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Everything posted by vinny41

  1. I get the impression that the new Shenxing battery from Neta point of view is aimed at larger vehicles and at a guess Baht 1.4 million plus Neta belongs to Hozon Auto and already has several electric models on the market – such as the 4.80-metre-long Neta S sedan. The first models with Shenxing batteries will likely be larger cars. I think someone on this forum has a 1 year old MG EP+ for sale https://www.electrive.com/2023/10/10/avatr-and-neta-to-use-catls-shenxing-battery/
  2. In the article is states "The first electric car to carry the battery will be Changan’s Avatr 12, presented at Munich Auto Show. Avatr is a joint venture between the car maker and CATL." https://carnewschina.com/2023/10/09/neta-evs-to-carry-the-first-4c-lfp-battery-that-adds-400-km-after-10-minute-charge/ Nothing in the article that indicates current Neta models will receive the new Shenxing battery This article does state that Production Costs for the Shenxing battery are higher that other lithium-ion batteries https://www.car250.com/neta-catl-shenxing.html
  3. Updated info on Savannakhet Oct 24 2023 new requirements can be found here https://aseannow.com/topic/1310170-savannakhet-now-require-bank-statement-400k-for-1-year-multi-visa-non-o-marriage-or-thai-family/
  4. it doesn't matter what you call it "I'm concerned about the increased risk of severe injury and death for all road users from heavier curb weights and increasing size, power, and performance of vehicles on our roads, including electric vehicles," Homendy said in remarks prepared for the group. https://www.npr.org/2023/01/11/1148483758/ntsb-heavy-electric-vehicles-safety-risks Should EV acceleration be legally limited for safety reasons? Some of our readers might believe that they would have no problem controlling these cars, but the reality is that the drivers who buy them may not have enough skill and, as such, could easily become a danger to themselves and other road users – even if they stay within the speed limit. YouTube is full of videos of much slower, petrol-driven ‘supercars’ crashing at relatively low speeds, due to the power generated from the line when the lights change. https://www.whichev.net/2020/04/24/should-ev-acceleration-be-legally-limited-for-safety-reasons/
  5. I disagree at the moment the safety regulators are focused on the safety concerns over EV Acceleration They are not looking at ICE vehicles In the UK Insurance companies are either declining to insure EV's are providing renewal quotes ranging from a 60% increase to a whopping 940% increase https://www.theguardian.com/money/2023/sep/30/the-quotes-were-5000-or-more-electric-vehicle-owners-face-soaring-insurance-costs Now according to the French arm of Axa The misjudgement of those unexpected accelerations is therefore the main cause of accidents with electric cars, say the experts at Axa Electric cars are involved in 50% more traffic accidents than their petrol and diesel counterparts, according to a study by insurer Axa. https://www.brusselstimes.com/287315/electric-cars-involved-in-more-accidents-than-regular-vehicles-study-shows So at the moment UK and French Insurance companies policy that discriminates against fast EV as Electric cars are involved in 50% more traffic accidents
  6. The majority of those Brands have access to off the road test tracks all over the world either directly or through their parent companies It would be easy for them to offer a track day experience as part of any sale all drivers to attend an electric vehicle training course to understand that Driving style differs from ICE to electric vehicles Chinese companies could offer something similar in China rest of the world it would be more diffcult
  7. You should have check the link at the bottom of the article Extreme Acceleration Is the New Traffic Safety Frontier The electric vehicle revolution has also helped deliver a new golden age of automotive horsepower — and safety regulators aren’t ready for it. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2023-01-06/welcome-to-the-age-of-extreme-acceleration?srnd=citylab
  8. It will happen and it is already being discussed in Media outlets and no doubt some Government agencies Zero to Deadly: How More Powerful Cars Endanger Lives With cars accelerating more quickly, drivers have less time to react and can pose more danger to pedestrians. Yes the auto industry is likely to resist regulation Here there talking about technology such as geofencing that reduces vehicle speeds in certain zones can limit the negative impact of faster acceleration https://www.planetizen.com/news/2023/01/120875-zero-deadly-how-more-powerful-cars-endanger-lives
  9. It will happen in the same way that when the internet was launched there was no rules or regulations similar to a day in dodge dodge city it could be mitigated or delayed if the automotive manufacturers and insurance companies built into the price and made it compulsory that all drives had to attend an electric vehicle training course to understand that Driving style differs from ICE to electric vehicles
