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Everything posted by Aussie999

  1. Out of jail, and can now intimidate/pay off any witnesses... ah Thailand, you truly are amazing.
  2. Do, as I do... do not by any "duty" free.... it's a scam.
  3. I was wondering the same... just what would they call the girls at the bars, or on the streets eg Soi Bangla.
  4. it's all part of the elites master pan, keep them dumb, you keep them sudordinate... a slave to the rich
  5. Mate, the word is "preferred," most militaries would have a "preferred" list, besides, Thailand hasn't had a submarine since they were decommissioned on 30 November 1951, yet, and, as this is Thailand, every year they celebrate Submarine day, and also have their submariners, lol... yep, as usual, Thailand is a joke.
  6. why limit yourself, to those 3 groups
  7. even in your OWN words... liason.... which does NOT give them any LEGAL rights.
  8. What "farang" police, or are you referring to the VOLUNTEER tourist police, who have vertually no legal position.
  9. And for some strange reason they would even let you in.
  10. Let's face it,most, if not all, of us, know Thailand is a racist country, unless you are from Chinese decent.
  11. This is such old news, why has it been re-posted.
  12. So, what is he going to do, he hasn't actually said anything.
  13. Have a nice grouchy life mate... others, on here, will more than likely agree with me. FACT, you mis-quoted him... shame on you.
  14. Intended, or not, the FACT is by criticising a spelling error, then that, by definition, is being pedantic. Keep trying to justify yourself, if you wish, all readers can see/judge for themselves. Have a nice day.
  15. He had the right to reply for your incorrect comment...
  16. Mate, there was NO humour in what you originally said, as for the rest of our discussion, I simply replied to you.
  17. if you wish to debate what "pedantic" means.. I'm up for it...lol Pedantic: excessively concerned with minor details or rules.
  18. Was the taxi driver one of the 1500 "suspects," though I doubt the numbers, they could easily double the numbers by searching taxi and tuk tuk drivers.
  19. Bit racist singling out Cambodians.
  20. I wonder if they realise how stupid the world perceives them, to sudden find 1500 suspects.
  21. Um, I believe there is something wrong with your comment, if I am right. 555
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