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Everything posted by Mavideol

  1. kindly refer to attached graphic, you will see the tourism % of GDP was 9% and since 2020 it's down to 2.4% https://www.statista.com/statistics/1177565/thailand-tourism-balance-as-a-share-gdp/
  2. hoping they will not follow their Chinese "brothers" zero Covid policy https://english.cctv.com/2022/05/23/ARTIoplbEwbjkq6iXkT3wBbK220523.shtml Dynamic zero-COVID approach, China's choice to safeguard lives, underpin economic growth
  3. as I said, your post was misleading and not worth any further comment from my side, feel free to refer to the above posts whereby you will find more then enough evidence to contradict you
  4. my take on TAT's daily estimates, hopes, looking to, wishing and so forth. It's my understanding from past posts from Thai governmental offices claiming Thailand really doesn't need/live off tourism, it's just a merely small percentage of their total GDP, if that's the case and tourism is not that important for Thailand why they keep posting daily misleading BS numbers about number of tourists and how much it has generated and so forth, for me if a country does something like that it means they are desperate for tourists, assuming they are desperate why not make visa rules & regulations easier instead of complicated as they keep doing
  5. Yeppp, just another day on the cover up as usual, move on
  6. do you have any link to support such a statement, I guess not or you would have posted it as for the rest of your post it's misleading as well, kindly refer to @placeholder and @Bkk Brianposts and get updated
  7. great deal of intelligence from whom the guy or the girls 555
  8. in which direction is the wind blowing 555
  9. please explain your reasoning .... I seek company of the opposite sex for different reasons, not for the one I think you are referring too, some people from the opposite sex can be challenging/interesting what that has to do with lack of intelligence?
  10. everybody likes a different type of tea, nothing to do with inteligence
  11. even if not good for ones health, your posts has the word "cancer" that should be enough to run (from them) as fast as you still can 555
  12. I did a couple years of Sigmund Freud but it was about theory and social influence of psychology, now I am lost with the definitions applied vs. experimental psychology but the thread is not about that
  13. have to disagree with Ulster institute 2019, placing China and Hong Kong on the top 10 is misleading, lived and worked with both of their professional people, their IQ is much less then 100 really much much less, I don't know which topics were tested by the Ulster, but geography, history, logic, common sense, etc..... are not China and/or Hong Kong average knowledge
  14. surprised, a smart guy like, Blinken fall for it, this are double face people, back stabbing quite normal
  15. if they also could be running out of missiles that would be even better, the mot.... flukers know they can't win with normal fighting thus last resort to counter Ukraine is sending missiles all over the country even to areas where they lost the fight.... just afraid if they run out of missiles they will resort to nuclear or other dirty bombing strategies, Russians are dirty, they don't play by international war rules/laws/principles
  16. this being nothing more then the normal/average Monday sheer desperation venting from TAT
  17. and how many were English, I mean real English not with any connection (parents, Grand parents) outside the UK
  18. you didn't mention a very important one 555 Boris Johnson says his £350 million a week Brexit claim was an 'underestimate' https://www.businessinsider.com/boris-johnson-says-his-350-million-a-week-brexit-claim-was-an-underestimate-2018-1
  19. Imagine what would happen if the west would not be sending billions to feed Russia war machine, North Ireland is a good example showing the flaws of an old UK law for limited corporations ownership, worth looking at the video that was on last night ob BBC World News from 00.30 Am to 1.00 Am ........ From Russia with Blood https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001988h
  20. I know some that went overseas for 3-4 weeks to get a overseas certificate that they proudly hang on their offices, but in reality never went to any school they told me their goal was to take a vacation and spend a couple hours a week on seminars that will hand out certificates ( need to paid entry fee) at the end of the seminar
  21. I do think it's time to set age limit to civil servants/PM's, just look at the USA and China they all look like then going to crook anytime soon 555
  22. my auntie (94) does that all the time and mismatched colors as well, left black & right brown/blue 555
  23. I did say.... hearsay as they didn't had anything to back it up but it appears numbers are going up
  24. it's possible, they are from Oxford/Texas, where all is bigger 555
  25. truth always comes up wins
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