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Posts posted by OzzieMan

  1. Who's Ripping Off Who

    It seems there are some who have been conned by the poor old Movie studios crying poor

    Now as we know it costs 4 times more to make a blank video than a dvd and it takes 140 times longer to put a movie onto a vidio than a dvd, how do they explain the cost difference, talk to any one in the industry and you will find dvd's are highly inflated to ty and get as much out of a dieing video industry as they can

    Drop into your local stores in Australia and you will see prices ranging with a difference of 15-20% on a movie that is 15 yrs old and has already made an all mighty profit for the distributor on film and video.

    Prices can be AUS$30 plus

    The same thing on video is half the price $15

    Wait 6-8 weeks and if you paid this amount of money you'll feel ripped off as the price has now fallen to $$8.95

    Okay lets say the movie industry is beeing ripped of by pirate videos and looses 1.7 million ever quater as they say, as they but blank dvd's at half the price the pirates do and have the masters they can produce them a lot cheaper than the thai pirates can, now if they sold them at a reasonable price here is 1.7 million they would pick up instantly

    Get ready for the disposable dvd to be seen early next year, here you'll be able to buy a movie for $2.95 but it will only be usable for 2 days, and you say that they can not produce this cheap

    The conclusion is no one willbuy an inferior fake if the origional is sold at a reasonable price.

    Take it from someone who knows and works in the industry

  2. Spent a day in Panshit Plaza and was told there are no dvds available, as the police are patroling the store

    oh yeh 10 times in 60 mins I was pulled into side closed compartments and offered dvd's at the rip off price of 200 baht each, Isn't it typical drive it underground and let the customer be ripped off,

    I even got abused and threatened when i complained about the price, specialy the guys in the stall on the left hand front of the plaza with a blue tarp around it, so be warned.

    Are the police here so dumb they don't know whats going on infront of there faces, or is this just a stunt?

    Yet on Sukhumvit rd they are readily available at 120 baht each if you buy 3 or more at a time at the stall on the Rd.

  3. Hi Guys

    I work as an Apple Service manager in Australia and I am presently spenting 2 weeks in Bankok, went to the Apple dealers in Panshit Plaze and had a really good laugh, a great machine but is useless with our backup service, think maybe I will retire and start servicing Apples and set up a person internet site in good old Bangkok, a quick way to make a lot of money.  :ove your country though I must admit

  4. Well I have traveled all over Asia , but never been to Thailand so know I will fix this problem and have my plane tickets, are there any Australian friends over their that would like to give some friendly advice to a fellow countryman, I want to seethe sights, meet the people, learn the language, and of carse experince the bars
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