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Everything posted by baboon

  1. I couldn't agree with you more. But there is something a little bit special about your English Brexit nationalist. All that talk of battles, the blitz, standing alone - Nigel Farage being a notable example. You would think they were the first ones off the landing craft at Normandy to listen to them speak,when in fact they weren't even sperm in 1945...
  2. And the bonus question: which current British Prime Minister said “There will be no border down the Irish Sea - over my dead body!”
  3. What does that even mean? Proud to have emerged from the vagina of a British woman? I didn't exactly have a choice. I have been talking with French and German friends who also emerged from French and German vaginas and hey! We seem to get along just fine. Getting along being the point, despite the poison of the UK press. Let your hate die with you.
  4. I have never been so disgusted to call myself British. There are many of us just like like myself who are equally appalled. Don't take this forum to be an accurate representation of the British.
  5. Not least because we had already gone metric years before joining the Common Market, so it isn't even a 'Brexit Bonus'. But it is likely this 'policy' is probably just another dead cat.
  6. Nah, the German car industry were going to come to our aid and the EU would fold, remember that one? Or 'Well we aren't going to compromise so the EU will just have to'. What a bloody mess.
  7. Almost 75% of all Tory MPs not dependent on his patronage voted against him, which can't be good news for the Crime Minister. Good, filthy lying swine that he is.
  8. We'll see. But I think his ego will not allow it. I think he will limp on and hope for something to turn up. But then again, if he feels he has no way out, he might decide to burn the house down and take them with him. It'll be interesting one way or another...
  9. Let me guess: 'Clearly lessons have been learned and we ought to move on from this.' (Smirk) Then on to the next scandal.
  10. Now wait to be told what a spectacular victory it was for Johnson and anyway, what about something else. It won't be long...
  11. Not his best night: 148 Against211 For359 Cast Now let's hope for a long war of acrimony among the CON party.
  12. He is a habitual liar, cheat and an adulterer. He was part of a cliqué who burned £50 notes in front of the homeless and could barely contain his smirk when asked about it. He was sacked from his journalism jobs for lying. He conspired to have a journalist beaten up. He promised to Get Brexit Done. Now on hold until 2023. He broke his own laws, lied about it and smirked. Heartbroken families trying to pick up the pieces after their loved ones had died of Covid, frightened, alone and confused. The Crime and Policing Bill. Grandstanding policies such as shipping off asylum cases to Rwanda. If their cases are approved, they get to stay in Rwanda, not the UK. Sorry, I am losing my temper now. I had better not continue lest I am sanctioned for repeated and foul language.
  13. Fine. In which case they will continue to lurch from scandal to scandal until the next election when they will hopefully get their comeuppance.
  14. We would be just as big an international laughing stock if they installed him. Remember his remarks on Grenfell where people had burned to death? Where is the post Brexit 'cheap food and shoes for peasants' he promised? Remember him sprawled on the bench in the Commons? He is as toxic as Johnson, just differently so.
  15. But who have they got? You can forget any of the imbeciles in the current cabinet. And remember Johnson purged the party of everyone who wasn't a swivel-eyed loon / out and out moron / thought Genghis Khan was a little too left wing...
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