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Posts posted by OzzieMan

  1. >>I don't have to get drunk...I like to get drunk.

    >>Gogo bars are OK if your wife is with you.

    >>It's difficult not to talk about bar girls since they are so prevelent.

    >>You ALWAYS pay for women, either financially or >>emotionally.and.... finally....

    >>Real men ##### bar girls but don't have to pay!

    Well Thai adventure you hit it on the head my mate

    Getting married for sex is like

    Buying a 747 to eat the peanuts

  2. >>Did you ever think, maybe not everyone has as high of an

    >>opinion of you as you do? Yor are far too wordly and

    >>wonderful a person for lowly me to associate with. I've

    >heard a term that describes you to a tee  "His Majesty the >>baby"

    jjrbus thats not the sun shining out of my rear

    Its a torch in my back pocket

    Please don't get on your knees

    I'd rather a girl

  3. >>I dont drink alcohol,........

    >>i dont get drunk,......................

    >>i dont waste money on getting drunk,...................

    >>i dont get hangovers,.......................

    >>i do remember everything i have done,...........................

    >>i never have to worry about failing a breath test,...........

    >>i don't get blackouts..................

    >>i never wake up with an ugly woman,.........

    my breath does not stink of beer......................

    >>i have noticed that most heavy drinkers are lonely people with few friends...................

    >>i dont get into fights with other drunks..........

    >>i have loads of money.....

    >>i have loads of real friends.........

    >>i get more women by not drinking than i could of ever got by being a drinker..............

    >>I dont drink alcohol.

    Yes but You tell a lot of lies I see

  4. Well say the word respect and you all come out of the woodwork, but ask to meet for a drink and as we say in Oz, all the so called men turn to Jelly, gee guys don't worry I'm not after your women, who must be desperate to be with guys like you, I'll bring my own.

    Oh is that the reason some of us can still pick up the young ones and you can't

    EX Pats your a pack of woosie babies if you ask me

    No wonder you all complain about the bar girls, you just sit in your corner and whinge like old women

    maybe we should have an old woman sewing class I bet you'd all turn up

    But I must say after 152 reads of my invitation there are two real men out there, and i don't need to say your web names as you know who you are.

    In Oz if we can't make it because we are over seas, we would write and say

    Love to be there mate but can't, have a drink for Me

    So to all the pretend men on this site, go back to your sewing the three real men will drink beer and do what real men do.

    Nahhh I will not even bother to tell you what that is you would not understand


    A discusted male

  5. >>>It's a shame all the tour operators use Bangkok, Pattaya, >>>Phuket, Koh Samuii etc...If the tourists flew independently >>>and travelled to many other places they wouldn't come in >>>to contact with 'Bar girls'.

    I'm afraid your way out of date with this statement, There is nowhere in Thailand that you can get away from the so called "bar girls". bless their little black hearts

    As most members on this site will know I am working on a film shoot here in Thailand, and we are miles off the beaten track in the north, we have 34 single males plus extras working here at any one time, two weeks after starting work a Thai bar opened in the area, I have met 12 different ladies here in the last 3 weeks.

    Where do they come from and why?

    To service a clientel, so you find a new destination and they will find you

    Its called "chasing the dollar" back home

  6. Hey Joe

    Well dude Janis is Joplin along with her big brother while holding company with Dylan, who has a friend with weed over the midnight lamp, expecting Peter paul and mary over later and will look for the local flower children doing some hair.

    Man is life a buzz here in Thailand but sadly if your going to Sanfrancisco customs will not let you take the flowers that are in your hair, so I don't wanna sicle, just ride round on my motor cycle

    The worst part is that free love session last night

    Check you wallet all you bickies and grass is gon south

    gee great days those 60"s

    Hey guys how about a 60's night at Nana 3rd week in November all over 50 welcome, wear your greens

  7. Guys, Guys, Guys

    Gee come on now, I think this whole thing has gone on enought, your disturbing my sex life, I'm loosing sleep, can't shave because of my shaky hands, unable to hold a beer.

    I'm a mess cause I started all this s..t

    Can we just say that we all respect each other opinions right or wrong, who cares

    Grab a girl and do the horizontal tango

    Okay any one who keeps going on about respect, has no repect for love, or he is a guy to far gone to experience it any more.

