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Everything posted by BestB

  1. Truth be told vast majority of bar workers returned back to their villages. Bars being closed is not a single business problem but it affects all other businesses from apartments , hotels to 7-11 stores and clearly even tourist arrivals , not even mentioning restaurants , down to noodle shops
  2. My favourite part . It’s coming from someone who has never ever experienced any financial hardship. Someone who promised assistance to businesses that was never given or received But most importantly from a government that still expects all taxes to be paid up to date while businesses ordered to close for 8-9 months already
  3. Head line says Thailand to target quality and first time tourists, followed by story line explaining to target Indians. i guess once they get robbed by the ladyboys or do not get a discount in 7-11 they will not be coming back ????
  4. Most definitely worthy of Darwin’s awards They spent last at least 7 years chasing away digital nomads and trying to catch them out to refuse entry to now brain storm on how to attract them????????????
  5. Indeed, another internet expert???? next quote TAT stats and then back it with its being official source and hence the correct one????????
  6. I take it you did not bother to do any research? when i gave you exact number and the date and as of 25 October published by Bangkok Post, it was over 51% and they were vaccinating about 20 000 per day, so how did it come down to 48% 2 weeks later, did they unvaxed people?
  7. 48.2 is national total, not CM. 25 October Chiang Mai's vaccination rate stood at over 51%, by now it would be around 705
  8. We have had covid for almost 2 years, immigration app has not been working for about as long . you would think with all the social distancing and stay at home , fixing that would get a priority., but you would be wrong . Not only 90 day not working but also reporting foreign guests also not working
  9. Do not know what is more scary . Fact that government could not get right first time or that it needs a PM to remind relevant agencies to fix the problem which should be pretty obvious and a priority.
  10. The ones that are actually open and allowing tourists ? Yes , that is the point
  11. 46% of total population and highly unlikely tourists will be heading to Surin or Nakhon nowhere. In all major tourist destinations 70% at least are vaxed
  12. There is no doubt chinese make up a large chunk but it’s like with everything else, do you want your bar with 10 people drinking 10 bottles each or do you want 100 drinking 1 each . 10 require less staff, less costs and less mess, 100 looks better but less money in the bank. Something Thai have not been able to figure out, more does not always mean better or more money in the bank
  13. If i had to guess, Anutin and Co would not have had any kickbacks or power to control it, so simply brushed it off. But for anyone with half a brain, what kind of ministry or a country refuses to assist in receiving a donation, ie free gift of a product which country so badly needs Mind boggling
  14. I think same thing in all other places, total flop. With Phuket Sandbox, TAT was announcing confirmed bookings into hundreds of thousands even 2 weeks prior to opening. This time round, not a single word out of TAT, ie hardly any reservations Also interesting to note, and to my personal surprise, all the international hotel chains that closed before, remained closed (Pattaya area) 7-11 stores remained closed and no new or rushed activities took place. The new rules seem to be easy to follow and comply with and pretty much in line with other countries, i can only see the reason for total failure is bars being closed, which kind of proves the reason why so many visit Thailand. Once bars and clubs allowed to resume trading, i have a feeling bookings will start to roll in at a very fast pace
  15. Its kind of funny to read Thai economists predictions after reading nothing but bad news for the world economy for the past month coming from all different people and countries. Even predictions of Chinese economy being hit because of now 2 real estate companies getting into financial trouble. But Thai economists usually know best and all will be awesome by next year
  16. Indeed, but public health expert could not come up with enough money to pay for the position, so it went to the highest bidder. No doubt new helicopters and armored vehicles will be needed to win that fight against Covid
  17. Might be better if 14 year olds were excercising a brain instead pf riding around expanding their personal sovereignty
  18. If reservations were high or coming in, no doubt TAT would have made a statement on how many thousands already booked and how much money Thailand will make . Silence on the matter indicates it’s not taking off. Personal opinion the reason for slow response is bars being closed
  19. I have to say, i am glad i was wrong. My prediction was he went on the run to make all the right payments and it will will turn out, victim has some precondition or something along the lines. So either he did not pay enough or the bosses found out he was skimming or whatever happened, but appears he was thrown under the bus without any brakes given at all. Not that he does not deserve it, but rest assured this was not his first time, its just got caught for the first time and bosses were well aware but did nothing
  20. Why do people spout nonsense and every time bring up Israel as if to make their case any more truthfull. Israel had an outbreak because only 60% are vaccinated ad outbreak was in un vaccinated. Most in serious condition were unvaxed. Israel decided to do a booster and it had a positive affect, as those getting the the 3rd booster were elderly. In addition more people got vaccinated bringing total to 61.9% and now Astra has also been approved and to be given to those with medical condition and unable to receive mRNA vaccine
  21. A lot of the country is not affected by the Covid at all, some provinces have few to zero cases. Naturally hard hit provinces would be vaccinated first leaving hardly affected to last
  22. Good progress but little untruthful, 70% of people who are registered in Bangkok are vaccinated, not 70% of all people living in Bangkok are vaccinated.
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