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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. Well that's the right step, in the right direction but I wonder what the harsh penalties are? 100 lashes with a wet noodle?
  2. Endorsing a bill and the bill becoming a law are two very different things. I'd like to see if this bill comes to fruition.....
  3. Easy money for shop owners only....
  4. Haven't seen any statistics for health insurance in Thailand but health insurance companies are notorious for looking for any excuse to pay as little as possible....
  5. Good luck with that. They need to get to the root of the problem if that's ever going to happen....
  6. That's a right step in the right direction....
  7. Get well soon. Godspeed....
  8. LOL, It's usually the other way: Russia man charged with molesting a Thai woman....
  9. Crocodile Dundee would have single handedly taken care of this....
  10. The eye in the sky is ALWAYS watching....
  11. Get well soon. Godspeed....
  12. With so many accidents occurring every day in Thailand, unfortunately its become all too common. I'm getting desensitized to it all......
  13. The Year of the Dragon is a good luck year for me, I hope it is for you too!
  14. To hassle a 60 year old woman? What a bunch of low lives......
  15. "Power Poles Spark Fear".....no pun intended?
  16. I wonder how long that will last?
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