According to a recent Bank of America study, the value of NVIDIA is now equivalent of ALL THE STOCKS TRADED ON THE HONG KONG STOCK EXCHANGE !!! Welcome to the "Tulip Mania" of 2024.
  8. Hi JT. I assume you are a US Citzen. Why not Arizona? Old folks living in a Mobile Home in a hundred "Mobile Home Parks". "Quarzsite" Arizona for example. = Low cost living but with all the benefits of living in the US. Why no good for you? On a personal note: I used to live in Arizona. Loved it 100%. Family matters forced me to return to my home country for many years. My income originated from my home country, so I never filed a Tax Return in the US. As I recently learned, living outside of the US and not filing a Tax return, (regardless of income situation), is a criminal offence !!! So, final retirement in sunny Arizona is no more a viable option for me as I would probably be arrested at any US airport upon arrival. - Compared to this, your worries about "no permanent residency status in Thailend" appears somewhat benighn. You, always able to return to the US, granted you have always filed a Tax Return with the IRS during your time "overseas", otherwise.......!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Nevermind all this. An increasing number of ASEAN-Now contributors are wondering from where GG is posting. Thailand, Japan, Eastern Timbuktu? Fearing that GG is being captured in some exotic place. Asking for ransom. Worse: The ransom in monetary terms will not be covered by ASEAN followers in form of "voluntary contributions". A nightmare.
  10. Ok guys. Not long ago, a good number of Farangs found that Long Term visas for Thailand are getting harder to get. Looking for alternatives in South America. Ranging from Mexico to Patagonia. Especially Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador were on the radar. Every thingking person has taken it "off the radar" by now. Especially "the favorite" Ecuador. Now a country torn apart by by the reighn of armed "drug warlords". To be sure: Thailand is the only country left (with relative political stability and a certain benighn "welcome openness") that allowes non Farang millionaires an affordable long-term residency. Think of it and forget about "easy visa requirements" in Eastern Timbuktu.
  11. During my 5 years in rural Thailand "domestic violence" was quite common. Mostly administered by Thai-Husbands under the influence of alcohol.. Next to the "wallet syndrome", Thai Females tend to appreciate the fact that Farangs resort less to physical violence than their Thai counterparts in case of "disagreements". Increasing the popularity of Farangs as a "partner" greatly. As a drawback for "benighn" Farangs: Even a "misbehaving" Thai spouse has therefore little to fear from a Farangs "physical reaction". As opposed to rural Thai males. The relatively "weak position" of a Farang in front of the Thai-Law is well known to Thais. PS: On numerous occasions, Thai males have conveyed to me that any "misbehavior" of their spouse must be sanctioned by physical means. Otherwise their standing as "head of the family" will be jeopardised. Misbehavior of a Thai male within a pertership is still silently accepted by Thai society. Finally: Next to the "wallet-factor", the relatively "docile Farang factor" is a good reason for some Thai females to seek the companionship of a "benighn" Farang.
  12. I am starting to roll on the floor with convultions. Starting to resemble the Dutch "Tulip Mania" with a P/E of 116. "Tops" what services they provide today. But nothing what a hungry competition can not also achieve over time.
  13. Yep. Liking loud, muscular and boisterus "bad boys". Then wondering why they are left as a "single parent". Then complaining about their "faith" on TV.
  14. He He. As expected. Like clockwork. No matter what "swissie" posts, "big star" is always there to give swissies comments a negative bias. Fine. Doesn't bother me. Purely experimental: If swissie and big star would sit next to each other, could the positive "smell factor" turn them into "best of buddies"? How nice would that be. Although I would not go as far as proposing marriage. Sometimes I wonder if "big star" had some bad experiences with something "swiss" in the past. Like: Having been fleeced by a swiss female gold digger? Or wanting to launder some money, declined by the swiss bank? Or having bought a swiss watch, refusing service after 3 weeks? What could it be? I am on the edge of my seat.
