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Posts posted by thasoss

  1. 19 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    You need to learn to move with the times, money is dirty and carries germs.

    Edited 19 hours ago by BritManToo

    all true,but is n't it also another way of keeping tabs on you.Go cashless totally and it's just another freedom taken away.Take it a step further and the authorities have the power to decide what you can and cannot buy.

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  2. As other's have said,because you and your lady are not married you do not have any legal responsibilities towards her.

    From the information you have given it sounds like there is no way back.So the way forward is "how to extricate yourself"....with the least amount of damage.

    You have said that you are the owner of the condo you live in and that does present a problem of "how to get her to leave peacefully"

    Could I suggest that if possible you suggest a break from each other would do you both good.Suggest a visit to  her village and family would be a good cooling off period for you both and give her enough money for a weeks break.If that worked,it would give you time to change the locks,pack her stuff up and leave it with management,and find a place for yourself to rent....and change sim card.

    Doing this will give you some peace, and time to think things through.

    10 years together is a long time,and (only my opinion) she would deserve some financial recompense for those years.

    It's a devil when thai ladies with farang partners get together and compare wealth and it can destroy relationships,but it happens all the time.Best way forward is to be resolute,lay down how you will play this out ....and give her some kind of pay out reasonable to both parties.

  3. 14 hours ago, charliechoc said:

    I think I just need to sit tight until this china virus issue is well and truly over.  What do you think?

    You"ve been sitting tight for 6 years.You seem emotionally stuck.Time to admit a few things,that it did n't work out,that it's not retrievable,and cut your losses to save yourself and your own sanity.Happiness for you can be just around the corner,once you admit what you already know.Life is too short to stay in an unhappy environment....your child and his mother will survive just fine.

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  4. 13 hours ago, it is what it is said:

     sad that you dont feel love from your child, you dont say how old the child is? many couples stay together for the sake of the child - with varying results. if the child only has a few more years of education then it may be worth trying to make it work - after all you and your wife are the adults. if not, and you dont have love from your wife or child it may be time to move on.

    he's 6

  5. 1 hour ago, Daithi85 said:

    Time to give ivermectin a chance. Amazing  how countries are holding this back. 

    they're holding it back because of pressure from big pharma....no money to be made.Anti virals are the way to go,over the counter medicine,but you need big doses at the first onset of covid symptoms. 

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  6. On 6/9/2021 at 4:46 PM, ThailandRyan said:

    I just about fell out of my chair upon reading this as I was laughing so hard.  My tea i was drinking at the time also came out of my nose....oh the pain TAT must feel everyday.

    yes they do provide good entertainment.In my "lower moments"....i'd watch reruns of seinfeld,not anymore,I just tune in to TAT anouncements.....lifts my spirit no end.

  7. 14 minutes ago, smedly said:

    do these numbers corralate with those being admitted to medical centers or have they stopped reporting that too


    seems to me these daily counts are mostly of those that are reporting with symptoms - the rest of the clusters in prisons and factories are just being quarantined and untested - so the figures reported are not a true relection of actual virus spread - a fudge 

    the numbers they quote are meaningless..

  8. 2 hours ago, fleccer said:

    Really? So explain to me, why didn't Russia, Belarus, Sweden have a lockdown day? And despite this they have had fewer cases than those who have made the lockdown. What is this'? Does the virus hate Russians and Swedes? Or is it because these countries have not obeyed certain world hierarchies that have imposed the lockdown? Please explain it

    you are misunderstanding my reply.I'll try again.It was because of the virus that they locked down.I'm not for locking down economies,if you'd read any of my posts you would know that.My point is they locked down because of the virus,people are losing their business,jobs because of the lockdowN,IF there had been no virus there would n'T be any lockdown....can i BE ANY CLEARER.

  9. 1 hour ago, Madeline Thompson said:

    Finally! attention to a situation that is no longer tenable for restaurants across Thailand, that has killed the life of its cities, Chiang Mai being one of the hardest hit.  How does the Junta expect tourists to come to a country where you will be arrested for drinking alcohol in public, where you are forbidden a glass of wine with your dinner, where everything you love about being on vacation can be taken away with a simple decree from the Covid Czar.  This is ludicrous - Thailand as a tourist destination is rapidly disappearing because there will be no infrastructure for tourism left.

    they don't care,they hate foreigners....one's who live here and tourists alike.

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