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Everything posted by BestB

  1. I think thailand would be one of the most vaccinated in the world, way over 70%, because Thai do as they are told. however, all those living in rural areas will not be travelling to any hospital to get vaxed unless government goes out to them
  2. Direct quote from OP “She said the hospital were reluctant to comment.” So would appear hospital has not
  3. Francs and Germany accepts Thai made AZ , so it has to be something can understand and agree with not accepting Sinovac or Sinovac mix and match, but AZ or Pfizer or mix of both?
  4. And that is the difference between you and me, I think before I speak. Stillborn usually do not cause mothers death, but mother having Covid makes it not so usual does it ?
  5. Speaking from his extensive medical knowledge and training , absolutely no reason to doubt or question his prediction ????
  6. If i had to guess, hospital was negligent with something and this is why its silent and not providing any explanations. I tend to think her parents version is correct, baby died and they did not abort causing mothers death.
  7. From my understanding before, UK did not accept AZ from Thailand and did not recognise Sinovac from anywhere, but Pfizer from Thailand was accepted. And the reason for not accepting Thai AZ had something to do with red tape, not being registered or something like that. Australian and Korean made AZ was also not accepted in UK So, according to this article, UK does not recognise any vaccine received in Thailand? why?
  8. So instead of chasing it up wIth US, he waits for US to give him free donation in a way he wants and only in a way he wants.
  9. Leading doctor can look at all other countries and see, covid cases not going anywhere. However with vaccinations, people do not end up in ICU or dead. So there are 2 choices, keep country closed, Covid is not going to disappear and totally wipe out the economy or open up, same covid, and learn to live with it while rebuilding the economy
  10. And many including myself thought it will not last mote than 2-3 months and here we are????
  11. which one of us can not even remember when pandemic started? and you calling me old boy? cut back on drinking to refresh the memory
  12. Kind of funny and sad. For last 2-3 weeks we heard nothing but how country is moving forward at high speeds, millions of doses of Pfizer and AZ being delivered to end up back to where it started . Vaccine shortages and only Sinovac that no one wants can not help but wonder if thailand does not have the money to buy decent vaccine or waits for hand outs? Every other country seems to be able to order and receive their orders 2 weeks later
  13. It may well trigger and show similar results to intramuscular but how long it lasts was never tested very dangerous road to take
  14. yes feels like that, and it did close the country from memory 1 month before that, but thats the official date ????
  15. *Deleted post edited out* Utter nonsense. Israel has an average 8000 daily infections, where as Thailand has double that. Israel has 670- 700 people in the hospital, seriously ill, Thailand has around 4000 Israel patients are mostly unvaccinated and ones who are double jabbed but needing medical care are mainly over 65 years old with pre conditions. 50% of the cases are from children Stop spreading fake and false information or provide a link to support your claims
  16. If i had to guess, i would say, you might need to get vaccine passport, same as one needed for travelling overseas and costs 50 baht.
  17. You remember few years ago? thats funny, considering Covid has been declared a pandemic less than 2 years ago, 11 March 2020 to be precise.
  18. It does not have to be 80% nationwide, but mainly tourist visited locations. Also 80% is rather high where many countries open up at 60%-70%
  19. “The woman reportedly admitted that she told an official at the hospital that she is a relative of a police officer and was vaccinated.“ So she was not lying per say, she used ignorance for her personal gains
  20. You get puzzled quite easily. I do not recall China sending billions in aid during Tsunami, or donating millions during the floods, or seeing chinese divers helping with cave rescue and list goes on, but you can remain puzzled
  21. Do not know how wise it is of Thailand to keep cozying up with China when there is brewing trouble between China and the world. US, UK and AU just signed a new pack to counter China. Go with China, Thailand can forget about Western help and last time i checked it was the West that came to rescue each and every time with no strings attached.
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