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Posts posted by OzzieMan

  1. Shame Shame Shame .......   Rolling Stone

    This should never be done, unthinkable, disgusting

    But I need another opinion so can we have the address of the hotel as a few of us need to just pop over and take this under deep consideration over an hour or so and a few beers

  2. Gee Wizz

    I had a whole lot of things to say

    Took one look at the Rolling Stone picture in the last listing and forgot the lot.

    The mind boggles, the girl in the pic standing up in parliment house does a strip in front of Bush and he say's


    "Rolling Stone your a stress buster"

    Now where did I put that beer

  3. My statistic of 45% was not just Thai, but a general figure given by Centre Links applications for support payment, think I read it in the Australian one morning

    My point was that Thai girls are not dumb and if they can, (and it not that hard just go around any of the bars and take a look) convince some beer slobber she will make love to him for the rest of his life, just take me home, and he believes he's a 25 yr old stud again.

    Given time most show the same end results once they can stay in Australia they no longer need the fat beer slobber, and he's usually so dumb if he got any money left turns around and starts the comple cycle again.

    The 2 yr test I did not know about but I guess is a good start.

    but again as i said as the company I work for puts up a bond we do not see the troubles that the average Joe blow has, and our work visas are issued direct in Australia so we don't have to deal with Thai/Australia little hitlers

    Solution find a thai girl that can act.

    Gee they do a great job at the bars

    Then you get a work visa no problem

    Its called support the Film industry and all over can go to HXXLL

  4. A poor hard working Thai buisness man was on a short holiday in Pattaya last night with a few friend having a small party when 100 Thai commandoes attacked them,on there little boat early this morning.

    “Pirates” every one screemed and young Thai girls enjoying a sweet cruise ran and locked them selves in their cabins

    Now the cook must have had fish and chips on the menu because thai police confiscated all there chips

    So if you thinking of a short cruise in Pattaya don’t eat chips ,and don’t carry your money on you its a big gamble.

    And I’m told he was just a hard working thai who just happens to have a small property in the Cambodian border town of Poipet.

    gee what happens when you don’t have a video camera with you

    But you can get a copy courtosy of the local Thai police I’m told.

  5. Hey you twits put down your ego's and get back to the subject of this question

    God you go on like cackling old hens

    We live in a democratic world and if the majority vote someone into power they deserve the respect the poition gives them, and if you don't like the heat in the kitchen get out,

    So untill they vote Bush out he should be given the respect he deserves as the democraticlly voted leader

    My self I'm not to keen on him or his policies in fact i can take him or leave him, and prefer the later, but as a politician he made the green idiots look like what they are, a bunch of radical idiots out for a stir.

    Oh yes I see, My Thai friend here just brought this to my attention, they are like some of you guys.

    Putting down the 100 ft pole I stop typing

  6. Well the old phone has been running hot today, concerning the present events in all these countries, and i would just like to say my 3 cents worth

    I do not agree with everything the Thai Governement has done over the last week, and I sure do not totaly support President Bush in what he has done with his power, but I do believe that they all deserve the respect for the Position they hold.

    I am a guest in this country so I repect those that are in power, Right or wrong Bush is the President of the most powerful country in the world and should have the respect given to him, I did not vote for the Australian Prime Minister but I will give him my respect as long as he holds the position, so to those Green radicals and all the stupid kids that have nothing better to do than cause trouble on the streets in Canberra I say to my government

    Send them here to Thailand for 12 months and let them see what real poverty is and wake up to them selves.

    No chance they are cushy university students who have it all given to them on a silver platter, and would know the difference between a hard days work and a joint.

    Thailand still backward but oh so beautiful, why do so many retiries want to stay here.?

  7. Interesting disscussion guys, but please remember Governments only do what they thing the people want and this gets them votes, to many problems of illegal entries and that fact once they are on Australian soil they can demand to be protected with Australia legal representation at the tax payers cost has made the average Joe Blow in the street get upset.

    The circumstances always out way any thing else, the company I work for send people from all over the world into Australia every week, We put up a bond and have to gaurantee a return ticket, never had a problem in the 6 yrs I have been with them

    Now take a thai girl, chinese or what ever, who can speak little or no english, has no real financial ties in her home country, and worse of all has a single guy in Australia,

    Alarm bells start ringing

    The message Australia is sending is there is no quick easy fix to your thai problems but if your serious just wait in the line, there is an end it just might take some time

    And guys if you serious marry her, it helps you jump up the line only if you can prove you can support her and not put her on the pension line up.

    Interesting fact: 45% of Asian young ladies who meet and marry Australia men in their later years, will walk out on him within the 1st 12 months and demand the lot, plus support from the government

    and you though she loved you for your wisdom

  8. On the serious side

                During my rounds of Bangkok bars

                         (for research only)

    I have found that many, charge more for the girls drinks than your on

    This is so thet the girls gets a bigger split of the money, some to her some to the bar,

    130 baht is not a high price to pay for a girls drink

    The givaway is you'll find the highger the price for the girls drink the friendlier she will be to you, and gee its only baht any way



      I do not drink, I do not smoke and I do no go with bar girls

                      My only problem is a lie a little

  9. Thankyou Kathe but I am not going myself just advice for Aussie friends commingover in Mid november, but after Chonabots description i thing I may have to travel down that way for the experience.

