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Everything posted by RamenRaven

  1. Have you ever heard of Bergmann's rule? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bergmann's_rule Bergmann's rule says that living organisms become smaller in size as you move towards the tropics. You will overheat in tropical infernos if you look like Shrek or King Kong. And don't forget about the mosquitoes. Mosquitoes prefer bigger people since they emit more carbon dioxide.
  2. Self-selection. The positive happy-going guys too busy getting out there, enjoying Thailand and having a blast. Hence, no time to obsessively post on forums. But the grumpy guys have nowhere else to go but to become keyboard warriors, because it's not cool to be a grumpy sour-faced guy in the Land of Smiles, where looking angry is impolite and looked down upon. Life ain't perfect. The glass is always either half full or half empty depending on how you look at things. Just enjoy what you have and you will be happy wherever you are. Just my 2 cents.
  3. Honda Waves are actually for big Thais. Smaller Thais ride those little motor scooters where you can put your feet down on the floor, typically for Thai women with shorter legs. Just be glad that Mr. Wang is making your furnutire and cars, not Somchai, because the Chinese are a head taller than the Thais. It's common for taller Chinese and Koreans to be in the 180-185 cm range, so they will generally build things to accomodate people up to 190 cm or so. But Somchai thinks that the maximum possible human height is 175-179 cm and builds everything accordingly.
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