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Everything posted by GoodieAfterDark

  1. Je suis choqué. What a way to celebrate little baby crispy Jesus birthday!
  2. Poor guy. I hope you made enough to pay for your funeral.
  3. Good luck! The human trash is all over the world. Unfortunately they can travel too.
  4. Well, they are finding Thailand very attractive because KFC is doing very well in Thailand. Thais kids are getting very chubby. Gonna see more mulattoes popping up everywhere, just like the USA.
  5. I agree with most of what you said but the part about ISIS is a little off. ISIS is probably a creation of CIA/Israel intel. You know just like that two SAS/British agents that were caught dressed as Arabs with a car full of explosives in an Iraq police checkpoint during the Iraq occupation. The British sent tanks to the rescue and destroyed the Iraq's police station. That is a good way to help and bring democracy for the Iraq people. And then the Europeans complain about the Muslin invasion.
  6. With AI it is going to get worse. I got a video call sometime ago of t his woman half naked cooking in her kitchen. I thought it was real love but I did not like her cooking. It was a video recorded with her voice supposedly talking to me.
  7. The Chinese is doing very well in America.
  8. It should be easy to find with all those tattoos.
  9. I am sure they are being under constant attack and in great danger. When things are quiet, Bibi calls the Iranian Leader and ask him to burn some American and Israeli flags on national tv and scream: "Death to America, Death to Israel". Then Iran send some missiles over Israel that kills a couple goats and a few chicken to make sure Israel react., and a private message "See on Saturday at 33 Jerusalem Ave lodge".
  10. I agree 100%. This is pure Zionist propaganda. Anti semitism is the Zionist's best friend.
  11. Maybe he was a Sayanim.... Quote: Most Sayanim fulfil various roles that can themselves be used to support Mossad operations. For example, Thomas writes, “A car Sayan, running a rental agency, provided a Katsa with a vehicle without the usual documentation. A letting agency Sayan offered accommodation. A bank Sayan might unlock funds outside normal hours. A Sayan physician would give medical assistance – treating a bullet wound for example – without informing the authorities”.
  12. Iran has a very large population of Jews. I have met many Persians in the USA that are Jews. There are even rumors that the families running Iran in the last few decades or more, are Crypto Jews. Iran has more Judeo Masonic Lodges than any other country in the region. All those Muslins killing Muslins in Iraq were not really Muslins. If you go back in history and look up the King David Hotel bombing, you will understand who the real terrorists are and how NATO and Israel are behind most of those terrorists acts.
  13. Maybe he should do a little research about who is behind the Muslim invasion of Europe. People like Barbara Specter is a good start. How about Iraq and Libya? Neocons Zionists with dual citizenship running the American foreigner policy.
  14. Thai kids are very difficult to deal with. There is a large percentage that grow up without parents. They seem to be able to do whatever they want. I remember a few years ago when I was in a plane in Thailand and this couple with their daughter were sitting behind me in the plane. The little girls started to kick at my seat. I turned around and asked for the parents to tell her to stop doing that. Her foreigner husband got upset while his Thai wife just stared at me. After complaining many times, the father changed seats with his daughter and the kicking and screaming stopped.
  15. You don't even know the definition of "racist". rac·ist [ˈrāsəst] adjective racist (adjective) characterized by or showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized: "we are investigating complaints about racist abuse" · "the systems work to uphold and enforce racist policies" having the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.
  16. Racism? What are you talking about? I thought steroids were legal in the UK. I am talking about young guys, your gym type. Thailand is a favorite destination for athletes to "train" because they can have access to anything at local pharmacy and it is cheap. Are all Brits, Aussies and Yanks white? Maybe in the past, but now it is a big sh*t hole. 1. Prescription by Medical Professionals: Anabolic steroids can be legally prescribed by doctors for medical reasons, such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or treating certain muscle-wasting conditions. If you have a legitimate medical need, your doctor can legally prescribe steroids for you. 2. Personal Use and Possession: Possession of anabolic steroids for personal use is not illegal in the UK. However, purchasing or importing them without a prescription is illegal. The law primarily targets those involved in the supply and distribution of steroids. 3. Supply and Distribution: Supplying or distributing steroids without the necessary licenses or prescriptions is a criminal offense in the UK and can result in significant penalties, including fines and imprisonment. 4. Online Purchases: Be cautious when purchasing steroids online. Many websites offer these substances without requiring a prescription, but they may not be legitimate or safe. Buying from unverified sources can put your health at risk and may involve legal consequences. 5. Changes in Legislation: Laws and regulations can change over time, so it’s crucial to stay informed about the current legal status of steroids in the UK.
  17. Yes. Probably they can not afford steroids.
  18. Golden Triangle. Th French using the Hmong to grow poppies. The Americans took over the business, the drug business from the French. Then in the 1970's the Israeli's Mossad, contacted the poppy growers in Thailand to "help" them to grow coffee instead. What a good cover! I am not a big fan of the Chinese, but need to remember the Sasson family and the Opium wars.
  19. Trying to use common sense in Thailand...Good luck!
  20. This is very common in Thailand. The mother has to support the kids. And if the mother has to work in the big cities, usually the grandparents take care of the kids as the mother send them money. Most of those girls are lucky if they can find someone to have a child. Their best chance to have a child is when they are young. So they get pregnant and usually they do not know who the father is or they father runs away. This happens in America too and in any other country.
  21. Probably she quit school for a more profitable career. Maybe her uncle sent her there.
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