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Posts posted by Dcheech

  1. 56 minutes ago, riclag said:

    It ain’t the inanimate object in metal.

    Its the inanimate brain behind the trigger finger!


    Absolutely. Still the fact remains the USA makes absurdly easy for sick minds to get a machine that makes killing so easy.  Of the six people I, in someway knew who have been killed by guns, not one was killed by a criminal. Just sick people that had easy access to a guns. And help from the NRA. One of those people had a restraining order, but police could not confiscate his weapons thanks to laws enacted in my state, with NRA backing.

    Thanks NRA!

  2. 2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    ... and if your child was slapped by a teacher (hard enough to bleed) then see how you feel about it....

    Yeah well, as we usually get only one side of the story, from the media here in LOS, and blaming foreigners is a sport these days.   I am withholding throwing rocks at the Filipina teacher. I doubt we will ever actually know what happened.  

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  3. 12 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

    But you don't seem to give a whit about the thirteen servicemen that were killed as a result Biden-Harris incompetence in regard to the withdrawal


    And you do? We were in Afghanistan & Iraq because of the Bushmaster. So it is not like Repubs really care about it in the first place. The only reason it comes up now, Trump needs to try & smear someone or something. It is the only way he knows how to campaign. That is why he was out doing PR photos, in a cemetery among people he has said are suckers and losers. Against rules but hey, The Donald doesn't care.

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  4. 16 hours ago, ChipButty said:

    Im not sure it applies to a murder case but they usually get shipped back home after a few years, one English guy I know of did 8 years here then shipped back to the UK, 

    Famous Chiang Mai case of the 'vegetarian ventilator'. She ended up with a sentence of two and a half years for premeditated murder. However as she and the victim were both westerners  .... may bpen rai. :ohmy:


  5. Theya re as relevant today as they have ever been. They rarely win elections, but they tip governments.
    They funded the anti Thaksin movement. The deep pockets behind it all.
    Sondhi leading up to the 06 coup
    Suthep & PAD, the yellows,  leading up to the 2014 coup. 
    They create enough instability,  then the greens step in.

    Currently they are the money behind the ultroyalists/ultra monarchists, opposing the reform movements of the last couple years, and of course trying to blame it all on evil outsiders seeking to destabilize the kingdom.    

    As for Mr Chuan, one should remember his antics as PM  in the post Kader Fire investigation. He either thought he was going to get a big payday from those evil US companies, or blame it on them, back in the globalization yelping days. However, Shock, Gasp, Horror,  it was  revealed that Disney & Mattel did not own Kader. In fact a Thai conglomerate; CP group did. A member of which was in his very own governing cabinet. Woops. Legend has it, Thai 's from the Los Angeles, & UCLA, were critical in untangling just who owned Kader Toy Factory. 


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  6. Always wondered why there hasn't been more of this here in Thailand. One of my first trips to Indonesia back in the aughts. Ended up assisting an Aussie couple there to pick up there son. Take him home. Painful & ugly. As a spirit drinker myself, something you never forget.

    Facebook site, no links but if interested - A Drink to Die From  -   More of it out there than people are aware of.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

    No policies in any of her speeches 

    Policies?  Problem is if you want Harris to talk about policies, and she has already talked about the economy etc..  Then Trump would have to respond  The last person capable of talking about policies is Donald the Trump. The republican Party has been begging him to talk about policy, cut the snark & a bit of the nastiness (ten years on and it seem to be getting old to many undecided voters). He can't, he doesn't know how. What would he say? His policy of tax cuts for the wealthy. His policy of firing any government official that does not kowtow to him personally, but instead upholds the rule of law. Not going to win doing that. 

    Smart move setting the ground work to back out of that debate. Trump knows he will likely get forced into talking about policies, his weak spot. Harris would beat him like a gong. For good or ill he has to go with what got him here in the first place, that most definitely is  not issues or policies.. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    The unthinkable may very well happen if Trump can't get on point.

    He is on point with his snark, his insults, rants & tag line lies. That is his strength. However he is being advised to try and do real 'issues' by staff and fellow repubs ..:biggrin: ... Trump doing the economy, a stand up routine about inflation & tic tac containers.  Even his fans were bored & confused.  He has to stay with the snark, venom, the racism & lies. There is no way he can win with issues.

    Go with what you know.


    • Haha 2
  9. Thailand was not occupied by Japan in WWII. They were Japan's ally.

    Thailand occupied and was set to absorb, the Shan States section of Burma, today's Myanmar. They also occupied and were again set to absorb the western part of Cambodia, into Thailand. These territorial gains were the rewards of being Japan's ally in the war.  

    • Haha 1
  10. 36 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Oooh Biden doesn't like it when those annoying Chinese are capable of obliterating the US. It was so much better when the US was able to obliterate China without any comeback.

    China had ICBM's deployed by the late 70's. China has had the capability to obliterate the US for almost fifty years & eight US Presidents.

    BTW, Likely S Korea will go nuke by the end of this decade. Given political instability in the US (Trump) they want have their own little radioactive pile a death. N. Korea is next door & shakes their nukes a bit much. Hey, perhaps China, can play peacemaker for the Koreas ... :biggrin: ... or not.


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