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Posts posted by thasoss

  1. 8 minutes ago, RR2020 said:

    So vaccine passports are a complete and utter waste of time..................nonsense of the highest order

    yes you are right,however it will tell the authorities that the holder,if he catches the virus,probably wont get bad symptoms and will not be a burden on the system.yet he/she can still be a carrier and infect others, whether they have had the vaccine or not.

    • Like 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:
    12 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    Wife says 5 villages have been put into covid quarantined near her village out in Issan.........roads blocked......no one to go in or out.

    The wave from Songkran continues, and without folks understanding that without mass testing everywhere it keeps slithering along.

    same out where i live,originator from bangkok,lockdowned the village for 2 weeks.

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  3. that claim of more usage is easily verifiable on the bill that tells you how many watts you used,or if they are charging more baht per kilowatt.

    just checked my bill march 353 units 959 baht

                                          april 472units      1954 baht


    march shows each unit used cost 2.71 baht(pea gave us a covid discount in march)

    april  was 4.13 baht per unit(usual cost)

    • Like 2
  4. 5 minutes ago, clivebaxter said:
    41 minutes ago, RobMuir said:

    And Asian girls are not only the smartest, they are also the most beautiful and petite.


    A lot of white girls are very intimated by them.

    Wont last, Thais are getting just as fat!

    intimidated?........I think most of us are here cos thai ladies have retained their femininity,unlike western ladies.And yes many do end up fat.Asian ladies also age quicker than western.

    • Like 1
  5. On 5/7/2021 at 4:48 PM, from the home of CC said:

    Littering was a blight in the UK while I was growing up. There were repeated TV reminders. 

    Yet, we still see people littering, the big issue now is fly tippers. 

    reading the daily mail uk tells you all you need to know about UK society in 2021.....place is a cesspit 

  6. leaving litter is a problem in most countries.Why do people do it?...my guess is laziness,a lack of respect for other people,selfishness and an "i don't care" attitude.

    I see it all the time in the village and area I live in.Some houses I visit(relatives) the yard is littered with rubbish and they are ok living amongst trash...just laziness in most cases and very sad because it says a lot about these people.

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  7. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    LOL. IMO the bar scene was dying before corona because the clever girls had gone on line. They have no reason to return to being bored in a bar pretending to like farangs.

    Agreed pattaya is finished,but i would think  resurrected as something else.Life as it was pre 2019 is not coming back no matter how much you wish it.A precedent has been set for future viruses....masks,social distancing,vaccines and lockdowns.No matter how many vaccines you have there will always be another mutant,another strain."do not let a good opportunity go to waste"...so the saying goes and big pharma can see a lot of future money to be made.

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