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Posts posted by brianthainess

  1. 16 hours ago, brain150 said:

    With a total of 3,000 cases that's about 3 per hospital [... about 1,000 hospitals in the country]


    Surely the fought very hard against what exactly ???

    There was nothing to fight because there were no cases !


    But surely a good idea to show that working for the Governments has benefits what ever happens !!!

    .... sounds very Socialist - works all the time !!!

    Maybe about 3 per hospital because of all the effort some put in to prevent the spread of covid. read my post  and maybe you might understand.

  2. Before you all start slagging this off, my wife is a medical volunteer (and a trash hero) they went to every body's homes and shacks up dirt tracks, advising people how to avoid covid and to stay fit, all through this she kept her small business going, even sewing masks for "the Govt." she was paid 10 baht to make 12 !! which were given away free. They will be going away for ONE night to Chanthaburi from Koh Chang that has remained virus free. They will get 2,000 baht each sharing rooms, she thoroughly deserves this small break away with friends, how could anyone begrudge her that or the hotel an income. Good luck to her, and well done helping to keep our village community free of covid. ???????? 

  3. Hope this is the correct forum; My friend has now got a new lease on a house in another province and paid the money. He will be moving in Aug 1st, he will soon need to renew his marriage extension, the problem he has now is that the landlady is not answering the phone or text, he has sent a photo of the TM30 to her and she has been told copy of blue book  and ID are needed. please bear in mind he is very disabled and can not go anywhere alone. his wife does not seem to understand the urgency and doesn't seem to want to help him, he is left alone all day while she works. Any advice for him would be helpful. I have suggested all he can do is go to immigration and tell them and maybe they can phone the owner, what else could he do ?

  4. On 7/22/2020 at 11:51 AM, bert bloggs said:

    is there anywhere in Pattaya where you can check if you have had it,i dont know anyone who has had it ,but begining of Jan i was very sick and a bit delirious ,but had not heard of covid then, just dont know what was wrong , 

    Beginning of January i was feeling very sick temp of 38 also, hard to breath, tired, had oxygen at home, took some antihistamine thought maybe an allergy, brown mixture to help sleep as much as i could, lasted about a week, i had just returned home from a few days in Rayong, knew of Covid but it was only just in the news. did i have it? i will never know.

  5. 3 hours ago, pixelaoffy said:

    Nah! This was about a direct bribe for a Wp favour! Nothing to do with using agents to process retirement extensions. All legit!

    The rules state YOU must have a bank acc with the matured money, please show me a link that says otherwise, i have never seen any written rule that says you can use an agent if you don't have the dosh, if not then by definition you are breaking the law.

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  6. 21 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

    Yes some of the early clamps could be removed , sometimes by deflating the tyre and some allowed enough movement to get the wheel off but both require a bit of brawn and getting dirty .. and of course they can be cut off but then it also becomes criminal damage .. 

    This old type of Citroen used to be  almost impossible to clamp even on the front, as the suspension lowered down when parked. 


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  7. 3 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    He’s looking on from behind the emergency decree with his head occasionally popping up to see if it’s safe to come out. 

    The protesters aren’t going anywhere and he can’t keep hiding behind the decree. He’s gonna have to come out eventually and face the music. 


    Is it safe yet ?

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