  10. I am sure when the body bag increases they will look at all cars and if it turns out the increase of the body bag count is due to the acceleration speed on EV's then the will apply the rules to EV's I suspect the number of ICE vehicles on the road that are capable of 0-100km in 3.8 seconds is very tiny
  11. And that is why there is top speed limiter built in to most cars and you will see similar technology applied to limit the acceleration speed on EV's
  12. Axa insurance doesn't agree with you The main cause of traffic accidents with electric vehicles is the inappropriate driving behaviour of the drivers. Michael Pfäffli, head of accidents and prevention at Axa, explains: "We have seen in our statistics that drivers of electric vehicles cause 50 percent more collisions than cars with internal combustion engines. Drivers of powerful electric cars in particular cause twice as many accidents as with standard cars." https://www.brusselstimes.com/287315/electric-cars-involved-in-more-accidents-than-regular-vehicles-study-shows Once the body bag count increases dramatically you should expect laws to be implemented to restrict the 0-100km acceleration to be limited to a reasonable figure in the same way that there are speed limiters applied to the top speed of most vehicles
  13. I suspect there will be calls for speed limit controls to be installed on EV's to reduce crashes like this one 0-100km atto3 7.8 seconds 0-100km byd seal 3.8 seconds https://thephuketexpress.com/2023/11/05/fatal-collision-in-phuket-two-foreigners-dead-one-injured-after-car-driver-crashes-into-motorcycle/
  14. CP Group owners of 7-Eleven, Lotus Stores and Makro are working with Toyota to develop hydrogen-powered delivery trucks using chicken waste and food waste https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Automobiles/Toyota-to-make-hydrogen-out-of-waste-from-Thailand-s-CP-others
  15. The hurdle for motorway service areas continues to be a lack of charging capacity, with some sites having to decommission their charging points because they were taking power from the main facilities. https://motorwayservices.uk/Electric_Car I am sure most Motorway services would have done a cost analysis against profit and power consumption and removed the items that were the least profitable per kwh
  16. Ken McMeikan, chief executive of Moto Hospitality, which operates motorway service stations across the UK, said the lack of power capacity for charge points is a "major problem" facing the electric vehicle industry. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/electric-car-owners-issued-dire-warning-by-motorway-services-boss-091522987.html? EV drivers are turning up to motorway services at four of our locations and there are chargers sitting there but no power."
  17. Are you planning to report yourself as the "Factchecking 21 misleading myths about electric vehicles“ seems to be a UK based website and not relevant to the topic Electric Vehicles in Thailand
  18. It seems when it suits posts about EV outside Thailand are acceptable and when it doesn't suit out comes the waffle EVs in Thailand Can't have it both ways
  19. Can you provide a link that states " officially, a non resident cannot hold a Thai bank account." as many Thai banks do offer bank accounts to non residents and Thai nationals that work overseas are classed as non resident
  20. This thread was started 10 days ago on October 24th so anyone before October 23rd would have received a ME non-o without any financials
  21. Voting for overseas voters has been kicking around for a number of years now a number of private members bills have been submitted but never get adopted Generally Conservative MP's support Overseas voting for all and Labour MP's are against https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-8223/CBP-8223.pdf
  22. Tesla CEO Elon Musk said during the EV maker’s earnings call on Wednesday that he is concerned about the impact of high interest rates on would-be car buyers. "I’m worried about the high interest rate environment that we’re in," Musk told investors. "I just can’t emphasize it enough that for the vast majority of people, buying a car is about the monthly payment. And as interest rates rise, the proportion of that monthly payment that is interest increases naturally. So if interest rates remain high, or they go even higher, it’s that much harder for people to buy the car." https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/elon-musk-says-hes-worried-about-high-interest-rate-environment-were-in Finance is tight! Set a high down payment of 30-40%. Pickup truck sales fell 45% last month. Financial institutions remain strict in approving loans due to high household debt. https://www.khaosod.co.th/special-stories/news_7930685 Majority of Car sales in Thailand are on credit (installments) i have been to showrooms where they will try everything under the sun to try and get you to switch from paying cash to buying on credit In the past the minimum down payment was around 15% but if there is any leeway on the price example discounts most dealers will apply the discounts against the down payment reducing the 15% down payment down to as much as 5% A high down payment of between 30-40% will affect all vehicles sales but I suspect will affect EV sales more as there isn't much discounting once the subsidy has been applied to the import price