  15. Rats! No enlighenment so far. 30 years ago, at the university we studied the "love-life" of rats extensively. Never been able to find out why certain female rats accepted male rats as the father of their future offspring, while other male contenders were vigorously refused and mercilessly attacked. Eventually our studies were inconclusive, we were cut off of any future funding. That was 30 years ago. In some way rats as well as humans must have some "selective pathways" in their brain, indicating "I like what I see" or "I don't like what I see". Pending conclusive explanations, I feel that I will have to resume my former studies. Focusing on the "smell theory" as this proves to be a major factor in the animal-world. Mainly due to the lack of other explanations by humans. I will start with wallowing in hog manure. Will keep you posted.
  16. Great! Same here. 2nd marriage, 20 years. Maybe it's' the reduction of hormones that can eventually turn a male/female bondage into something "until death do us part". To a point where "the other half" of you becomes a part of you. Raging hormones will make something like that impossible as the Hunter must remain the Hunter and the hunted will remain the hunted.
  17. The chances of you staying healthy are intact. As a hermit you will not likely contract a desease transmitted by human interaction. But sooner or later some of your cells will misfunction. Making you sick. Preparing you for the "grim reaper". If you can't wait for this to happen, visit a friend at the hospital. You have a good chance that you will accumulate some "hospital-bugs", possibly making you sick, but breaking the monotony of your digitalised world. Few of us envy your lifestyle.
  18. With a divorce rate of nearly 50%. After that, looking for the next "opposite"? Could it be that we do not love a "person", but a certain category of persons?. That, of course makes "monogamy" an exercise in futility in the first place.
  19. By looking at couples, sometimes I wonder "what she sees in him" or vice versa. What makes us attract to a certain type of person? Even the ugliest of us find a "partner". Science tells us that some bodyly "smells" play a major role. I myself smelled females from head to toe regularily , but it didn't make a difference. But if I see a"petite" female, I immediately feel attracted to her. This is why I am attracted to 85% of Thai females. Returning to the "smell" factor: By bathing in french perfume or wallowing in hog-manure, what would make me more attractive to the opposite sex? - NOTE: No female has ever smelled me from head to toe, they rather smelled my wallet intensively. From my point of view, with rather satisfactory results. Back on topic: Who loves who and WHY?
  20. THE ENIGMA: German stock market near the hights. The most sluggish economy in Europe. Exports declining. Can not compete with Chinese e-cars. Infrastructure neglected for 20 years. (most rural areas still have no access to "fast internet" for example). Income inequality rising fast. Social unrest increasing by the week. A government unable to govern. - The hope of fast declining interest rates, (that will automatically cure all the ailements of Germany), is the only remaining factor lending support. If those interest hopes should not materialise, the German stock market will make for a nice "short".
  21. Copper: No more really important to look at coppers "fundamentals" with a magnifying glass anymore. I believe copper has a "story", supporting it's price for quite some time to come. The story? = The "electrification" of the world. This underlying story may diminish the prognostic value of a copper/gold ratio. Goes as well as for the copper/peanut or the copper/beer ratio.
  22. P/E can only serve as a "first glance" at things. No more.
  23. I started to shake in my boots. I felt, that under the circumstances, stocks are "expensive". But ony the US (especially the tech sector) India and Taiwan are expensive according to P/E Ratios. Look here: https://worldperatio.com/
  24. "Dow Jones" is much older than the S&P 500. Most years it was "up".
  25. Well, it's like the guy that jumped off the 15th floor. On the way down, having passed the 7th floor, saying to himself: "So far, so good". On a more serious note: Ever since WW2 the "global money supply" was increased by the central banks (money supply means "credit" at the end of the day). Thus fuelling "Economic Growth". Without "growth of money" no more "economic growth". The junkie around the corner needs ever increasing amounts of heroin to keep him going. The Heroin of the world economy is called cheap (paper) Money.
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