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Posts posted by Jamie

  1. Ain't Too Proud to Beg - Temptations

    You Really Got A Hold on Me - Smokey and The Miracles

    Rock and Roll - Led Zeppelin

    Chevy Van - Sammy Johns

    Crazy Love - Van Morrrison

    Glory Days - Bruce Springsteen

    More Than A Feeling - Boston

    American Girl - Tom Petty

    Shooting Star - Bad Company

    Stone In Love - Journey

  2. I agree...passing out or loss of balance could be caused by numerous things. I definitely wouldn't put my well being in the hands of a forum. None of us are licensed physicians and even if one of us was, you'd still need to be thoroughly interviewed and in the least given a physical.

  3. PM 2.5 and below are what one should be particularly worried about when it comes to the developing fetus. Anything in that range (PM 2.5, PM 1 etc) has the ability to enter the blood stream of the mother and possibly affect the fetus. There have been some studies showing low birth weight, pre-term births etc due to PM pollution.

    It's something to think about, but I haven't found too many studies on the subject.

    There are far more studies on children. A child's rapidly developing lungs are particularly susceptible to air pollutants.

  4. All of your newer truck transmissions are computerized. I think it's been that way since the early 1990's. They know when to select the appropriate gear ratio, they know if you are towing, they can compensate for the terrain etc...so yes, they are quite intelligent. I don't think they are as rock solid as a manual tranny, but I prefer an automatic over a manual any day.

  5. 1 gig is the most common now I think, but 4 is starting to be seen more and more. Eight and 16 gigs are also available but I've heard the larger they get the more problems you can encounter, that being either slow transfer speeds, or just outright failing.

  6. I'd say try them. It's all in the mind. Who knows, you might end up liking them. As Steve said, make sure the food you eat is the food you see them making. That probably rings true with any vendor where ever you are.

  7. Does your wife have some sort of blood clotting disorder? Tranexamic acid is used mainly to stop bleeding in people with blood clotting disorders such as hemophilia. I'd question the use of that for a skin condition.

  8. Environmental...mainly air quality and water quality monitoring and analysis. Hoping to hear back on an environmental engineering position with a mining company here in the States I interviewed for recently. Pay is much better than current job.

  9. I have to say that the AA trolley dollies are stonkin'. Nok not bad either. If we may extend outside the realms of Asia, the absolute worst have to be the other AA, closely followed by the miserable bleeders on Qantas. :o

    You must have never flown Northwest then. One I remember in particular. I'm not certain if you are familiar with the late comedian Chris Farley, but if so, imagine that in a skirt

  10. I'm with Jdinasia, a true Christian is one who proves his belief not through words but actions. Jimmy Carter springs to mind, as does the priest helping the poor of Klong Toey (sorry forgot his name, Father Joe?)

    Who in fact is poorer and need help - the guys in Nana Plaza or the people in Khlong Toey?

    What a sad place Nana plaza is.

    i think this is a very valid question.

    there is something about nana plaza that is fundamentally wrong and one only has to go there once to see that.

    some of the thai girls look like they have lost there soul and to see some of the punters that poor over them is disturbing.

    i realise that in this world its live and let live, but that place is a shocker and degrading to the women of thailand.

    some of the punters aren't doing themselves any favours either.

    gives the preacher fuel to stoke his fire. :o

    Perhaps so, but I think the guy is going about it the wrong way. You don't "save souls" by preaching like that...if anything, I'm willing to bet he's pushing more away.

    People don't change by force, they have to do it by themselves.

  11. I have the Power Shot A540 (6.1 megapixel) and I don't care for it at all. Too many settings and trying to find them through the multiple menus is tiresome. I don't like instruction booklets that are as thick as a novel either.

    Many of my pictures would turn out blurry too. There is too much lag time between when you click the shutter button and when the picture is taken, even when holding the button halfway down.

    I prefer Kodak. I don't like the software that comes with the cameras, but the cameras themselves are easy to use and shoot nice pictures.

  12. Since there is a difference in between the US and Thai power outlets with voltages, I need to pick up some type a converter to go from 220 V to 110 V. Instead of buying, would larger hotels have these available?

  13. I think about the only thing I would really watch out for was under cooked poultry or ground beef. If the egg looks bad, toss it out, if it smells bad toss it out. The problem with bacteria from raw eggs is cross contamination. The shell pretty much keeps things out, but it's the bacteria on the shell when you crack it is where you get that contamination. I believe if a hen is infected, they can allow bacteria inside the egg before the shell is formed, but it's still pretty rare.

    Here in the States, the odds of getting a bad egg (one contaminated with Salmonella) is 1 in 20,000 eggs. Not very good odds.

  14. $30,000 for an appendectomy? That is unbelievable. No wonder over half the population can't afford to go see a doctor for even the most basic care. I know people come to Thailand and other countries for plastic surgery, heart surgery etc, but at those prices, you would be better off in the long run to fly there for something as simple as an appendectomy.

  15. I'd like a woman who:-

    1) Is my intellectual equal or superior... shouldn't be too tough.

    2) Is independant, but sharing.

    3) Won't hen peck me.

    4) Is reasonably accepting of my many faults, without letting me go too far.

    5) Always seems sexy to me (point 1 helps there).

    That's about it. - I think I've just written the opposite of my current flame?

    That actually sums it up pretty well. I might add someone that is not a compulsive liar nor is unfaithful.

  16. You have to look at the overall dose and the length of such dose. Any chemical can be dangerous depending on the amount or the length of the dose. Also, while some chemicals are quickly removed from the body, others accumulate, mainly in fatty tissue.

    I don't think you have much to worry about. I would be more worried if I was the individual doing the spraying that may have both dermal and respiratory uptake.

    Back in the 40s and 50s when DDT became such a wonder compound against many insects, trucks of the stuff used to go up and down many neighborhood streets here in the States. They would spray the stuff in a thick fog to kill mosquitos, horse flies, black flies etc. The neighborhood children would come out behind these trucks and play in the fog.

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