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  1. all I asked was stop the guessing. I am sorry if that angered you.
  2. Why take wild guesses, the guy died, leave it at that, until we hear more. Have some sympathy fir his relatives.
  3. well, she will probably be given bail... then, as a couple of cops, up north did, after being sentenced to death, for murder, and then granted bail... well, let's just say, gone with the wind.
  4. Bei g a wo.bat, I understand your comment, but can you say why. Thai pride festival uses the transgender term. Please explain your comment.
  5. Um... did you by chance read the article on the thai pride events, they use the trans word... if you know otherwise, please, let us know... we want to know where you get you "knowledge."
  6. Many thais work almost as slaves, well below 400 Baht/day, with no weekends, no annual leave, etc. Hasn't Thailand previously stated, years ago, they will review labour laws reforms.
  7. At 69, on age oension, in Australia your public hospital is free, so I don't understand your comment. In thailang you would pay close to $700/month for insurance.
  8. Just maybe, those speed limits aren't to annoy you, but to protect the public from you... I'm sure you like thailand, because of the almost no limitations... but hey, they do account for over 25,000 deaths, every year, and that's only those who die, on the road, not once put into an ambulance, or from injuries once in hospital.... but hey, I'm glad you are happy.
  9. We could also assume, know how thais drive, it could have been the fault of the bike rider.... but sometimes we assume too much, depending on our own prejudices.
  10. Ok, You invest in an unstable governments proposal... but even if you can lease for a fun 99 years, on the surface is ok, but you invest a lot of money, in land, and infrastructure, which you might hope to leave for your offspring... lease runs out, and being Thailand, guess what might happen.
  11. If you mean the white apartments, I believe that is a Thaksin abandoned project
  12. Thailand is all about show... to the Thai mind it gives them more legitimacy
  13. Nice photo angle... but hardly even similar
  14. here we go again.... is this an attempt to draw attention away from Thaksin...or the Red Bull dude, or any number of issues.

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