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Everything posted by baboon

  1. As you wish. Let the forum readers be the judge. Let's try another one. Imagine a military coup in, say, 2014, in a Southeast Asian country. Immediately after illegally seizing power, they change the law to make anything they have ever done, are doing now and will do in the future perfectly legal. Anything. While they are at it they rip up the constitution and criminalise dissent. ("Don't protest, it's no use.") This upsets quite a few people who make their feelings known despite these 'laws'. This is in peacetime, remember. Now, do they have any right to voice their indignation or should they shut up and do as their new lords and masters demand?
  2. I have not brought WWll into it at all. I am pointing out that there is nothing morally wrong in breaking unjust laws. You seem to disagree so there we are.
  3. He is Australian so English won't be his first language....????
  4. Just a bit, considering that was the cleanest version I could come up with...
  5. Coupmongering despot. I hope there is a Hell he can burn in, the scum. For the Country? For the People? Enough to make you puke.
  6. So the folks who gave shelter to Anne Frank and her family were nothing but common criminals, were they? Bloody hell, man, think...
  7. Indeed. I hope the coupmongering swine are unhappy for the rest of their pathetic lives after what they have done to decent people in Thailand.
  8. But it isn't their country and their rules, is it? Thailand is not a country with an army, it is an army with a country.
  9. Aye, it was a terrible time to be an antifascist. I remember it well.
  10. I'll just go ahead and assume any laws they may break are laws enacted to repress. There's nothing morally wrong in breaking them in which case.
  11. Grr, young people today and their pop music stereo cassettes...????
  12. If any institution enjoys widespread popularity then what is there to worry about? You can just write off any dissenting voices as cranks and get on with your day.
  13. Oh, I dunno. I bet those at the top think Myanmar is doing a better job of being Thailand...
  14. Oh, I dunno. I bet those at the top think Myanmar is doing a better job of being Thailand...
  15. I don't understand. A tearful split from one's Thai wife? Unless he means tears of joy, that is... HIGH FIVE!
  16. Isn't it great when you can write any old balls and pass it off as fact? Don't know what the truth is or don't like it? Simple. Make up your own...
  17. I don't think it was meant that he collected them personally. And getting a million signatures here would be a doddle. Anyone older than say, 40, are intimidated by Frightfully Important People in shiny uniforms and would likely sign their own death warrants without complaint...
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