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Everything posted by swissie

  1. Quote: "and it was custom for the women to bed each and every visitor". This was also the reason that the crew of the "Bounty" didn't want to leave Thaiti. Also the reason that many Farangs didn't want to leave Pattaya. For better of for worse. 555
  2. It's not just the technical (sound) effect. Todays young folks (not only actors) slurr their speach, avoiding clear pronunciation of words (modern talking). I stream in English, German and French. Same thing. - How refreshing it is to listen to Gregory Peck, where every single word can be understood.
  3. Right. Backgound noises are like thunder. The actors voices are like they would be speaking in another room or 100 yards away. Digitalised progress, I guess.
  4. As far as searching for "simplyfied indicators". There is always the very old "Dow Theory". = Dow Industrial and Dow Transportation should move in tandem. While the Industrial has made new highs, the Transportation HAS NOT. Ooups? - With the help of my Romanian Gypsy clairvoyant I am working on a new index that combines the Dow Theory, the Baltic Dry Index and Dr. Copper. EUREKA ! This is it. I will get filthy rich. I am so confident, that I have already ordered a new yacht.
  5. Yeah, let's talk about dept. There is a very internationally respected Newspaper in Switzerland (founded in 1780). They do not publish any fake news. In a recent article they calculated, that if the global mountain of debt would have to be paid back, then every human being on this world wold have to work for absolutely free for the duration of 3 years.
  6. Plus debt ratio compared to GDP is around 140. In strong competition to Italy. But betting agaist the worlds most "vigorous" economy?
  7. I was going to suggest "Beer Chang" at around 5%. But home brewed booze is around 40%. Where else can you get a risk free 40%?
  8. Quote: "Trump's calling out slackers for not meeting their NATO financial obligations left most NATO members much better equipped to help Ukraine than they otherwise would have been". = All sent to the Ukraine? According to current NATO inventory (without US): After 3 weeks, NATO will run out of ammunition. Confirmed by European Defence Ministries. Politics and economics are unseperable. Just saying.
  9. Plenty of meaningless greeting and goodby phrases. But I can top it all. Very common in the German language to greet someone by "Gruess Gott". In English: "Greet God". As I have no connection to God, how should I relate his greetings to God? Why does he not greet God himself, without taking me as an "in between"? Try this: If in England or the US. instead of saying "Hello", say "Greet God". You will get some strange looks. Rightly so, but not so in Germany.
  10. Same in Europe. Space is getting scarce. Plenty of land in Australia, but heard that "land developpers" developpe only comperatively little land to keep prizes artificially high. (A land mafia)? Is there anything to it?
  11. No logical analisys for a change. I allow myself to shamelessly expose my "gut feelings" here. - I would like to see the recent "dip" of the US markets as a "technical correction". But the recent lows MUST hold, otherwise a more severe "correction" is likely to follow. As the year progresses, the "Donald Trump Index" will increasingly affect "investor sentiment". Come fall at the latest, investors will be mesmerised by the weekly polls and rightly so: A second term president Trump would mean epochal changes, too numerous to mention here. But just for starters: If sombody throws a "monkey wrench" into the machinery of global trade, this would likely make investors "shake in their boots". Affecting every form of investment. (Including the prize of your kitchen sink). ---------------------------- I always like to consult my 103 year old Romanian Gypsy Clairvoyant Lady. She claims that this Trump guy is fogging up her crystal ball to a degree, that predictions have become utterly impossible. Otherwise she had always a firm conviction as far as investments are concerned: - 33% is careful analisys (doing the opposite of what financial advisers tell you to do). - 33% is your gut feelings (after having smoked some mushrooms). - 33% is the most important factor: PURE LUCK!
  12. So glad JT diden't emigrate to Ecuador, once high on his list. Relatively easy "visa requirements" at the time. Today: A political powder keg. Above all: Thailand is a better place to sample Chinese Cuisine than Ecuador.
  13. Not to forget that "the teacher of the nation" (Konfuzius) claimed that a "mentally healthy family" is the basement of a healthy state. Not easy to apply in "the West" as a good number of families qualify as "disfunctional". Good to know that certain "families" have spread all over the world. The Italian Mafia and the Chinese Mafia. Long live the "Families"!
  14. The Dry Baltic Exchange only mirrors "Dry Goods" limited to a relatively small geografical area. I would rather have a daily/weekly/monthly "container shipping index" as most goods today are shipped by container.
  15. Actually European educated people are more interested in Donald Trump than US educated people. WHY? Trump has no use for NATO, nor defending anyones borders, exept US borders. The end of NATO would open the doors for Putin for future military adventurism. - Without the US, Europe has not the military capabilities to self defend. This is why Europeans are more concerned about the US November elections than than the US voters.
  16. In Italy and the whole continent of South America the "Family" is still the most important thing. China had a "civilisation" before Europeans knew how to spell "civilisation".
  17. Yes it's Asia. The US and Europe is very "ripe" with too much good news already priced in. With the exeption of Brasil, South America hasen't been able to "take off" for the last 300 years. Africa has potential, but stifeled by corruption as a accepted way of life by the population. Yes it's Asia. Surely, China has a few propbems, not sure how they will adress those problems at this time. But not to forget: While in Western Democracies it takes weeks, months, years of debate to rectify major economic problems, the Chinese political system allowes for drastic remedies within 48 hours. In todays fast changing world a tremendeous advantage. The Taiwan question: The Chinese are awaiting the next US presidential election. Knowing that a president Trump will do nothing for the defense of Taiwan. Thus setteling the matter quickly. It remains a "wild card" though.
  18. The US TV Evangelists will supply all the answers.
  19. Before you were born, nothing but "etrnety" existed. You felt no discomfort whatsoever. After your demise we (you) will revert back to "non existance". Very comfortable. No worries. "Non existance" is the best way of "existance". The eternal sleep. Same as before we were born.
  20. I have been known to advocate Dr. Copper as a simplifyed global indicator concerning "economic growth" globally. As of today, I may have to lessen the importance of Copper as far as a global indicator of economic activity. Realising that the price of Copper was mainly supported by Chinese imports (construction boom). Contrary to my expectations, the Chinese economy has not found alternative use of Copper, resembling the former usage during the RE Boom. Therefore, the price of Copper can not be regarded as a indicator of future global economic activity anymore (the Chinese distortion factor). ------------------------ What could take the future place of a simlified "economic indicator"? As Dr. Copper has lost "importance"? Please discuss ans supply ideas.
  21. Do you occasionally read the "Financial Press"?. Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Neue Zuercher Zeitung, etc etc etc?
  22. Well GG, must confess that sometimes I must read your posts 17 times to extract the essential. Reading between the lines is an art. I am getting better at it. PS: I don't click on "Links". For internet security reasons. The last time I clicked a "link" I won the Nigerian lottery, asking me to transfer $ 1000 so that the 20 million prize could be transfered to my account.
  23. Very true and very frightening. Even university folks increasingly worship the "Evangelist TV Propaganda Machinery". Religious Fundamentalism in the Heartland of the US is rampant. To the point, that non "Bible Thumbers" have restricted career opportunites. Having to take intellectual refuge on the east/west coast of the US.
  24. Why Are Readers Here...So...Interested in...God-Related Topics??? Because we can't understand that we are here only to reproduce. Nothing else. No panic. Flowers and goldhamsters also don't know why they are here, except for reproduction. To instill some sort of sense, the most advanced monkey had to invent Gods and religions. The rest of all living things can do fine without Gods and Religions.
  25. I was hoping that this thread will go on vigorously. But it can't, unless somebody can define to me and the rest of humanity what "a soul" is. WHAT IS "A SOUL"?
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