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Posts posted by OzzieMan

  1. Got an email last night my friends have given up on Thai airlines, said it was like talking to a brick wall, and are coming to Bangkok via Singapore.

    They want to go to a beach resort so I said Pattaya is only 2 hrs away

    Okay any one have any hotel recommendations and why, my sources tell me all hotels in this area are Girl friendly, so what other pros and cons are there, as I myself have never been there as yet myself

  2. Can any tell me what our friend has been drinking,  Dr Pat and I will make a mint selling it at our new bar we are going to open.

    I love the sky train bit though, really puts a new face to the idea of the 200 meter club, may a few of us are interested in putting in shares gee its gotta take off.

    Can just see it now,

    Get ripped off at Mo chit

    while wife shops and you sit

    you'll have a ball no s...t

    And when she's gone you've lost a bit

    And yes i can now agree bar girls cheat and rip you off.

    Last night I bought two orange juices and she got more than me. this could be the start of a whole new topic

  3. For once i am speechless

    Guess the best advice is

    Look for the best looking girl at the bar covered in makeup, 98% chance she's a catoye (sorry ladyboy)

    Its good to know our new friend is rich

    I'll make you a deal there are 5 of us on this site that will round up all the ladyboys for you

    No we don't want any compensation, just leaves more of the real thing for us.

  4. Its okay mate they just like to have some fun on here

    Serious don't book transfers with your hotel they will rip you off something terrible

    When you leave the airport walk outside and you'll see more taxis than in new York all trying to make a quick baht.

    You'll get ther for under a 1000 baht by using the meter, but here a keep idea if you want to save some money make up a sifn before you leave saying

    "I will share a cab to pattay", and stand at the end of the taxi rank, they will be someone else going that way so jump in and split the fare

    Have a good time and you owe me a beer,

  5. Don't listen to him you can not take boxing gloves into a small massage parlour, cause they think you want to start a fight. and it takes up to much room at the bar

    I must explain something

    japanese man small member

    Western man big member

    So we can see japanese man take up less room at he bar.

    Friend with large membership found solution he went to a small massage parlour took a young thai lady to the bar, sat on a chair two seats away, and sat sidewards, he bought three drinks one for each seat

    (Sorry think about it)

  6. I read a report on this site the beautiful young Thai ladies get info from immigration and meet guys at the airport.

    Now why am I mad, because this has not happened to me on my last 3 flights. Its getting really expensive leaving and re-turning to meet these girls but very upsetting wen they do not turn up. I look around to the left to the right and under the railing and still i can not find them

    Now i know I'm not bad looking and money is not a problem, so I now feel I'm going blind

    I did not sleep well at all last night because of this problem, I mean people in Bangkok do not lie do they?

    So please all you friendly farangs out there tell me of your experiences of being attacked at the airport by these thai beauties, go on rub it in, i have big shoulders.


    Rejected Aussie

  7. Begs me Mate

    Was Chonabot being nice or nasty, must be late as it went right over me head.

    Hey mate, let me tell you I hate all women

    Why? Because I love em

    Can't stop thinking about em

    and they cost me a fortune in time and money


    What a way to go

  8. Will be finished work here in Thailand by mid November, and will take a couple of weeks off to enjoy what i have been putting on film.

    Seems we should get together for a beer

    And I can partake of your great words of wisdom

    Or even better a Wild Turkey

    Don't make me Beg

    Moto of my Life

    Man who thinks he knows everything

    Might as well be deaf

  9. yep us Ossie's just have it made, and no dead horse'd.

    Seriously though working in the film industry there is always someone ready to jump into bed with you, to get a part of the action on screen, so this is not new to me.

    Gee I've live more than one mans share in my life  twosomes threesomes and moresomes, tbut Thai ladies are i do not know the word but innocent Bitches is the best way i can express myself.

    The seem so innocent on the surface but have a degree in money laundering in their minds, I guess a cross between Julie Roberts & Bill Gates, now how can any man resist such an angel in wolf's clothing.

    So as I cross the burning fire

    My money soon to spend

    I learn more in a single day

    That poloticians will never mend

  10. I have only been in Bangkok for just over 4 weeks with another 6 weeks to go, and I guess I am just someone who is just learning the Thai ways I come across this every night.

    The 1st 2 night I tried to help the cripples on the street the next week all the girls in the bars that needed saving, but I suddenly realised you can't marry them all, sorry uness your a Mormon

    So here I am a much wiser (slightly poorer man) more than once I have paid a girls bar fine so she coud go home early and then been told she was back at the bar 30 mins after I had left.

    I don't blame it on the girls its just a way of life to them, but I have found one special lady, maybe it will work but maybe it will not.

    But I will not put up any monies that I am not prepared to loose, and just hope the experiences I have in this interesting place may help someone.

  11. Yes HP sause is a British product "H"ouses of "P"arliment

    Guess it comes from being a British Convict 500 yrs ago

    We Ozzies eat early, hit the streets early, and are back in our rooms  just after lunch.

    Every notice when Ossies are in town the good looking thai girls are gone early

    Puts a whole new meaning to "Long Time"

    Guess it comes down to Ozzies know how to party

  12. I am working here only for a short time but when I costed the difference between buying and the problems transporting don't even bother.

    Purchase a dvd video deck her in Bangkok and it is Pal NTSC compatible,and if you have problems can by easily repaired under warantee,

    Will give the unit away when I leave to some young lady that has given me her attention.

    The only things you need to bring from overseas is books on teenage fashion and film stars, the girls go mad over them and if she can't speak english (96%) gives her something to browse through while your having a shower

  13. Have three friends coming to bangkok (if they can get a seat on Thai airways) gee they say things are slow

    and they are looking for somewhere to stay, central of where the action is, I reccommend the Manhattan Hotel.

    Your opinions on hotels in the same central area for the action in a similar price range and why, they also want friendly access to their rooms

    Will pass on your comments

  14. Okay but you must look at an airlines buisness sense

    Three friends all holding Gold point flight cards want to come to Tha;land from Queensland in November.

    Can they get a seat on Thai airlaines,

    NO WAY

    They say all the planes are booked out because of the limited amount of people flying

    Okay lets look at this

    Not enough people wanting to try by Plane

    People don't want to travel to Thailand at this time of the year


    No seat available on any planes

    Waiting lists fully booked out

    Now let me ask you is Thai airlines a good prospective buisness

    or just another con to keep prices high amd create a false shortage?


  15. Ah ha.......

    Someone hit it right on the head .............

    Piracy controlled is good advertising

    The quality of pirated software in many cases is very poor, and if its a cam shot then down right discusting, but if you like the film then you may just go out and buy an origional.

    Lets look at the new cd music protection system used by Music Giant BMG, they have spent a fortune protecting their music cd's, but if you hold down the shift key when you insert the cd it will disable the protection.

    BMG when questioned on this said yes we knew.

    The question when I started this subject was not if pirating was right or wrong, in fact I have no interest in pirate dvd, but of the fact that if you try and stop it and push it underground, it still exists yet the black market just increases the price.

    That means now the film indusrty and the consumer get ripped off, and how long beore some one gets hurt by one of these thugs, surely this is a concern.

  16. Can it be our ###### bought a PC when he should have purchased an Apple Mac.

    Yep this would explain why he does not want to hear about them

    Interesting in Bangkok most internet cafes still run Windows 95 on machines that are only 2 yrs old

    Still 3 Apple Macs run a full company that I work part time with even when I'm in Thailand, used to have 11 PCs to do the same job before I joined them and an ###### who had to be there every day or they woud all go off line


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