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Posts posted by mike787

  1. 3 hours ago, Yinn said:

    I understand Aussiebob try say that..


    Some white males really try to be idiot. eg graffiti and vandalism the public place. 

    Also some YouTube show some white males be the annoying idiot for NO reason. And is popular, they think they funny. Is stupid.  


    We have no graffiti in Ranong. Nobody stupid/annoying the public. 


    Some Asian male is stupid, but not deliberately stupid/ annoying. Is different. 


    Generally speaking IMO. 

    This girl not deliberately stupid, is unlucky/sad happen.

    TVF is for gladiators....there is NO forgiveness here, only narrative abuse...

  2. 25 minutes ago, ChrisKC said:

    Instead, stay at home, cut yourself with the bread knife, electrocute yourself, fall off a ladder, pour a pot of boiling water over yourself. It's all there (an accident) waiting to happen in a moment. Many more accidents happen at home than on the roads!


    I have been cycling in various parts of Thailand for more than ten years, nearly 70,000kms, never been in an accident; in fact never even seen one happen!

    Excellent...don't STOP!

  3. 3 hours ago, Salerno said:

    'Stop saying it's a bad flu': Doctor fighting coronavirus shares dramatic account

    A doctor at the heart of the coronavirus outbreak in Italy has spoken of the dramatic fight against the disease, saying it is like relentless war and describing how wards are filling up and doctors are working non-stop to save lives.


    In a post shared on Facebook, Dr Daniele Macchini likened the disease to a "tsunami that has swept us all".



    • Sad 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

    Or the likely quarantine.



    Because the USA is  reporting its  results and not concealing them.  


    I am aghast by your statement. Are you in denial, or do you really not understand what is going on?  The fact that Thailand has only reported one death means nothing. Thailand has a history of data unreliability, It denied its HIV  epidemic for years until it could no longer deny it. Another illustration of the mentality  is the refusal to  publish beach pollution data. If the data is not made available than  no one can say the beaches are polluted. Where are the daily or weekly  SARS-Cov-2 infection test result updates? 


    What lab in Chiang Mai are you referring to?  There is a malaria and dengue laboratory.   SARS Cov-2 is a significantly different infectious virus and requires a specialty purpose facility. There are only two  laboratories certified for reference testing in Thailand that can confirm  infection;  TWO

    1. Nonthaburi's National Institute of Health, Ministry of Public Health lab and,

    2. Bangkok's Armed Forces Research Institute of Medical Science

    The Central laboratory for the Ministry of Health in Bangkok can do testing too but it is not a certified reference laboratory.

    What part of TWO  laboratories in Thailand do you not understand?

    How many lab tests  does Thailand process in a day  and how long does it take to process the lab test in Thailand? 


    Thailand  does not insist on a thorough autopsy so often  the death cannot be assigned to a specific disease.  We often see reports of motor crash deaths. What we do not see is the  underlying cause such as impaired driving due to drug/alcohol use which resulted in the deadly crash. People just assume accident or speeding. In the rural areas, the body is just cremated.


    Thailand unlike its regional neighbors is not magically immune. Common sense holds that you have it wrong. Every other country in the region has shown a similar infection pattern. According to you and Yin  Thailand is different.


    Thailand has finally admitted to 11 local transmissions. They are in the WHO reports. You will not see them referenced in Thailand. Do you think there was any thorough tracking and subsequent isolation of contacts? I don't.

    live for something or die for nothing....

  5. 18 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    you are picking the worst time in recent history to travel by air because of the virus. many flights are cancelled and being rearranged.

    and you are taking a bit of a risk with the virus traveling now at 70 years old.


    good luck .

    TO the OP....This is the best advice you will receive, i recommend you take it, or book a private jet charter.  

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