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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. I wonder if cannabis will be included in the GI?
  2. I owe, I owe, I owe, so off to work I go...
  3. We want and need more detail....
  4. All good things must come to an end.....
  5. Well darn explains why my Thai mother-in-law looks like a Cro-Magnon
  6. The only thing going for the Thai folks that got caught up in this mess is that the Thai names are so unique that it'll be hard to use illegally and take advantage worldwide, as opposed to a "Smith" or "Johnson"....
  7. Those pants are so tacky.....
  8. And? What's your point?
  9. Google Translate...
  10. Great to hear a story in which AI is being used to help mankind instead of being used for nefarious purposes...
  11. Noisiest bird, newly arrived in CM: What is it? My ex......
  12. Welcome to the "Woke" society we are living in.....
  13. Have you ever smoke or ingested marijuana? If you never have, do you have the right to condemn the use of it?
  14. Illegal guns do cause violence to the public and domestically. What's the need for the study, it's so obvious....
  15. That was a BIG bust! Where was Big Joke?
  16. It also brings a heavy burden on the health system, especially the poor and uneducated that end up in the hospital that must rely on the government to pay for their medical bills.
  17. What were the decisive actions???
  18. If all tobacco use was banned, it would solve many problems....
  19. Mr. Tum will be needing a lot of TUMS from now on.....
  20. Sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never hurt me, didn't apply here 🤕....
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