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Everything posted by Aussie999

  1. So, how does that work with my Aussie HR license...lol
  2. Hi guys, my mate has just arrived in Thailand, he wants to know if he can drive, legally, using his Australia driver's license, he did not get an International permit.
  3. Your reply indicates you do NOT understand the article, it clearly stated he was prosecuted, in 2019 for possession, he remained in the RTP until Jan 2022, when he was suspended, Oct 2022 as per the article, he was STILL using drugs, obviously still had his guns... then proceeded to kill so many people, under a duty of care, his guns should have been confiscated in 2019, at which point he should have been removed form the RTP, NOT suspended 3 years later. Yes mate, you are a farang basher, especially when others make factual negative comments regarding the RTP, who, by any standard, are a gang of corrupt inept crooks, hiding behind their badge/uniform. It makes NO difference who you worked for, I just hope their corrupt attitude did not tarnish you. As for other countries, if makes NO difference as far as this article goes, you say that simply to sidestep the issue.
  4. I don't care, who you worked for, what concerns me is you label everyone as Thai bashers, when you, yourself, do NOT understand the article.
  5. Mate, go and READ the article... before accusing anyone of Thai bashing.... you simply bash those who post here.
  6. I think my mate will be happy with the replies... Thnx
  7. Next question... when he gets married, what visa is required, and does he need to do a 90 day reporting, or a 90 day border run, he's reluctant to do a border run, at close to 70 he's already struggling physically, though is mobile.
  8. Thnx for your reply, if I read correctly, if he gets married, and can show an income of more than 50K, a month, then he doesn't need 400,000 in the bank, as it is covered by his pension.
  9. If I read correctly, if he does the 90 day border run, on a multiple Entry non-o visa, then he doesn't need to 400,000, if so I will certainly let him know, though he is a bit lazy, and forgetful.
  10. thnx... but he is first looking at moving to Thailand, any extension will come later, and then more questions will be asked
  11. Seems 2 others understand... but thnx for your reply, and I'm sooo sorry I asked only 1 question , but it seems you're one of those who shouldn't have.
  12. I'm doing this for a mate, who is PC illiterate, and becomes confused/fustrated very easily, so I would appreciate answers ONLY to the questions asked, I'm not interested in the pros and cons. He is retiring , next year, on an Australian pension, approx 51000 baht/month, and some savings, though not a lot. He has a Thai GF of 4 years, and does plan on marrying her. He has tried getting visa requirements, but it simply confuses him, as it mentions 1. Retirement A security deposit of 800,000 Thai Baht in a bank account in Thailand for 2 months before the visa application A monthly income of 65,000 Thai Baht A combination of the security deposit and annual income of 800,000 Thai Baht2. Marriage 2. Marriage 400,000 THB in your bank account deposited at least 3 months prior to visa application or copy of your income showing 40,000 THB per month in income 3. Are there any other options Regards
  13. That probably answers all my questions.. thank you so much.
  14. Thanks for the follow up.
  15. thnx xylo, I'm getting a lot of useful info.
  16. thnx farmer
  17. thnx guys... also,can I use the Google Chromecast
  18. Hi Guys, is there a way to stream Australian TV, eg via a VPN, or some other method.
  19. I have a problem when they deal in percentages, and not give any details on what they are based on, are they based on, tourists, during covid restrictions, or pre covid numbers. If during covid then number were well, and truly, down, and future number would look, percentage wise, high.
  20. And the Australian PM goes walkabout, and hardly a cop in sight, go figure.
  21. thnx mate He will be coming to my place, soon, so I will pass this info onto him, I think he will be happy. Besides his divorce certificate, is there any other proof for a right to marry... I have told him to get it translated to Thai.
  22. Hi Udonjoe, thanks for the very quick reply. He will be going to Thailand, in a few months, first on a holiday, but I suspect he will either get married, or make plans to, he has been with the lady for 3 years, so I'm guessing he will apply for a non-o visa. So, if I read it correctly, after getting a non-o visa the 400k stays in the bank, after 3 months he then applies for the extension of stay, then, when granted, he should wait 30 days, then he can use the 400k. When the extension of stay expires, does he need the 400k in the bank, to apply for another extension?
  23. I'm doing this for a computer "illiterate" mate, so bear with me, please, only post "help," critics please do NOT post. I know this has been asked so many times, but trying to find the info, from thousands of posts is almost impossible, so, here I go. The main question is this requirement for Baht 400,000, after it being in the bank account for 2 months, or after the visa is granted, does the money, all, or part of, need to remain in the bank, or is it possible to use it, if so, when does it need to be topped up, if indeed it needs to be. Mine mate is now retiring, on an Australian pension, so, Aussies, please help a fellow Aussie out, any info on living, in Thailand, on the pension, would also be welcomed, he has free accommodation, both in Bangkok, and Sisaket. Thnx guys
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