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Everything posted by Mavideol

  1. he had it all!!! but I guess it was not enough that he had to screw everything up
  2. heard from some friends over there in the UK, have nothing to confirm their comments besides hearsay, the current feeling to re join/going back to the EU is around 70+ percent,
  3. I am going to say it again 555 .... he's worse then a bad cold, hard to get rid off but I do think today the 1922 Committee will set him straight to the door
  4. you guessed right.... their losses are small change for them, they still had profit, maybe less profit but still profit, nothing to feel sorry about
  5. that wouldn't happen.... they want the Prayut cronies majority to give up seats , nahhhhh never not a chance
  6. what a surprise (not) .... during hard times such as war, epidemics and so forth the rich get richer and the poor get miserable
  7. again baseless comments as no supporting data provided, none of your posts have any supporting claims and are misleading and yet they keep allowing you to post, for once just give us some links to support such a non sense
  8. special circumstances call for special measures.... he lied about Brexit and it's implications on the UK day to day life, refused the second round of vote on Brexit, doesn't respect legally signed agreements, lied about the parties during covid and the list keeps growing, if they keep digging wonder what they will find the guy is unfit for the job same as his buddy from across the Atlantic.... btw how many times was he caught lying before being PM, mayor of London, News writer reporter whatever, how many times was he fired... too many signs the guy had mental health issues
  9. it appears Boris will stay until end of Summer and right after that the Tories will rush re-applying to get back into the EU.... karma comes and goes 555
  10. after you spend 6 months on a desert island they all would be "stunners" 555
  11. it would be interesting to see the results if they do another vote of confidence now... just saying 555
  12. be careful or you may be sued for that 555
  13. what would be the requirements for every year renewals or would it be just like the current 90 days, walk in show passport get print out and leave
  14. I am always surprised why all or the majority of countries from Asia when competing on international activities ONLY have send/have people from their own race competing, never saw a Chinese, Thai or other Aisian race showing a white westerner/Caucasian person competing under their flag. If one looks at the USA, France, UK, Spain, Portugal and so forth we will see how mix/variety of their competitors are, it shows we are not racists and/or discriminate as Asians are/do
  15. usually standard business practices are: if one wants to increase sales on anything one will lower prices thus attracting more potential buyers, Thailand is the opposite of the standard business practices, to attract more people they just raise prices.... wonder what type of pills the guy in charge has been taking
  16. my Android box with IPTV has all the seasons
  17. if you came here to TV/AseanNow looking for sympathy, bad news man, you came to the wrong place
  18. If I had an income of USD 80K a year I would be living somewhere else.... they should make their visa/ permission of stay easier not more complicated
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