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Posts posted by Dcheech

  1. Just now, connda said:

    f it was a Thai guy kicking a foreign doctor, it would be a wai, and apology, and a 500 THB fine.


    I beg to differ. No 500 baht fine, & the Thai guy could phone in the apology so no wai either.


    That based on the Rimping Ping river store incident of a couple years back. Thai drop kicked an 80 plus y.o. farang into parked motorcycles. The perp phoned in an apology, & offered to cover medical expenses. Thai police gave the farang victim thirty days to press charges, as they did not.

    Now, he was not a Doctor to my knowledge, but...

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  2. 5 hours ago, AlexRich said:

    The "bullet in the luggage" scam was notorious at the airport in Manila, Philippines. The passenger is pressurised to pay a "fine" to avoid getting into trouble. 


    I wonder?


    They have done it twice before. A man from Ohio and Pennsylvania. Cost them a pretty penny, & they spent a couple months in the Thai clink. As I recall the man from Ohio never was allowed to actually see the bullet they found. He just got a thai smile with a 'we don't need no stinking badges bullet' look. 

    The funny thing in those two cases and this case. The perp went through multiple scanners in a couple different (Taiwan & US) in one case, flying into Thailand, but it was never discovered, until they "found it" while leaving Thailand. Uh huh.

    Looks like I am going to have to wrap my luggage in plastic at Swampy next fly out. & review thai legal protocols, once again. BTW This morning 45 minutes plus of breathless  coverage about a farang (swiss) miscreant kicker in Phuket. Must be heading into another xeno phase again. Better keep head down.  

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  3. 2 hours ago, charleskerins said:

    Nothing like pontificating when you're wrong.


    They had 10 minutes plus on TV this morning - you watched yes?! Not talking the edited video clip on you tube or tik tok or wherever, talking about the morning news channels

    Somehow I get the idea you did not & have no clue about that TV coverage. After the TV hyperventilating, one would expect a murder or at least a bloody R. scene. I am sure he is a piece of excrement but that does not change a bit of what I said. 

    Catch the midday or evening news, watch the rant, I am talking the announcers here,  Oh & nice shooting from the hip yourself, Tex.



  4. Well they have had this on the TV news for 15 minutes flat here on friday morning. You would get the idea a horrific crime has just happend. I assumed she was in the hospital but no she is a doctor, and seems to have no injuries.


    So did the swiss man shove her? Was she pushed or did he hit her but no black eye or bruises? They are hyper spewing. 'Lets go after this a Swiss miscreant ... oh yeah, and his nasty abuse spewing wife'. JUSTICE. Garf 


    Thai media loves to do this I have to quit watching this junk & yes I am sure he is a jerk but looks more like a 'make up news', after that taxi motor cy rider attacked the German tourist earlier this week, excuse sexually assulated the German tourist. 



  5. On 2/27/2024 at 7:00 AM, webfact said:

    Thailand should go the path of Korea and be more selective of the visa-running, draft dodging, racist, mysoginistic sexpats we let in. 

    Uh huh


    Korea gets heavy on Thai nationals for the same reason  Japan & China do. They see many as not tourists but immigrants, illegal immigrants in search of jobs. Taking jobs from the locals. However the Thai Examiner true to its core values, pull s up “disrespecting Thailand”. A catch all phrase that Thailand has used since post Tom Yum Gung 97 economic meltdown to great affect.

    Suddenly it is DISCOVERED that western tourists & expats are the racist & mysoginistic ones. If Thailand can do little about Korea, and by extension China & Japan. They can refocus locals attention & ire on westerners. Moreso as tourism from China suffers another grim year due to their economic meltdown post Wuhan which shows no sign of stopping. This is a very good tactic. Admitting that you blew with the Sino-Slavic tourist push is too truthful. Best to go with what you know; deflection, blame, & fakery.



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  6. 10 hours ago, RobU said:

    I wonder which person(s). Boeing bribed in the Thai government 

     I'll lay bets no senior government member will ever fly on a Boeing 


    Thai Airways and or the Thai government have a long standing, close working relationship with Boeing (and airbus for that matter), that is why you never hear anything about the 2001 737 bombing which killed one flight attendant and wounded 7 others. It got 'officially' and superficially blamed on Boeing. Boeing had to say nothing, as did Airbus, or no more airline purchases. 

    At this point Boeing needs to sell more than airbus. Likely a very good price.

  7. 9 hours ago, huangnon said:

    Mandating workforce "diversity" over actual talent and ability might also be a concern.



    During Boeings twenty-five year, race to the bottom, “workplace diversity” has never, ever, been mentioned, until  three weeks ago. Elon Musk and Donald Trump, noted aviation industry experts, came out with half baked statements, & no backing. I did not expect anyone to take these fake news makers and noted liars seriously. As usual I underestimate just how how hooked on political trolling & feuding people are these days.

    As for Boeing, twenty five years of "JackWelching" the company has brought it to this. It will soon be part of the US Socialist Aviation industry. Funded by taxpayers for military hardware as they cannot sell to private business. Like Lockheed, Northrup Grumman & General Dynamics.


  8. 1

    On 2/14/2024 at 9:06 AM, webfact said:

    Despite the uproar, no immediate action was taken to manage the situation, raising questions about concert etiquette and security measures.

    They are Pu-Yais, action cannot be taken against such special people. Still that it makes the news is a good sign. Usually this would be self censored by the Thai media. Then again it is likely because of the T mans kid it made the news at all. If it was a Generals daughter, a politician or rich families scion, they would kill the article, all to protect da sacred Pu-Yai. However the T man has enemies so his kids antics, and by extension, all those other Pu-Yais, cavorting in their VIP section, are fair game. YES!


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