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  1. I think it is just a rogue agent trying to cash in on some naive foreigners. I mean, it wouldn't be the first time! There is not a single report on the internet or any reputable expat news channel of such a thing, and you have not provided a link or identity of the agent so we can ascertain his veracity so I think April 6 will come and go, and all will be the same. What's more, It would be a crisis for the IMM office if foreigners were not allowed to have bank accounts (i.e.: 800K baht deposit requirement). It just makes no sense at all.
  2. By an "agent" do you mean an independent agent, like an IMM agent? That's all the more reason to be a little suspicious. Perhaps he is drumming up a little side hustle to get dumb foreigners to fork over a few thousand baht for him to "pull some strings". Bangkok Bank has not officially said anything on their website, and really I see no reason for them to do that. All I know is that there is a HUGE difference between what someone says and what really is true in Thailand. I was told in no uncertain terms that I could not open an account at Bangkok Bank in Chiang Mai the first month I was here. I went to another bank (Kasikorn) and was told the same thing. Then a few days later I returned to the same Bangkok Bank branch that I had first visited and spoke with another officer. I was all prepared to argue my case but to my surprise she happily opened one for me.
  3. Facebook is the LAST place I would look for reliable information on anything!
  4. "Tim's" Pharma is located where it always was but Tim's Bar is no more. It is now called WIZARD BREWERY. They also are now fully stocked with RotexMedica 20 amp vials of Testosterone Enanthate. Price is 3,500 THB. FYI, this is hands-down the BEST pharmacy in Pattaya without question! Address on Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/o7qCzk5Jd7N7yJDJ8
  5. A bit nutty, I'd say. Just kidding! Everybody is different. Whatever is most comfortable for YOU is best.
  6. Everybody is different. If it works for you, go for it, but IMO the danger of nerve damage is overblown. As you can see in the attached diagram, the sciatic nerve is in the lower left quadrant so there's no danger if you stick to the upper right quadrant for injection (same for left side...upper left quadrant on alternate shot days). Anatomically I always aim for the Gluteus Minimus muscle. And it goes without saying sterile technique is important since the only real danger of an IM injection is in creating an abscess deep in the muscle tissue that could involve surgery to correct. I had an abscess develop once that wasn't that serious and cleared on its own but for a week I couldn't sit without some minor pain. The super safe and painless way to inject Test is simply in the belly (fat) with a tiny insulin syringe (29 or 31 gauge) which works fine except it takes to around 30 seconds to inject since Testosterone oil is pretty thick. You literally feel nothing and it is just as effective as a deep IM injection (regardless of what a lot of people say)! Still though it's good you point out the danger of sciatic nerve involvement because THAT can be real serious resulting in PERMANENT damage which I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy! I had a really bad fall on my mountain bike a few years ago that resulted in temporary inflammation of tissues surrounding the sciatic nerve and it was one of the worst pains I've ever felt until the inflammation subsided. To imagine that pain being permanent...I think I'd shoot myself LOL!!
  7. Outer upper quadrant is all you need to do for safe glute injection. I've been doing this for 6 years without a hitch. Just pre-swab with alcohol pad and let it dry first, then inject and swab again. Alternate Left side on one day, the right, the next. Outer thigh is how I started to do IM but sometimes got "bumps" from the oil which were sort of unsightly and a little uncomfortable, and once I got a black & blue mark from god-knows-what, so I switched to glutes.
  8. yes, preferred actually.
  9. Everybody's dosage is different. Only a competent MD can really tell you that after they have done initial blood tests and titered the amount that it takes to raise your total testosterone levels to an acceptable level. It takes about 3 months to be able to answer that question.
  10. Both are pharma-grade and pretty much the same except the oil in Rotex is a little heavier so can't inject SubQ with an insulin syringe; must use a 27ga needle and inject it IM.
  11. Look what's BACK in stock! I got it at Ocean Drugs in Jomtien.
  12. I know some are squeamish to self-inject but it's not a big deal. You can use a tiny insulin syringe to inject into belly fat layer (called sub-Q injection) and you won't even feel it go in. Absolutely no need to go into a clinic each time you need an injection. That's just wasting money. Pills and patches are highly problematic, not to mention far more expensive.
  13. Seriously not a wise thing to buy from an UNDERGROUND LAB! That's crazy.
  14. FYI I am living (sorry to say) in Pattaya right now, not CM, and I find the Pattaya forum about as exciting as watching paint dry.
  15. It was the same for me though I'm not retired. At first I didn't understand it, but gradually I also felt that something wasn't quite right about Pattaya. Pattaya has been a horrible experience but that doesn't mean the country as a whole is the same. Right or wrong, I get the impression most expats living in Pattaya are just waiting to die. As harsh as that sounds, I never felt that way about Chiang Mai...ever! It's true that the cost of living is slightly higher, but not really by that much, and it's true that the pollution in Chiang Mai is bad during the smoky season, but that last for only a couple of months, and all it takes is a ride up Doi Suthep (the mountain) to escape that, where the air is crystal clear and cool even on the most polluted and hottest days. We all make mistakes. As soon as my lease ends in September, I will return to Chiang Mai to finish out my last year in the Magic Kingdom. You should consider the same if you've never lived there before. If you like hiking and mountain biking, it is actually a paradise that people come from all around the world to experience. And that includes people in their retirement years!
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