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Everything posted by Mavideol

  1. too boring, stopped at the first paragraph when you said this is a long post
  2. The whole true picture already came out to everybody but you
  3. maybe you were trying to be funny but ..... I did get the joke
  4. no, he's staying at ManU.... he was <deleted> because they cut his salary and they are not moving on with new signings, sure he would prefer an ambitious team, sure ManU is not one of them but it is what it is, not easy to find a guy who scores 30 goals/year
  5. nope, not a lot of people are still wearing them, mostly foreigners are without masks and when asked to use one, they move somewhere else
  6. and here we go again,.... looking at the horizon I start to see some lock down popping, get ready 555
  7. and smoking while cooking or serving a drink, not to mention the food street stalls without water to wash dishes.... the list it's too long 555
  8. and while they are at it pass an order to place all and any cable underground, safer and clean. In my opinion if the electric cables were underground less power outages would happen
  9. whatever he has been smoking it's working, dumb as before. Similar BS statements on this topic have explained Thailand draw backs to attract premium tourists, lack of proper/quality infrastructures, power outages and so many more but it would take too long to list them 555
  10. now I am even more confused 555 Flight issues delaying Thailand’s international tourism rebound
  11. I can't understand their need for constant BS unnecessary unfounded daily updates on the (potential) tourists numbers, don't they have anything else more important to report
  12. he's currently in Myanmar collecting additional brown envelopes .... then visit Thailand for more of the same but he may not be allowed back in China, unless stays at quarantine facility, as they still enforcing zero covid policy
  13. after arriving at mental institution they die 2-3 days later https://metro.co.uk/2022/07/03/russian-scientist-dies-after-being-pulled-from-hospital-bed-and-jailed-16933150/ Russian scientist dies after being pulled from cancer bed and jailed for ‘treason’
  14. Their website says they received a Safety Awards 555 http://www.stecon.co.th/page_a.php?cid=138&cname=Quality Management
  15. I did it (transferred all stamps) last month while doing my 90 days and had the new PP on hand for over 2 months, Immigration did say anything
  16. the guy said : I have been working hard in UK
  17. should read the post to avoid sounding ???? .....I have been working hard in UK
  18. did you took the time to read the post.... I guess not or you wouldn't have asked such a non sense question I have been working hard in UK
  19. almost 1K quid a month for nothing, no sex and no other "personal/private" services (555)... 1K quid a month so you can claim to have a GF in Thailand, for that amount of money you can have more than 1 and less headaches, where is the condo, where did you met her
  20. maybe she already has a new bf and she's trying to blackmail the guy in the UK to get extra 555
  21. biting their nose off to spite their faces..... amazing Thailand that keeps us going 555
  22. if you were vaccinated and have a certificate try using that 13 digit number to register, worth a try
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