  23. The change Toyoda is looking to advance is in regards to electric vehicles and navigating the industry moving forward. Akio stood down as CEO at the boards request because he was anti-EV and because of him Toyota lost years in the EV race. It’s not difficult to stay on as chairman when your family created the company, and you probably own a huge tranche of shares. American manufacturers are slowing down their production of EV’s because of price led demand & supply chain issues. They can’t compete with China, it’s the same in Europe. Demand for EV’s is accelerating massively, but people look at the price of excellent Chinese products and won’t pay 40% more for a local equivalent. In Europe there is a 10% tariff on Chinese EV’s and people are still finding local equivalents grossly uncompetitive and poorly equipped. I think in America a lot of it is supply chain issues. The first thing Tesla did with their money was secure their supply chain. With the Ford F150 lightning it’s a supply chain issue, Rivian have the same issue with massive demand but long order books, upto 4 years on popular configurations. IMHO the GM & Ford announcement is nothing more than spreading FUD to push sales of their ICE vehicles. It doesn’t bear out what’s happening worldwide. Pickup trucks are another ball game, it’s too early to say what will happen in that market, let’s see what happens when BYD enter that market next year. But if we look at sales figures in Thailand, EV’s are growing at a fantastic rate and people are leapfrogging Hybrids. As EV’s have improved, Hybrids have gone from being the best of both worlds to inferior to EV’s. People who don’t own an EV say the charging infrastructure isn’t good enough, here in Thailand that’s not the case, it’s a complete non-issue. GM exemplifies the dilemma many carmakers face. The early adopters who bought EVs have gone home and the remaining consumers are hitting pause on EV consideration amid economic uncertainty, the lack of a widespread and reliable charging network and continued higher prices for most EVs compared with gasoline-powered counterparts, https://www.freep.com/story/money/cars/2023/10/27/forget-the-strike-the-real-crisis-could-be-a-lack-of-demand-for-evs/71291494007/ If you divide the customer base into 3 sections you have 1) you have the early adopters ( EV enthusiasts ) who seem to have bought a EV not for climate change but mainly to get a supercar on the cheap as most of the posts on this forum seem to be focused on the 0-100 km such as the 3.8 seconds on the BYD Seal 2) The next group of customers are the undecided or the inbetweeners this group are thinking about EV but are looking at all the pros/cons of EV's they wouldn't jump on the EV bandwagon as quickly as the early adopters ( EV enthusiasts ) and are more likely to hedge their bets with a hybrid 3) The 3 group of customers are the die hard Petrol heads who aim to keep their petrol or diesel cars going for as long as possible and as we can see in some cases that can be 120 years Given high interest rates EV manufacturers will find it harder too sell to customer group 2 and no chance of selling to the die hard Petrol heads Next Year will be interesting times in Thailand as manufacturers have already indicated they wouldn't be able to compete price wise with the cars that are produced from Chinese manufacturing plants so unless the subsidy on EV is moved away from imported cars to locally produced EV will be much harder to sell Bottom line The bubble has burst on the Global EV market
  24. Akio Toyoda was re-elected as Chairman with the backing of 85% of Toyota shareholders As for hybrid's Michelle Krebs, executive analyst with Cox Automotive, says these concerns are common. And as a result, hybrids are much more popular with shoppers than all-electric vehicles. "About 11% of all new car shoppers look at EVs," she says. "About 20% of all new car shoppers shop for hybrids." https://www.npr.org/2023/02/24/1158306767/prius-toyota-hybrids-electric-car-climate-change GM on the same day said that it was delaying the production of its coming EV Ford said it was slowing down the production of its F-150 Lightning truck.
  25. The World's Top-Selling Automakers, Ranked Toyota Motor Corp. sold 10.48 million vehicles in 2022, keeping its title as the world's top-selling automaker for a third year. https://www.carlogos.org/reviews/worlds-top-selling-automakers.html Toyota has an important warning for electric vehicle enthusiasts Despite major investments in EVs, automakers have been sounding the alarm. https://www.thestreet.com/electric-vehicles/toyota-has-an-important-warning-for-electric-vehicle-enthusiasts
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