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Posts posted by Grossman

  1. 1 hour ago, webfact said:

    BANGKOK, 4 June 2019 (NNT) - The government has assured the people, that IUU measures have been properly instigated and advised at least one political party to thoroughly check out accurate information pertaining to the issue.

    Wonder what one political party might that be..


    For the ones who are consolidating themselves with thoughts like "If he becomes PM, at least then he'll be subject to criticism and has to answer to the parliament and the people for his actions and cannot easily push his agenda trough because of opposition". Just forget it before you even begin, it'll be nothing but the same old "I have nothing to do with this, it's the job of the parliament" -crap to every thing he utterly f*cks up (and mark my words, he will do that over and over again) and his bootlicker army will stand there taking the blame with a big smile on their face accompanied by a mind-numbingly ridiculous explanation, plus a "clever" interpretation of the "laws" to silence anyone who makes too much noise. 


    All these idiots voting for him will suffer; the junta won't give up the trough to anyone else (or give them a chance to have any influence on the junta masterplan). Democrats, Bumjaithai et al. will quickly outlive their usefulness after this fake government is in place and they'll be disposed, one way or another (there's always a way if you're the law). 


    This country is already neck deep in military excrement and they won't stop there. Whoever supports this raping for whatever reason (be it a false sense of peace or some nonsensical boogeyman crap), just remember that it's not healthy to eat other people's droppings. Besides it looks pretty nasty.

  3. On 5/10/2019 at 8:12 AM, yokat said:

    I can't find it anymore but right before Songkran I remember articles saying that everything is fine, no drought this year. Since then the drought disaster news kept on coming.

    It's funny how systematically doubting official statements gives more truth than trusting them.


    Following the junta bs logic they were absolutely correct; The year changed during Songkran and they didn't say "no drought NEXT year". After all, the buddhist calendar is a whopping 540+ years superior to the Gregorian one and the world should start to realize the magnificency of all-things thai and switch to using that.. In addition to ditching all these nonsense languages like english.

  4. 5 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

    Article 44 should be abolished directly after. But it will probably be kept for when the newly picked PM goes to office. 


    Maybe they'll justreplace it with an app that comes with an autovote yes! -option (should certain conditions be met) for all the senators and rigged majority of the parliament of course. They could even call it Application 44, so they can keep on using a familiar abbreviation. 

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  5. I guess they'll reveal certain bunch of good peoples parties getting a win on this one (and not just a popular vote for PPP) and then conveniently leaving the 5% shrouded in mystery again for yet more fun and games (especially should their BS result be contested and torn open in the public again without a trivial way to shrug it off). 


    Can someone enlighten my silly ol' brain, as I must have missed something vital here.. But what part of the constitution exactly stipulates this "95%"? I recall 9th of May being an absolute deadline for FINAL results, though I guess having a modify-as-you-please constitution comes in handy for things like this.


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  6. 19 minutes ago, chama said:

    So it is alright to use the tax payers money to buy votes but not your own?


    Yes, obviously because the tax payers money is owned and controlled by the good people and thus they don't need to buy votes (or anything else) with their "own money". Anybody doing so clearly doesn't have access to the proper crowdsourced funding of the good people, making them bad people. And bad people do bad things.


    Now, I wonder... Since Lil' P isn't superstitious at all and doesn't even carry a shitload of gold trinkets around his neck all the time, I guess he hasn't spent any money during the whole farce election on merits to get himself a peace of mind and a sense of good luck.. right?


    This country needs an enema.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Eligius said:

    The problem is: what will they do about it?

    Toss vulgarities at their television set? And if you're lucky, the vulgarities do stem from the fact that the person actually thinks what's going on and presented in the telly and express frustration over the state of things rather than just get pissed over a disruption in the latest soapy. 


    Well, pessimism aside.. I've seen some recent development in the above pattern though, many in the local community have actually moved on from shouting obscenities at the television set to actually discussing the current events in length among actual people in the community, and it tends to get rather heated at times (and it's not about them arguing between themselves..). If this is not just an isolated occurrence, then I'd be willing to go as far as saying that the frustration is definitely building up beyond shouting at inanimate objects.

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  8. The EC is nothing but an ass end of the serpent and cutting it won't really do anything. Hell, once the EC has served its only purpose (and absolutely nothing will happen to them before that) and the junta has announced itself as a legitimate government of Thailand with Prayut as the PM and destroying any nonconformist seeds along the way, I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Dad-of-All would step in and sacrifice the EC himself, just to prove he truly cares about the people.. Everything accompanied by a glorious media circus force-feeding his holiness to everyone for days to an end.




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  9. 13 minutes ago, scorecard said:

    So I'm hoping sudarat comes good on her announcement for future forward leader Khun Thanathorn to be the PM.

    One can hope. I'm afraid though that the current lot of manure is going to steamroll PPRP in there, what ever it takes. Setting aside the fact that Prayut wasn't really eligible to run for PM (being a state official, conveniently swept under the rug with a bs statement), nor was he even eligible to be a PM in the first place (coup), he should not be able to even serve a full term anymore, should they scheme him in again, given their own constitution states a PM cannot serve more than 8 years. When was it again he declared himself as the PM...? Or course their legal baboon Wissanu will offer another BS statement to circumvent this too. No laws, including their own constitution, seem to have any meaning here.

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