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Everything posted by Aussie999

  1. Have you stopped to think the cop may have overreacted, especially if there is a language barrier, and drew his pistol, which the NZ guys reacted to just think before condemning farangs, simply because they are farang.
  2. You weren't, none of us were, it is being reported that they were defending themselves, perhaps we should wait and see if we get both side, hopefully with reliable witnesses, not just guess work from AN readers, many who always see the farang as being guilty... shame on you. We all know how corrupt, untrained and short tempered many RTP are, full of self importance and can't handle anyone who "challenges" their authority.
  3. It's the Thai norm... build it, then forget it, then come up with multiple excuses why it is deteriorating.
  4. Why do you ask... what relevance is it to this article.
  5. Geez, let's wait until we get both sides, of the story. In NZ it is reported that the guys were protecting themselves. But as usual, on here, we get the "hang the farang" attitude. Guys, Thai police are not law abiding people, even Thais will tell you that.
  6. Um.. no, it is a modified bike with extended forks the one in this article does not look like a "chopper."
  7. Um, it's only words, just like the previous PM... words do nothing, these problems have been known for a long time, ... one day we might see some effective action, but I won't hold my breathe.
  8. Did you not understand my comment where did I say from personal experience geez, and my comment was only a few words... go back and re-read it.
  9. So what was the neck brace for, did he trip over his lies.
  10. Well, that's a good description of most Thai males.
  11. A couple of years back, a Thai professor, did some research, average Thai penis 4.5 inches.
  12. 555 they fired at one of their own ships.
  13. I get stopped often, love seeing the disappointment on the cop's face when I pull our my thai licences.
  14. That's "acceptable " thai behaviour.
  15. Threatening to freeze someone's overseas accounts, often gets results.
  16. Hope you know what you mean, because I don't, next time you post at least make sense.
  17. Speaking of the world... it's a shame some world leaders don't have to balls to say something.
  18. In Australia, using Uber, you pay when you book, via your card.
  19. Using words is not assault kicking someone, while they are on the ground, is definitely assault... you have a very strange way of thinking Thailand seems the right place for you.
  20. Your last paragraph is opening a can of words... just how long have you been in Thailand, your comment would indicate... not long, or you're blind.
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