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Everything posted by Aussie999

  1. You make far too many ass-umptions.... best you learn how to wipe.
  2. Sorry, but isn't thus group, calling for a referendum, simply exercising their democratic right, a good time for the UN's human right group to grow some balls, and speak up.
  3. Considering the "current" government is only in caretaker mode, whatever comes out of there little minds/big mouths, is BS.
  4. OMG, an elephant crossed the road, amazing news.
  5. All I can say is I disagree, saying more could get me banned.
  6. Seeing this Thailand, I have to ask, is he himself, free of corruption, now, and in the past.
  7. Strange how there are very few houses on the Australian market, new and used, I don't know where you get your info from, there is a housing crisis in all states... your argument is irrelevant to this article.
  8. Really, funny how there's very few houses on the market, in all Australian states, not sure whete you got your info.
  9. Seems someone needs to explain, to the cops, exactly what racism is, surely only scrutinising "whites" and not any others, including Thais, is breaking a few UN conventions.
  10. Mate... just why are you being so pedantic, or are you just argumentative.
  11. Mate, IF you cvan prove what you say, eg 10%, then I might believe, but please no guess work.
  12. Oh come on, where's her photo... ridiculous article.
  13. I thought cabinet would be in caretaker mode, unable to approve such things, anyway, seems like a cash splash, for cronies, before they are kicked out of office.
  14. Are you suggesting the military bozos aren't corrupt.
  15. I was thinking the same, it's Thailand, probably no maintenance since new... 555
  16. I wait for the bail, then he disappears, just like the cops up north, a few years back, sentenced to death, for murder, then let out on bail, then disappeared... thai justice, a joke
  17. "When I made my own choices & have zero interest in any kind of Nanny State trying to keep me alive at taxpayer expense," come back and stand by your comment, when you actually need the "Nanny" states care, until yhen you're only grandstanding.
  18. Here's my experience... gun bum, cool, refreshing, great after a spicy meal.. BUT, unless you use your hand, to wash the area, you'd be surprised how much brown stuff is left behind... Don't believe me... them just try wiping your butt after washing.
  19. Have never heard oh this "regulation," can you provide a link, or further information?
  20. True, but this is to do with his sentencing and jailing
  21. This is a poorly written article, it didn't make sense, first it mentioned "District" court, then reported by ABCNews (Aussie, not the US ABC) so I followed the link, he was deported to Australia, where he was convicted and jailed, a much more "comfortable" new "home" than a Thai prison.
  22. Could be because they don't know.... however, Thais usually make some sort of assumption/s.
  23. "and what happens, to you, before the cops arrive......blade pulled out, or 3 guys start beating the crap out of you," I hope you never get into trouble, and no-one comes to your aid... I cannot print what I think of oa "man" who will not come to the aid of a woman... I hope you do not have a female partner... or any partner for that matter.... run away man... run run run.
  24. and what happens, to the lady, before the cops arrive... just think about it.
  25. Mate... it has NOTHING to do with the place.... it is more about your attitude, maybe you need to reassess what a "human" you are. I suggest more agree with me, than you... just think about it.
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