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Posts posted by Dcheech

  1. 18 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:
    18 hours ago, Dcheech said:

    He was great in The Irishman. 

    It looks like you have successfully cancelled yet another actor. First George Clooney, now Robert DeNiro.  Wow, I am seriously out of touch with todays world, and how powerful this Cancel Culture thing is. BTW, Charlton Heston was a right winger & President of the NRA for many years. So that means I can't watch The Omega Man, or True Lies?!  What kind of world is this?


    I don't really care about the actors personal beliefs but DeNiro is pushing it. Some say Ton Cruise is an idiot, I don't care, I like his movies. 

    "I don't really care about the actors personal beliefs but DeNiro is pushing it. Some say Ton Cruise is an idiot, I don't care, I like his movies."

    if DeNiro was pushing it … but saying those same things about Biden & was a Trump supporter, you would have a problem with it?!!  :biggrin:  Of course you would not. They call that hypocrisy and it is so common these days we do not even think of it. 

    Beach lover, he enjoys nothing better than to howl about the ‘Woke Mob’ and the evil that they do, like “Cancel Culture.  Yet there he is, canceling people right & left, and proud of it. I doubt that it even enters his mind how hypocritical it all is.  Typical right wing mentality, BTW. 


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  2. Given Chinas anti western stance, their pumping of this message to their citizens, all it takes is one unhinged person listening to it to take matters into their own hands. The virus years of lockdown & blame game about origins, only seems to have intensified their cultural xenophobia. 

    I visited Shanghai, parts of the Yangtze back when. Always wanted to trek Tiger Leaping Gorge & visit Lijiang/Dali but realizing now that will never happen. By the time things get better, I will be too old. 

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  3. Celestial leader Xi has a BIG, perhaps decisive, voice in any 'potential' escalation to the brink of nuclear war. If it wasn't for their backing, Putin would not have invaded the Ukraine. It was touching how he waited until after the Winter Olympics in China to invade, BTW. Plus that meeting between Putin & Xi, literally days before Russia's legions marched. They jointly proclaimed a new era had dawned & a no limits partnership. Xi told Putin they have a chance to drive changes in a way the world has not seen for a century. No mystery as to what they were talking about!

    No matter if they are currently beset by economic problems of their own making today, Leader XI definitely has a long game view. Nuclear was is not part of his long game. Threatening it, however, is fine, if it helps the cause.

    You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

  4. 47 minutes ago, VBer said:

    Where I can read about mass deportations or genocide in Crimea?


    You can get any number of videos on you tube about the Crimean Tartars strange dissapearnces since soviet, oops my bad, Russian control of the Crimea. I believe there is a BBC one floating around also, or a UK network. Common knowledge for those who look for a decade now. 

  5. 29 minutes ago, 0ffshore360 said:

    Certainly painless for non combatants.

    China has indeed been making out quite well. The war is real life buoy for them as their real estate construction sector has been in free fall.  Prince Vlad, had to  kowotow to Celestial Leader Xi & hold off invading the Ukraine until AfTeR the Winter Olympics were over. International cooperation at its finest. Vlad knew where his piroshkis were getting buttered. 

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    7 hours ago, Social Media said:

    Russia has initiated border disputes with NATO members Estonia and Finland


    To be expected. 

    Ukraine gets the ok to use western supplied weapons to strike into Russia. Putin will threaten nuke war and or invading all those countries he said he would not invade. Not to worry. Celestial Leader Xi does not want a nuke war, he does not want a massive expansion of the present conflict. Xi is Putin's only ally & sugar daddy. Without the Celestial Empires backing Putin would have to sue for peace in a week. Celestial leader Xi, must be obeyed.

    Putin has to be PO'd though, at the recent turn of events. Just when Russian forces advanced & conquered more territory. The US congress passes the aid package, Putin was counting on the radical rightwing Republicans in the US Congress to keep it frozen. That hurt. 

    NATO & USA ok Ukraine’s using western supplied weapons  to strike inside Russia. Let the average Ivan & Ludmilla know the real cost of this war.

    Then Trump loses the first of his legal cases. Putin’s one true western ally is not down for the count, but the Ginger Genius’s chances of being president for a 2nd time slide farther off into the gloom.

    Tough times at Prince Vlads Volga Dacha.

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  7. 41 minutes ago, ChaiyaTH said:

    Never heard of this stuff actually happening to people myself in Thailand / Asia.


    Phi Phi Islands ... Jill St.Onge, Michelle Bergheim, Kuwait & Chinese women, so it is said, and of course the two sisters from Quebec Canada. That is just the ones we know of. Then there is a real possibility that this was the agent involved up in Chiang Mai at a hotel there in this same time period. Amazing isn't it  ... you say nothing, lead investigations on wild goose chases, ... smile ... time goes by ... smile .... say nothing .... repeat, repeat, repeat, and it all gets buried. So much for the internet. Knowledge at your finger tips??? Just bury it under layers of more info and 95 per cent of the people will never know. This works for unfortunate misunderstandings with chemicals and strange going on's, like on isla de muerta, across the peninsula, in the gulf of siam.

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