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Posts posted by mike787

  1. 13 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    What if one closes, and another one doesn't open?  We all lose variety and choice. 

    then, proceed to beach avenue to pick up several of my thai honeys.  I forgot, I could panic/leave thailand, increase antipsychotic meds, or call the tourist police and then riot in the streets....what are you going to do?

  2. 13 minutes ago, genericptr said:

    you're offended that I insulted the air quality in Chiang Mai???

    No, rathered humored.  I have been insulted, and much more than anyone can administer to me here.  It's not possible to offend me.  Humor though, yes.  All this narrative about bad air is like trying to negotiate an avoidance of death. Hilarious.... 

    • Like 2
  3. Worried Nope!  Super happy in fact.  Why?  A phenomenal opportunity to buy discounted equity, mutual funds positions and make horrendous amounts of cash.  Mask? Nope, just remain in doors and enjoy lovely thailand as i watch my assets make me richer.  What else there to do?  We can talk about it all day but unless we start a Gofund, talk is cheap because it exceeds the demand.  Besides, it's useless to stop the spread - the fire has been lit by the chinese again.  Now, allow it to run its course...

  4. 5 minutes ago, digibum said:

    Then, technically, you own nothing. 


    Imagine someone came to you for a loan on their car but the car was in someone else's name, but you were leasing it.  Who would lend you money on that? 



    What you own is the value of the villa, minus the value of the land it sits on, which, in most cases, means you own next to nothing. 


    I just mean that in the sense that, you actually own a depreciating asset, the physical home on the property.  The land can increase in value but the value of the physical structure will only go down in value as it ages. 


    Why would a bank make a long-term loan on an asset that will go down in value every year? 


    Sure, they loan on cars, which are a depreciating asset, but the loan is 5 years and they can seize and sell the asset if you don't pay.  What happens if you use the villa as your collateral and you don't pay?  They're not going to send a team of people to lift the structure off of the land and they have no way of taking the land from your GF (who's name the land is in), so what do you expect them to base the loan on? 



    he is right...NO way.  Getting a visa is hard and lucky enough.  Money on top of that - impossible. Only option is Gofund.  

  5. 11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    My take is that the Vietnamese government only wants what it considers useful and productive foreigners. Working, investing, married to a local (that's humanitarian), etc. As I've said before the vast majority of nations in the world don't offer a legal retired expat status. Why it should shock anyone that a very serious and quickly advancing nation like Vietnam would not want retired people (that can be seen as decadent in a way) or permanent fake tourists is beyond me. I think Vietnam as a retirement option is officially over and in fact, it never even really began. I'll be happy to change my opinion if and when the government there offers a formal program. 

    It appears you are right...very devastated Vietnam as a choice is now coming to an end.  We all now must continue our fugitive lives elsewhere as the options quickly and permanently, like our lives come to an end...

    • Haha 1
  6. 21 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Call me a cynic, but with public safety standards here, I would not trust a local skydiving outfit to have high quality equipment, nor well skilled technicians and maintenance people to handle the equipment, nor to make sure their customers are given the best chances of a safe experience. Sorry to hear about this guy. Has to be quite a horrific feeling when your chute does not, will not, and cannot open. My guess is poor equipment, and bad maintenance. 


    You can never count on this administration to take public safety, nor traffic safety seriously. Frankly, I would be just as cautious about the small plane here, as the equipment. 

    Your right!!!  Just look at thailand's road fatality highest in the world, that should say something about the mindset or lack of safety here.

    • Like 1
  7. 20 hours ago, Ventenio said:

    The question is...


    If you didn't own a condo, would you buy one today?  I'm guessing NO.


    Hey, take my 3 million baht and...what?...I can't visit my own place and i can't even visit the country where I own property and have a gf?  oh, ok, mai bpen rai.  

    Exactly the reason I buy nothing more than street food, beer, and short time in thailand.  Non citizens are ONLY conditional guests that can be denied entry into the kingdom with impunity.  Immigration has full power to do as they please.  My friends who bought here told me they bought with the acceptance they can lose everything at anytime...they know there is no such thing as investing here.

  8. On 2/1/2020 at 5:19 AM, falang1969 said:


    I also married a 25 year old, never married, no kids.....paid zero, showed zero, no pretentious wedding rubbish....just into Amphur, just her and me, signed and walked out married.


    7 years later and 2 kids and everything is hunky dory.


    I did buy her parents as washing machine 4 years ago!


    She was lucky to get me...end of.





    Dam, your a unicorn to us men.  I congratulate you, and admire your life.  Most men on TVF have shovelled out everything they had and if they had access to more they would have given everything. 

  9. 6 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

    Never had to do a border run or risk anything in 18 yrs living in Thailand. IMO most of these problems are self inflicted due to lack of planning for the future or living the drunken dream...

    You do not need to do the 90 day report - lucky.  I read on TVF so many issues.  You sound like a lucky unicorn.  However, no matter how good it is, foreigners are always conditional guests at best.  Agreed, planning does help.  

  10. 6 hours ago, khunPer said:


    North american or in general ALL white women (canadian, america, european, etc)  Add a lot of time, plus feminaze alpha female attitude and you will be running to the nearest asian women.  Asian women are the hottest women that hold up both in looks and personality regardless of age. 

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