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Posts posted by Dcheech

  1. 21 hours ago, webfact said:

    They think that drivers should be tested for drugs and there should be more police patrols on the beach road.

    If you have attempted murder, and failed  but you are Thai, then the news media prints this horse pucky! As for the victim, well who cares. 


    Thai tourism is already on the skids, coronavirus only provides an good excuse for its death.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

    Why would they give a murder victim a life jacket?


    I was a bit confused by this at first. A rock tied to his neck and a life jacket by his feet. How puzzling.


    Then the penny dropped. Float the rock out to sea in the life jacket, throw the rock overboard and down you go. I'll go for suicide. Very sad and somewhat disturbing that there are so many here.

    I'm glad you explained that. I was thinking it couldn't be murder too. 

    • Like 2
  3. Just now, bkkcanuck8 said:

    There are 4 other countries before Thailand, a number have better pandemic medical support... if they are clean - send them to back where they boarded (HK I believe).

    So they can catch a flight and be welcomed by Minister Anutin with flowers and facemasks and praised for saving Thailand's tourist season.


    Yeah, right.

  4. 2 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:
    3 minutes ago, smedly said:

    not the same one

    I realized that... it is a leper ship though because there was a suspected case on board... and the way viruses spread on ship, if there is one then there are more.  Thailand does not have the bandwidth to screen those on board.


    Basically they are past incubation period, NO cases, so totally clean. The funny thing is had they had flown in they would be accepted with open arms. Likely given Flowers & Facemasks by Government Minister Anutin.


    But Thailand does not have the bandwidth?! Is that why my internet has been henky this month?

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  5. 1 hour ago, smedly said:

    Western tourists are tuned in - they cannot be manipulated the same way which is why they don't want us here even though we have been the backbone of tourism here for decades


    Lets see how long it lasts - Chinese tourists are not going to be stupid for ever

    Remember the boat accident, followed by the security guard belting a chinese guy around the airport?! Chinese social media went into hyperdrive. It knocked off Chinese tourism by at least 25 percent if not more. I get the idea Chinese are going to be a lot less forgiving and accepting of scams and unsafe tourism than euros are. I also in no way think the Thai are capable of making any real changes to their tourist industry, so accidents will happen, and beat downs. They killed one golden goose, why would anyone think they won't kill another.


    BTW This is the second year running that the 'Light has Failed'. No wonder health minster Anutin is angry, but he can't say anything about the Chinese so. Those ---farang. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, UbonThani said:
    On 2/8/2020 at 3:34 PM, Brunolem said:

    USA is NOT the whole world...

    Neither is Europe 5555

    Who cares about Euroland or the US


    You both missed the 65 F in ANtartic last week


    The highest temperature ever recorded on the Antarctic continent was 18.3 °C (64.9 °F) at Esperanza Base, on the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, on 6 February 2020, beating the previous record of 17.5 °C (63.5 °F) at the same location on 24 March 2015.


    I doubt FOX news will mention the above. Professional liars rarely publish facts that contradict their lies.  



    • Like 1
  7. Just now, Moonlover said:

    Ground staff often use pyrotechnics called maroons or sometimes large 'air cannons' to scare birds off the airfield. This is usually done early in the morning before the first flights.

    Moonlover thank you. I have heard and seen those air bursts for a couple years since I have been living here. No clue why they did this. They usually do them in series of 2 and you can see they airburst explosion. I look due west across central, the airport, and you see the smoke blasts against Doi Sutheps flanks. I am on the 4th floor if I was lower I would not be able to see those explosions. Thanks for the explanation.


    They just shot two as I was typing, but too hazy today to see what the explosion took place

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  8. 58 minutes ago, Grumpy John said:

    Another interesting youtuber is serpentza who I have followed for a few years.  Serpentza, Winston, worked with doctors in China and has made friends with many doctors in China.....and keeps in contactwith them.

    Edited 1 hour ago by Grumpy John

    First getting your news off You Tube is flipping sad. Have you seen the expats that put out content about Thailand?! Need I say more?


    However serpentza I will give credence too. 


    Minimizing your time in public, high density areas has already been recommended. I have already stocked up. Got those bricks of Mama.

    Naturally, I also have picked up a larger than normal share of alcohol; Myers, Jamisons, Austin nichols, Bacardi. Disinfectant is good to have around the house and ready for use.

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  9. 21 hours ago, webfact said:

    Thailand's embattled minister for tourism and sports has told the Thai media that tourists from China have all but stopped coming to Thailand. 


    But he has said that in the second half of the year twice as many as usual will flood back to Thailand.


    Then the Thais can get back some of the expected 300 billion baht in lost revenues.


    Excellent news. Just make sure no boat accidents happen and 49 Chinese tourists drown a la The Phoenix. If that happens, you are in deep excrement mr. minister. BTW are you wearing your mask today?!.

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