    (Walking Street is the semi pedestrianised part of the Beach Road. Head South , past Pattayland1/2)

    Okay my map shows South Pattaya Rd and the police booth so walking street starts somewhere there and heads south, do you know a web site that shows tis area?

    (2nd road , running parallel to Beach Road is fairly busy bar wise from the Central Pattay road onwards)

    are you talking from Central Pattaya rd ... South or north along 2nd rd.

    So the question is has any one been to or stayed in this hotel

  10. Well my friends now have their ticket’s to Thailand confirmed and are now looking to book reasonable accommodation.

    Okay we have the Bangkok side tie up but as they keep asking me about Pattaya and I have never been there I need you expert help my friends

    They have been advised to stay at the baiyoka. which they have been told is a good hotel at a reasonable price and right where the action is.

    has any one stayed her and give me advise

    On o this subject where is the action, from my maps it looks like its all around the southern end

    Soi Post office down to

    Pattaya land 1 2 & 3

    DSoi Diamond

    Your advice on this also

    Now I here a lot of talk about Walking St,  but can not find it on a map of Pattaya i down loaded off the web

    is it a part of Beach Street or what?

  11. To my learned friend

    At no time did I say i approve of postitution, but only stated that you generalise about the total which is not a truth.

    I have met some very nice ladies of the night who feel in their hearts that they are doing this for their family, be this right or wrong is not the question at hand.

    Blame the parents guess so

    Blame the government Guess so

    Blame all us Farang who use and abuse them guess so

    But it takes a lot of different birds to make a sweet song, and although I know a high percentage of girls tht are only after money for them selves, don't throw out all the apples because some are bad.

    I have on advantage over you, I can employ local talent to do honest work, so I see the good side as well, and I see where the monies goes.

    Life in Bangkok with out bar girls would be boring and dull and give you guys nothing to chat about, gee you'd all become a stack of hens at a sewing party.

    But it makes me mad when you condem all because of some others, may be I walk around with a false smile on my face.

    But I love Thailand and i love the people, one day i will be finished and have to go home which will be sad, but I hope i made a difference somewhere with someone.

    I would rather this than go through life thinking I wasted all my time and every one is a no hoper but me and my friends.

    Just my opinon, and I sleep well at night, with or with out a bar girl

    I met an Arab shiek once and asked him why he had so many wives

    He told me that his god had given him wealth so that women could eat.

    Think about it .................

  12. Getting back to the point at hand

    When you go out learn two goldn words

    chai /mai chai   these are Yes / No in Thai

    Would also learn

    Tao rai .................How much

    ra ka tao rai? ..........How Much is that

    Lod ra ka noi dai mai krap ......To Much better price please

    raka tam sut tao ri ..............What is the best price

    But for 450 baht you really didn't do so bad.

    1st rule of life in Thailand, if a girl is nice to you at a bar, there is something in it for her.

    If shes a nice girl she will probably not come any where near you,

    Now about your girlfriend/wife, she is most not sexually interested in her, but it is her skin the facinates Thai girls white skin.

    they will look at them selves and say dirty and look at her and say beautiful.

    Any one knows get the lady and impress her thee man does what he told and he has the money

    450 a cheap thrill and remember it as an experience

    and as murphy always does go back tonight and i bet it will cost three times as much

    Its always the way, when you don't want it it there

    When you do    ?

  13. easy solution

    Allow hawkers and side walk stalls only in streets where the pavement is in disrepair and the government not doing their job in the first place.

    Now we have really cleaned up the city

    4% will not have hawkers or stalls

    In other words get a grip boy, beautiful streets, the reason for all thes hawkers and stalls is to cover up the death traps they call pavements

    The lastest farang game in Sukhumvit Rd

    Dodge the holes and keep a straight line

    MY best score

    25 out of 100

  14. Hey Black dude there is ony one problem with your story

    Thai girls will automatically go for a private shower, put on a towel turn down the lights, jump into bed.