    So lets start a new topic, look at my avatar and think of better things

  8. Sending Money to a Thai girl is as simple as using what lies between your ears or what lies betwen your legs.

    Okay if it lies between you legs just send her a Visa card. she'll do anything for the 2 weeks your together.

    I presently have two young ladies I help out financially.

    Thay want to learn English so I send the money direct to the school they go to, they send me back a monthly report on attendances and pupils progress


    Because I want to, and it feels good to be of help, and I told them there is a fortune to be made in Thailand for girls who can read and write good English

    Tourism during the day

    and writing English love letters for Bar girls at night

    If you can't win join em and make a buck..... sorry baht

  9. Thankgoodness, I did not die and go to heaven

    Pleanty of Thai ladies around but no contact with my drinking mates

    A man must know his limitations

    The site was down for 3 days does any one know why

  10. hows that for a load of dribble..I think I need a beer or something similar.... :o

    My friend shut up, pull up a chair

    have a beer

    Find a new lady

    Enjoy life and join us here in Thailand were we just don't give a s**t any more

    and we all say with glasss held high

    make lOVE NOT WAR

  11. Hey Rolling stone my friend (taking another drink as i type)

    Are you into swapping?

    gee how about we swap for the week?

    Avatars I mean !!

    (gee some people minds)

    I just love a good massage, but i will not touch unless you give me permission

  12. When I first arrived in Thailand in spent some time in Nana Plaze before moving to the Nothern Part, my friends in Ozzie land want to know if it is still as good as it was, so I need an up date:

    When I was last there it was starting on the left at the enterance

    Grnd Floor

    Nana Beauty Salon


    Red Lips

    Bottoms Up



    Rainbow 2

    Hollywood Rock


    Rainbow 1

    Spirit House

    Road House & Pharaohs bars in the centre

    1st Floor

    Cat House

    Titty Twister

    Rainbow 3



    Hogs Breath


    Angel Witch

    Sexy Night

    DC 10




    Rose mary




    Silver dragon

    Rock hard

    2nd Floor


    Hollywood 2




    and a short stay hotel in the left hand corner

    Have any of these go go bars changed their names or positions in the last month or so, and your opinions on their shows

  13. Penelope you have your opinions but they may just be yours

    Was introduced to Stickmans web site before I came to Thailand and found it most informative, and I reccomend it to any friend that is coming to Thailand for the 1st time, and i guess one persons rambling is another persons bible

    I mean I would not call my self Penelope after watching the thunderbirds knowing what it stands for, but each to their own I guess

  14. Lived in a triangle for 3 months my friend and what started of great ended up as a nightmare

    Two females in the kitchen not recommended

    I bet you've had an argument with the wife, remember women stick together even though they are in competition and it ends up them both turning on you.

    Man for a moment of fantasy you live a life of troubles

    believe me if you want a variety, buy a stack of wigs

  15. Now my dear butterfly

    Now it does not matter if you agree or not, just please RESPECT others right to think the way they do, and I feel in the end I have proved my point. It only takes one to start and all the idiots come out of the woodwork

    I do not know what the last word means in some peoples language, but as I brought this subject into the world I will take the subject Out

    (Sounds like John Wayne in one of his movies)

    Lets all respect each others right to think the way we want and agree to disagree, the subject was respect.

    So can we for once all say the magic word

    R E S P E C T

    Now that wasn't hard was it

    And whats wrong with bars, they have pretty girls, a friendly smile, a drink or two, and I have no objection to guys in the bars getting drunk.

    Leave more girls for me.......................

  16. Sorry ######, if that was your wife I thing we did something last night together that I should not tell you,

    gee the Rolling stomne friend told me to just go for it

    Okay I think this is getting just a bit out of hand with all the mud slinging so let me say

    I respect your right to think the way you do

    Even though tou are wrong

    And end it there

    Now where is she? ah yes there you are my sweet

    It I really respect your wife

  17. So if Hitler was your leader, you would respect him ? I guess you are the reason so many people got killed in death camps during WW2. See, germans were just respecting their leader by doing nothing.

    Did you have any choice in the matter

    So now we all agree but called it compulsory respect

    See your right off the subject with your quick to smart agression

    You had no choice to Respect Hitler, it was good for your health, but you did not have to agree with him, and i think the majority of germans did not support him but what choice did they have.

    So you have now confirmed my comment

    Respect is something you give for different reasons

    Now if you do not support your leader do it at the ballot box, and just in case you didn't know, once hitler gained power the german people did not have this option

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