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Posts posted by mike787

  1. 4 minutes ago, Accidental Tourist said:

    So there goes Vietnam. Cambodia is also tighten the rules, maybe no choice there in the future as well.

    I still have a place in Egypt where I been working years before. Every 3 months now need to apply for a new resident card (same as in Malaysia). Good thing there is no hassle, no need to leave the country and everything is halve the price compare to Thailand.

    NICE!  Congrats to you. Easy life.  The expats especially older are going to suffer even more as the immigration loops close and become far more restrictive/expensive.  Definitely, I have seen Asian governments as echoed here, becoming more and more difficult. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Titan1962 said:

    So the people that left Thailand because they couldn’t meet the requirements and headed to Vietnam and the Philippines are in the same boat. How long did you think the honeymoon would last,they knew that the influx of older expats Coming in had to be from Thailand. Looks like a lot of older Falang are going to have to leave Asia altogether.I personally just couldn’t imagine having to leave the  street food the cheaper cost of living,and the beautiful young Asian women. Look out old falang women in Europe the sexpats are heading home.


    The sexpats are running out of time, cash, and viagra doesnt work any more....you have a great point.  This will be interesting once the ride loops around and comes to an end on every level. 

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  3. 57 minutes ago, ericthai said:

    This is Asia not the west were safety is the priority.



    Back 2003/4 when the  bird flu / SARS was happening. I flew in from HCMC and as we got off the plane we were directed to rooms setup to take everyone's temperature. (I get kidney stones all the time and get UT infections so I run a fever.) Therefore, I end up being taken to another room, the girl I'm with tells the nurse I have a fever. So the nurse grabs a cold towel puts in on my forehead for a few minutes and presto my fever is gone and all is good. 

    Typical Thai reaction ignore it and it will go away! They dont want to find anyone as that will look bad to the international community.  

    That's a great point...hopefully OP will heed all the postings perspective of international travel on this green earth and adjust his attitude to reality.  One must be proactive, not a pacifist...

  4. 8 hours ago, Letseng said:

    Do you expect the taxis or any public transport you use to get disinfected before you board?

    Oh, don't ever use a supermarket trolley ever.

    OP sounds like his expectations of this world are at an expecting level of a sterile vacuum standard.  I ask why travel, and travel into region of high risk.  The only place you might be safe is in outer space. 



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