    Now my logic tells me how did she see this bigsnake in the first place, what you do hit her in the face with it, oh of coarse you treated her like a lady

    A lady in the bronx

    Okay solution buy a good tube of lubricant

    meet me for a beer

    and have your money ready cause bro. there are a million thai girls out there more interested in baht than the size of your dick

    Try going to the Thermae Coffee House there are girls there who will swollow you whole

  15. Sure all is not well in Pattaya. Nor is anywhere else I have ever been on this Planet. But there are some lovely, disease free, sweet, intelligent ladies there, and I and happy to say that I found one earlier this year. Can't wait to be with her again in December. Who cares about the Bloody Beach anyway

    when you are in the arms of a lovely lady?......

    met a guy last night who met the same girl and she turns a 101 tomorrow, gee the days before go go and beer bars,

    She even knew what a condom was

    Now thats intteligent

  16. Ah ha he said to his Thai girlfrind in the bar

    What's thats she replied

    I know what you've been doing again and you said you would not

    Whats that she asked

    eating those soggy salted peanuts again. you know i hate the salty taste

  17. The best motorcade will be when he arrives back in my home country Ozzie land after its all over

    Tomato Fruit markets and egg producers will be having a free give away on the left hand side of the road sponsered by our labour party

    and the liberal party will be giving out American flags

    See how democratic us Ozzies are

    and we all love something black and bushie don't we

  18. gee they give you a hard time, don't listen to them

    Okay never been to pattaya in fact have some friend going there soon so will be a guru on this shortly after

    But from a genuine Ozzie here are the answers you need

    1. Will I need an air con room in October-November?

    Yes you have been conned if you think there is fresh air in Bankok, watch all the traffic police they wear masks and they should no

    2. Is the beer alright to drink, or should I stick to spirits?

    Never drink a bottle of beer, the go go girls insert these into themselves during shows, 100% spirit is best it kills the germs from the girl you just kissed and after 4 or 5 you just aint that choosey any way

    3. I am nervous about taxis, will I be alright at night time?

    never catch a taxi at night with out a bright light in your hand, there s a big problem in Thailand whith taxi's headlights

    4. Can I phone international calls o.K.?

    Thailand is great for making calls overseas they need more of your money

    5. What are the best bars for finding a lady?

    Best bars for ladys are the non katoey bars

    6. Do I negotiate a price for a night with a lady first?

    Nah why your money is worth so much more just take pot luck, after all your drunk and won't know what a 500 baht note looks like, or is that a coin hic hic

    7. I like certain 'acts' do I negotiate these first?

    Acting stupid is always better than acting smart

    8. How can I spot a ladyman?

    use your eyes

    9. Will a girl from a bar drug me and rob me?

    Ah ha it sound like you really are into differnt things, if you are lucky i guess you can find someone who will

    10. How prevelent are sexual diseases, I prefer no condom for some 'acts'.

    All thai girls are VD free as of today, and as long as she does not see any one for the rest of the day she will also be tommorrow. never use a condon when having sex, it will be to smelly when you use it as over your head in the shower

    hang on a sec, does that come up with a good name for my friend with the questions

  19. Okay it seems that the Penthouse hotel is the go, but has any one stayed there

    The web site gives many rooms and says a pool and spa will be in by July, well it is now nearly November and no upgrade to the web site, does that mean they are slow or the pool is not in yet?

    has any one any comments on the rooms

    Babylon Spa

    Babylon Spa Duplex

    Babylon Spa Triplex


    Party Patpong" 1

    Party Patpong" 2

    Party Patpong" 3



    Penthouse Party

    Phnom Penh



    Siam Suite 1

    Siam Suite 2

    Siam Suite 2

    Siam Royale Suite

  20. Emailed my friend for answers to your questions

    They are staying at the Manhattan hotel in Bangkok at I believe about a thousand baht a night, so use this as a comparison,

    Yes the want air con, safe, swimming pool, access new friends they meet, bath, breakfast walking distance to the action again the manhattan is about half way between Nana and Cowboy Soi, guess every thing that that the manhattan offers

    They want to stay 4 to 6 days, this cn be changed to suit a good deal I guess

    Know any of these

    Ambassador City Hotel Na-Jomtien Beach

    Adriatic Palace Hotel Pattaya Hill

    A-One Royal Cruise Hotel North Pattaya

    Asia Pattaya Beach Hotel Pattaya Hill

    Botany Beach Hotel Na-Jomtien Beach

    Central Wong Amat Resort North Pattaya

    Century Pattaya Hotel City Center

    Cholchan Hotel (Mercury) North Pattaya

    Garden Beach Resort North Pattaya

    Garden Seaview Hotel North Pattaya

    Icon Pattaya City Center Border

    Jomtien Palm Beach Hotel Jomtien Beach

    Markland Pattaya Beach Hotel North Pattaya

    Mountain Beach Hotel Pattaya Hill

    Naklua Beach Resort North Pattaya

    Nova Lodge Hotel Pattaya City Center

    Pattaya Park Hotel Jomtien Beach

    Pinnacle Resort & Club Na-Jomtien Beach

    Residence Garden & Apartments South Pattaya

    Siam Bayshore Resort City Center

    Siam Bayview Hotel City Center

    Sunset Village Na-Jomtien Beach

    Sunshine Vista Hotel & Apartments North Pattaya

    Sigma Resort  Jomtien Beach

    Tropicana Hotel City Center

  21. Sorry No I did not advise them, they just heard its a great place to be, a week in bangkok a week in Pattaya and a week back in bangkok

    I don't think they want to look at the sand and beach, we have the best beaches in the world back home in Queensland

    Know what I mean

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