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Posts posted by Wong!

  1. Cool.

    What did he say when you told him about the oil issue?

    I didn't talk to the designer about that. We talked about the actual bike - how I liked it, what I like to see in bikes in general. They also asked my wife's opinion as a pillion passenger.

    One of the engineers said that my oil was a little high. I told him it was because the oil was a little low when I got it so I topped it up to the max line. He said it's best if the oil is exactly halfway between the max & min lines. The Big Wing tech was happy enough with the higher level when he checked it out a few weeks previously.

    Apart from making the indicators a bit more wobbly (as they're supposed to be according to them) I'm not sure what they did apart from give the bike a once over. There was a rather cute lady there on her 500 and they seemed to spend hours fettling her bike - I can't think why!

    • Like 1
  2. Similarly, our 6 month old Wave's battery died yesterday. The Honda dealer was out within 30 mins with a new battery. They said it's because the bike isn't used enough on short little runs, which is <deleted>, but there you go. Batteries do get eaten here for some reason, hence I have a battery tender for my old bike.

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  3. If they really gave you a new book without just correcting in the old then wow amazing! !

    I have bad experience about any service in thailand but yet I still love Thailand and planning to live here until my last day to come. Having that said I think honda could do so much better!

    That's why I said good luck with that! The part when he wrote that's what we pay honda for "our service" . its no good service to expect from honda!

    Maybe I sounds to negative about them now but I had to say it! Costumer service is crap! !

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Sorry to hear about your bad experience, to be honest, Big Wing here in Pattaya I am very happy with. I have never had an issue with them yet, always very polite and easy going. Maybe the rest of Honda needs to send their staff here for training. It's actually good here especially when compared to Kawasaki across the road. Funny thing is that they are both owned and operated by the same family, would think the standard would be the same but it's definitely not.

    Very happy with BW Udon Thani as well.

    Even got to meet the chief designer of the 500s a few days ago and a team of factory engineers who were interested in owners' thoughts about the bikes. Pretty good customer service if you ask me.

  4. Just came back from the track day at Bonanza circuit organised by Honda Big Wing.

    Was hoping to see some of you there, but I figured you guys couldn't leave the comfort of your keyboard.

    I don't like riding in groups and I am too busy.

    There was at least one TV memeber there on an NX700 (or whatever they're called).

  5. Back to the shim question. Just had the 1000 km service. Cost over 2000 baht, including 800 baht for shims. As the shims themselves cost FA, them this is labour cost of 800 baht for about one or two hours work at most. A bit steep. And they replaced 5 shims, so it looks like the check was necessary.

    And I don't get why the synthetic oil they suggest is so expensive, nor why it is used so early in life of the engine. I thought synthetics are best used after engine is well bedded in - say 5000 km +??

    I'd say because the Bangkok lot are crooks and only intereseted in fleecing you.

    Udon Big Wing offered me 2 choices; Semi-synthetic (recommended by them and cheaper) or fully-synthetic.

    I will use the semi for the next year after the 1000k service and then change to fully after then.

  6. A no brainer, 91, which is what the bike was designed to run on and what it specifies in the owner's manual.

    My bike has that.

    But it pings when running 91, just like most others who have the same bike. (2011 Honda). 95 it doesn't.

    What's the no brainer about using 91 again?

    My 1982, 2011 & 2013 Hondas all run fine on 91, just like everyone else I know who uses 91.

  7. Not sure why people are using 95 fuel in their 500s. Don't they have 91 in Bangkok any more?

    If like the CBR250, there might be detonation with certain 91 fuels.

    The 500s are designed to run on 91, NOT 95. If anyone thinks they will get better performance from 95 then they're fools.

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