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Everything posted by baboon

  1. No. He ought to be in the dock at The Hague.
  2. And a damn hefty one at that, with any luck.
  3. Thankyou. She performed her duties superbly and is missed. Truely a woman of character and substance.
  4. Me too. I am completely indifferent to the monarchy. For example, I understand there is a lot of fuss about 'Harry' and 'Megan'. I have no idea who they are, though I have a notion that Harry is a son of Charles and married a black woman. Whatever. I just don't care anymore than I do about a discarded banana peel. However, I am upset about the Queen who I consider to be a woman of integrity and honour. May her soul rest in peace.
  5. Great post. I am indifferent to the monarchy but I do believe she is a woman of honour who has performed her duties to the best of her abilities. But sadly the writing seems to be on the wall for her reign.
  6. Prevent the WRONG people from staying too long. But let's not argue with one another. Who disagrees that this 'Constitution' might as well have been written on bog roll for all the use it is?
  7. I can recommend 'Don't Look Up'....
  8. Good. Let them tear each other apart like animals.
  9. Drip feeding the bad news to the public, it sounds like.
  10. Socialism is always fine for the rich. The same people who have convinced so many of the working class that it is beyond the pale for the likes of us. Truss is nothing but their stooge. And once they have no further use for her, she too will be slung out like an incontinent dog in the night.
  11. You should have seen the posts that were removed.... Took baiting to a new level.
  12. ^^ I don't watch GBeebies. But then neither does anyone else given their risible viewing figures....
  13. Dorries is out. Maybe even she has the nous to recognise she is unemployable by anyone other than Johnson.
  14. Callers to LBC radio are being equally scathing. Very few are saying anything positive. And this is a station with one Rachel Johnson as a presenter and used to have Farage, too. It's hardly an instrument of the left...
  15. Begging for a corrupt, venal liar to lead them again. Says it all about their values...
  16. Maybe biding her time until Johnson returns?
  17. I read that too, elsewhere. This disruption to the entire planet because the vanity project of just one man. Who found he could just not march his military into a country he fancied and take it over. Ukraine declared independence from the Soviet Union (thanks to the wrecker Boris Yeltsin). They are now independent and that's it. For Better or Worse. And what about that pardon you granted to Yeltsin so you could take over? Yeltsin and Putin. Scumbags.
  18. I know I would rather have a J. Arthur...
  19. It isn't exactly difficult to see why...
  20. We're doomed.
  21. Well let's just see what she comes up with when she faces a terrified public who can vote her out of office or simply riot because of the cost of living. Her 'Law and Order' party have already decimated the police, so things might get nasty...
  22. Thank God it's over in a few hours. It feels like these hustings have going on for most of my adult life.
  23. How about 'Putin is about as classy as a rat with a gold tooth'? Although to be fair he IS busy. Busy looking after Putin.
  24. Truss had better be ready to come up with a comprehensive package of measures and bloody quickly, to get the UK through the winter. If not - well I really do dread to think.
  25. "Against stupidity the gods themselves fail to contend."
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