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Posts posted by brianthainess

  1. 15 hours ago, anterian said:

    I thought on trucks like this wheels are always paired so a blowout has no effect on safety.  

    I have to disagree, if one tyre had gone flat and the driver hadn't noticed, the paired hot tyre would have more load, causing it to bellow out more and start to *kiss* the the flat one. Friction = Heat. just to repeat a story i once posted, wifey and I, were on a bus near the back, when i noticed a noise coming from underneath (Ex-mechanics ears still work) it took my wife 3 attempts to get the driver to stop by finally pulling his earphones off ! rear outside tyre was flat. All falangs on the bus thanked us for possibly preventing a fatal accident. i think the Thais were more annoyed by being woken up in the day. :cheesy:

  2. I give my empty bottles to a young kid up the road, comes on a push bike, she also delivers 20 lit water  bottles with a hand cart she makes 8 baht. i admire any kids willing to do a bit of work as i did when a kid, but not at only 10 yrs old. The last place would be dogs before humans.

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  3. 7 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

    Very good , thank you .

    I programmed a monthly donation to Soi Dog .

    Do you have a link to Paws ?

    The way i see these dog charities near me, the people living off this money ( if you think the dogs get all the benefit wrong) have nice trucks and houses with swimming pools all paid for by your money. They also fill their place with barking yapping dogs.

  4. Where do you live ? as there are driving schools around, you take your test with them and can keep trying till they pass you, almost 100% sure you will pass. I can completely recommend Chanthaburi not sure if they have english but as they want good pass rates i am sure they will help you. duel control cars tested on a real road and a good test track even has a roundabout. automatic 5,500 baht about 20 hrs. of training in all. take you for the medical and to get the license and showed us a cheap hotel near buy. wifey paid 115 baht for medical and no hidden costs. pick up manual test is a bit more. 1,000 baht for M/C test. 

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