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Posts posted by Dcheech

  1. 7 minutes ago, ricklev said:

    she (from the USA) told me with absolute confidence that Thai people don't eat beef. 

    My wife will upchuck if she eats beef. An involuntary response. I know a number of Thais who react to beef that way. Sounds like a heads up marketing move. They can always bring in beef if & when the demand is there, making sure it is clearly labeled. 


  2. 6 minutes ago, jmd8800 said:

    I'll stick with Miguel's

    Miguels changed the portions, or the cook, or the recipes for a couple dishes during wuhan lockdown. Not sure exactly what happend but after a decade plus of going there, I do not, anymore.  I'll give Taco Bell a shake. Work it in with my Peera Pharmacy trip. 

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  3. Wow, One amazing post. That said it is Saturday morning and if you want to really do any shopping at Airport today or Sunday best get their before 1100 (it opens at 10 on weekends) as it will be heaving all weekend long. It will also create a bleeding traffic jam on Mahidol RD halfway back to the river before lunch hour. I hate that. As mentioned, CM can't support five malls, still the three that are left seem to be here to stay, even with online shopping taking a bite. Many were more worried about Maya Mall which seemed to have a tough time coming back from wuhan. That said more Nimmaen people are using it, and more chinese tourists BTW, so it looks like it is doing all right. Also a new shop selling Keens (!) out there. 

    As for strange tales of expats leering at women in Swensons airport. Really?! It sounds cool, in a demented kind a way, but really, a group of disheveled old geezers rubbing their privates while looking through the glass at Swenson waitresses?!  Where do you come up with this excrement anyway?  :biggrin:

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    4 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

    I don't understand why Thais who have past knowledge of what happens in Finland

    "What happens in Finland" ????

    They get scammed by Thais in Thailand. if they can get to Finland, good chance they can make money. Why they believe Thais selling them visas, is a good question and one the news media seems to hide. Again wonder why these scamming Thais get protected by the media and government.  It could be, their position in Thai society protects them even though they do evil scamming.


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    On 7/20/2024 at 1:19 PM, hotchilli said:

    Got an old lady who sits at the entrance gates to Phra Pathom Chedi temple, she had caged birds every day for as long as I can remember...

    Locals and visiting tourists pay to have them released.

    That is because it is a Thai Buddhist tradition (ปล่อยนก)  to release them and make merit. Same with fish & whatnot. See it all over Thailand. 


    The bird junk at Thaipai gate has nothing to do with making merit. Chinese tourists want pictures of pigeons swirling around, flying, with them in it, at Thapae square. There was a scene in that movie (L. in CM) like this. Now it is a bleeding tourist activity - feed the birds and get pictures of them with you in it.   It is also why they have gotten away with it for so long, 'Chinese tourists think it a part of their CM tourist trip'. So the plod let them. Finally it is getting to be such a pain in the hind in, they are actually, reluctantly, doing something about it. BTW, no mention is made of the specific tourist group funding & fueling this activity, because, well, they are SPECIAL. :thumbsup:

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  6. 4 hours ago, peterrabbit said:

    In the future the psychologists will look back and ask how can so many people believe so many lies about a person that they totally lost any grounding in reality or examination of facts?


    <removed> will become a must part of the curriculum for any student studying mental illness in the future.


    The future of the mental illness curriculum will ask why how many people voted for a dotard, and by reason the faceless, unaccountable and dishonest people behind them, who would destroy their lives and enslave them, rather than someone who had already proved he will protect their freedoms and improve their lives.


    Future generations will not believe that people can be so stupid and so easily manipulated by the flight or fight response, that humans all have !


    After all, wasn't it the Nazi propaganda Minister Himmler who said " The greater the lie, the more believable it is"?


    If you want to CONTROL a population then instil FEAR in them, create a Bogeyman, a MONSTER.


    The Nazis used the Jews and other undesirables to sow fear and so negate any rational thought or reason in favour of pure emotion - HATE!


    The Nazi's used HATRED and FEAR to manipulate and control the German population to allow them to do unspeakable acts.


    There was no reason or rationality or truth but instead they played on fear to negate any form of reasoning or a rational examination of facts.


    The people who believed their lies sanctioned them in the killing of millions of people and, as a result, they subsequently suffered terrible consequences.


    OPEN YOUR MIND ! It's  not about sides, RED or BLUE, its about seeking the TRUTH and applying rational thought not emotions.


    Don't allow yourself to be driven by FEAR, those who would use your basic human fears to manipulate you do not have your interests at heart, they are using you.


    Its NOT about RED or BLUE, but about whether YOU as a individual and citizen can get beyond your basic human instincts of tribal conflict (as they can't in Africa) and come to a rational, reasoned decision based on the facts and not the lies. Seek out the truth, don't believe the BS your spoon fed.


    Rise above the lies and deception, become your own person, not a tool of others.


    No clue what you are yabbering about.  If you are trying to talk about a person, then say who it is and provide specific details. This is all a bunch vague mush.


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  7. 59 minutes ago, CharlieKo said:

    where as the democratic neocons want war.  

    🥱 No such thing. A MAGA invention, and by extension a Russ/china fantasy spiel. 

    Neocons were big with Bush & WMD fiasco. Now just another discredited right wing republican fringe group, no one wants to admit being part of after their remaking the Middle East by taking out Saddam went mammaries up.  


  8. 16 hours ago, Bert got kinky said:

    Is IRA a terrorist?

    What a ridiculous and uneducated question.


    Yes, the IRA were a terrorist organization.

    They carried out their campaign of terror by targeting and murdering innocent civilians, while hiding behind their balaclavas, like cowards .

    Dirty cowardly scum.

    Gormy McMullan was/is a loyalist Protestant,  a member of the loyalist terror group; The Ulster Volunteer Force . One of the groups the British Army and Northern Ireland PLOD treated with kid gloves, if not actually using as thier defacto allies during The Troubles. As he was killing Catholics at Loughinisland, he was never charged. Surprise Surprise Surprise

    Do the tabloids you read, not mention these facts? 

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  9. 17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    She is enthusiastic to introduce Thai Hom Mali Rice to the US market.

    That rice was sold in the US, in the 1990's. First at Asian marts like Viet Wah or Uwajimaya. By mid to late 90's the suburban yuppie marts had it.  

    Perhaps repeated 'misunderstandings' with high grade Thai rice bags (Thai Hom Mali Rice)  filled with a lower grade of rice, reported a couple times on old Thaivisa, has taken a toll. Otherwise no need to introduce, just make sure the buyers get the product they paid for.


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