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Everything posted by Mavideol

  1. it appears the British are not welcomed in some European countries as they are considered being from being traveling from a 3rd country 555 British tourists could be turned away from Spain unless they can prove they have £760 to spend implements new restrictions that group British tourists in the same category as those travelling from a "third country" outside of the EU. https://www.yahoo.com/news/british-tourists-could-turned-away-131529053.html
  2. ROFL ???????????????????? Thank you, I really needed a good laugh
  3. come on, you got caught, let it go, no biggy it happens to everyone 555
  4. the old saying ""it's not us , it's them"" always the easy escape
  5. who is it, Jeanne D'Arc or Napoleon..... not Boris for sure 555
  6. You know that we can't trust any Russian...it's always someone's else fault.... they send missile to Odessa less then 24 hours off signing a no bombing agreement to deliver grain, they didn't give a damn about and send the missile, when accused of doing so, first answer """Not us, we didn't do it""" today all of a sudden they told the "partial" truth Russia claims responsibility for missile strike on Ukrainian port city 1 day after agreeing to allow exports https://www.foxnews.com/world/russia-claims-responsibility-missile-strike-ukrainian-port-city-one-day-agreeing-allow-exports
  7. yeahhh and look where (The UK) you are now .... are you in the UK at present, I doubt but I could be wrong, on a daily basis I talk to people living there and their feed back is not good... some hoping that Truss will take them back in
  8. are half empty or half full which one fits you 555
  9. a photo speaks more then words.... do feel sorry for the ones who voted against Brexit as they are (unfortunately) suffering the consequences as well
  10. the survey was done back Nov 2021 wonder what the numbers would be now.... quite sure more then the 57% back there
  11. wonder which side has consistently/constantly trying to change/modify the signed agreement
  12. this is payback time.... my nephew (he's a Gendarme) from France was held at Heathrow for about 2 hours for a passport check, it appeared the numbers were not visible as he had too many stamps on same pages....
  13. should told that to Boris before he left, thanks to his stupidness/stubborness/mulish actions now here is the result.... more to come 555
  14. can't do that or he will be remembered as an "assassinated" hero VS jailed and die there would be remembered as a jailed assassin loser
  15. and that proves my previous point, Russia can not and should not be trusted in any way Trudeau says he has no faith Russia will uphold deal to export Ukrainian grain
  16. Laos Navy subs up and down the Mekong River 555
  17. he has been in power for 8 years, if my recollection is good, Thai constitution only allows 2 terms of 4 years = 8 years thus general elections should be taking place.... didn't heard anything about it, it means the guy doesn't want to leave but he claims that his government is a democratic one 555
  18. Lazada should have removed the seller from their site as it's obvious they were running a scam... couple months ago had similar problem with Shopee, one of their sellers advertised an item at one price and when contacting them they wanted to be paid directly over passing Shopee, I complained to Shopee 4 times send them messages from seller scam, the first 2 times received an answer from their service telling me they were looking at it, but the guy kept displaying the same scam, re send more complains and was told he was removed from their site... pure BS as they want money, they all do Laza, Shop, Amaz, Baidu, Alibab, etc.... all pretend doing something to protect the customer but theyr don't give a damn as long as they make money.... the seller at Shopee still there showing items they don't have at the prices they publish and they still want to deal directly with potential buyers to receive payment to their bank account, I am quite sure if anybody fails for their scam and pays them directly, surely after paying to their bank no goods will be received and not returns/money back be honored/allowed by Shopee
  19. looks very familiar..... almost like Boris and the EU 555
  20. however sleepy Prawit was not wake to receive the reward.... a new gold watch 555 now on a serious note, exactly what does this guy do, what is his role on the banana republic circus
  21. Circus is in town and the clowns keep playing would anybody expected a different outcome??? not me
  22. I don't think Russia will respect the deal, they can't be trusted, Vlad will find a way to blame Ukraine for breaking it, as always is not us it's them Trudeau says he has no faith Russia will uphold deal to export Ukrainian grain https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/trudeau-says-he-has-no-faith-russia-will-uphold-deal-to-export-ukrainian-grain/ar-AAZS3E6
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