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About Aussie999

  • Birthday 05/16/1954

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    Hua Hin

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  1. Can you be more precise... Come on mate spit it out... Whatever you have to say, wouldn't surprise me.
  2. Ah... The good old brake "failure" excuse.
  3. And then we have expats like you... who just seem to hate others.
  4. "The United Kingdom and Thailand are poised on the brink of a trade and diplomatic renaissance as they celebrate 170 years of bilateral relations. " Again they forget/ignore a small breakdown, or relationships... WW2... ignoring history.
  5. My Thai wife's mother is a registered remedial masseuse, in Thailand, and uses elbows, depending on the location giving trouble.... objects are usually used on the soles of the feet. By the way, where did I suggest you meant "sexual?"
  6. elbows, and "objects" are part of traditional Thai massage.... and I do NOT mean sexual.
  7. didn't actually say that
  8. Mate, what is my nickname.... geez. you're not the brightest globe on the Christmas tree. Again, what difference does my nationality make...
  9. Let me remind you, what you posted... "Point is!! Dont post incorrect info! and you seemed to forget if Pita had not been selfish and appointed a second person for PM the MF might still be the elected goverment NOW." Just for you, I highlighted the part, of your comment, I replied to....
  10. Thailand admits, some of it is their cause... they can't complain about their neighbors unless they do something positive themselves.
  11. they are doing the same thing, as every year.... sweet F all.
  12. How was that being "selfish," by appointing someone else for PM.
  13. Mate, I understand it would be difficult for you, so I understand why you need to ask.... but tell me, what is the relevance... or are you going to make this about race.... please explain yourself.
  14. depends on what YOU call young...
  15. Not disappointed at all... I guess your just a young, immature, whiner/whinger
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