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Small Joke

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Posts posted by Small Joke

  1. 15 minutes ago, Lovethailandelite said:

    You see? You have absolutely idea. Sometimes it's best to say nothing. That way, you don't make yourself look stupid.

    Nobody knows who I am here, why on earth would it matter what you --or I- think or say on this entertainment forum populated by the aged, the unhinged, and the uneducated. But thanks for the 'Life Pro Tip' Padre. ????????


    PS: You missed a word in your scramble to prove your intellectual superiority. Hilarious!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 38 minutes ago, vivid said:


    It's the same everywhere, Singapore, China etc.   Mad rush, and after that people sell them cheap on second-hand sites as it takes up space.


    A Samsung AX40 (330m3/hr, nice unit as it's very quiet even at high speed) goes for $465 in the stores.  After the last dense haze season 3 years ago I managed to snag 2 more at just $60 and $90.  The used original filters would smell like s*** literally, toss them out man.   Open up the units and give the insides at good rub with diluted denatured alcohol to get rid of the smell.  


      I then get china H11 filters (measured to filter great, no issue in real life) at about $5 a pop, cut them out to size and squeeze in some bubble wrap to stuff up the gaps at the side.

    I currently operate 5 units in my 3 bedrooms, 10 sqm, 10 sqm and 17 sqm.  Change them out every 6 months.  No sweat at all.


    If folks have an emergency prepping mindset and prepare+stock filters, even cheap filters are good, there is no issue regarding cost at all.  Even the lower income can operate air purifier(s)

    There a vast difference between filters (which work in a carefully sealed environment) and 'purifiers' which are as bogus as T2000 bomb detectors.


    But carry on, lol.

  3. 15 hours ago, banagan said:

    I'm not talking about businesses that attract Thais, they clearly don't give a 5hit. But most foreigners here are aware of the dangers, especially when exercising. There's plenty of gyms and cafes that attract a lot of foreigners. I'm just surprised that 1 gym has figured this out. As for faking, sure, possible, but it would be easier just to buy a real one, they're not expensive and would pay for itself with the extra business. 


    The best filters only last two years with daily or near constant use.


    Without incorruptible government inspectors, they'd never be replaced.


    Speaking of government, and Thais 'not giving a shit', some provincial bigwig announced an invitation to the public to witness their re-investiture on Facebook last week, and so far they have a over a thousand responses in Thai, complaining about the air and telling them where they can shove their ceremony, in no uncertain terms. 


    Thais will only smile and take so much, before all hell breaks loose.

    The writing is on the wall for these pompous old-school tossers in their ice cream suits.


    Most ordinary Thais are sick of corruption, but it begins, and ends, with the authorities, who Thais are taught not to question.


    But now the worm is beginning to turn, witness the extraordinary online insolence in the response to a certain directive to only vote for 'good people'.


    That would have been unheard of before late 2016.




  4. 3 minutes ago, metempsychotic said:

    Dude, the army might be exactly what you need. 

    555 having volunteered in a conscription country, I have to agree! Where I was, you could pick the service branch if you volunteered, Army, Police (more or less still the army, but you were treated like an officer and a gentleman, not a grunt) or Air Force, I chose the cops.

    OP can you get to choose the Air Force? Definitely a softer option than slogging up jungle hills etc.

  5. On 3/22/2019 at 8:33 AM, Mahseer said:

    Enoteca for wine and Italian food.


    I'm not sure when this ever was a great restaurant, maybe before serious competition arrived, since they claim to have been pioneers in CM?

    I found it soulless, unfriendly, and extremely overpriced. That was three years ago. Too poor value to give them a second chance, even though it's in the neighborhood.

    While TA can have some really weird rankings, Enoteca does not even make the top ten in its' league (local upmarket Italian).


    • Like 2
  6. On 3/23/2019 at 1:23 PM, orang37 said:

    I would go to Khun Suntaree's (the 'Joan Baez' of Lanna) 'Huan Suntaree' on the east side of the river north of the first ring road, for a remarkable evening of listening to her sing the gentle songs of old Lanna and Shan Myanmar, and great Thai food.


    (link) TA review Huan Suntaree


    Her restaurant can be very crowded weekend nights, I would definitely try to book in advance. She usually starts singing around 8pm.


    Unless you order gods-know-how-much of gods-know-what: much less than 2k baht per.



    One of the better Thai options, agreed. I love the sprawling patio grandeur, off street parking, and 'hidden gem ' feel of it. The food is competent, nothing mind blowing (fortunately, my missus is no slouch in our home kitchen). So it's the wonderful old world 'Thainess' that makes this a winner. 

    • Like 1
  7. On 3/22/2019 at 11:02 AM, cmtg1 said:

    clearly you have never been to France nor have you ever eaten in an authentic Fresh restaurant, however you did get one thing right the atmosphere is first class

    That's a slightly unpleasant and tediously snobbish 2 centimes worth, old boy, it might improve your rep by actually nominating an alternative French restaurant in CM. There are a handful, after all. Over to you, M. Gastronome...

    • Like 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, grifbel said:

    I hope you weren't holding your breath while you typed this "War and Peace" length commentary.  If so, please come up for air.

    My commentary Compared to Tolstoy? Fame at last! I doubt I'm the hypoxic one, but let the world keep banging it's head against the war on drugs, won't it feel surprisingly nice for them, when they finally stop!

    • Haha 1
  9. On 3/3/2019 at 9:38 AM, ThreeEyedRaven said:

    And that is a damning indictment of the country's education system. Young people ought to have the intelligence to work out who you can trust and who you can't.

    Really? Actually, it takes an exceptional young mind to see through any information given at face value, otherwise, religion would not exist.

    It's why our politics often mirrors our parents -I was right wing well into my late twenties, before I saw through most of it, I certainly don't count myself as one of the exceptions, my aha! moment came at my first ever uni lecture, which was about 'How to think' -as opposed to being told 'what' to think (most religions, authoritarian regimes, etc) the professor simply said to the class 'Always challenge your assumptions' it was incendiary for me. I was on my way out from the dark side at last. 

    • Thanks 1
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