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Posts posted by Melbun

  1. 3 hours ago, 473geo said:

    Interesting thread


    The actions of Dave and his wife are commendable, no doubting kind hearted and generous people, well done. A thoughtful couple, looking after people who are struggling to feed themselves and/or their families credit due to them


    Rather difficult however to understand the venom directed at comments that suggest this generous and kind effort is not a long term solution?

    Anyone want to put forward the idea of this guy being canonised as the patron saint of Thailand.

    Look you people: Thai's will outwardly display appreciation - but behind this guy's back the will say 'Ahhhh dirty rich farang has too much money - he can afford it'. Cynical?? - maybe, but this supposed goodwill gesture will backfire. Would have been better to invite some Thai friends to his home and treat them to dinner.

    • Like 2
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  2. 15 hours ago, hugolars said:

    I could be harsh by my opinion is that these are mere gestures without any what so ever effect to do any difference to the situation.

    Some would say its better than nothing but i think that these actions do more harm than good.
    The starving people must turn their attention to the government to come up with long term solution instead of standing in line begging for food from local citizens and foreigners. I thought the proud thai and their government would not accept charity from strangers. Instead the should be standing outside government buildings demanding their rights.
    These farangs and thais buy them self happiness with some bags of rice and eggs but for how long can they do that? A week? Two weeks?

    People are starving it nothing on the horizon indicate any improvment. Hungry people might come back and can turn aggressive if you turn them back so what do you do then mr farang?
    There is so much worse misery in the world so do you think that you bag of rice do any difference think again. It's arrogant to think that you have done any difference with this "charity". If it makes you feel good then think again on why you are doing it.
    Don't mean to offend  anybody but this is the reality.

    Yes, sort of have to agree. I always worry about the genuineness of these apparently selfless people making a donation (and wanting to remain anonymous). The Thais are great at pooling resources between themselves. They also have managed before without these donations from 'dirty farangs'. It can easily backfire, especially when the donations don't keep coming forth, and then seen as charity to already very proud Thai's. Do it once and you'll be expected to keep doing OR you will be the worst bast**d under the sun. 'Give them fish - you will feed them for day - teach them how to fish - they will never be hungry'.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 15 hours ago, Skallywag said:


    3.4 million arrivals in a month at Changi airport during pre-CV times. 

    You really think they can swab everyone and then track down the possible thousands that test positive?   

    Until there is a vaccine, quarantine is the only way to protect the public from those who deem travel is a necessary risk in their lives.  

    Hmmmmm everyone having swabs done - What the **** for ?? ## The proceeding is a conspiracy theory . Just the right climate and excuse to do covert DNA matching of citizens - globally. 'Ladies and gentlemen, strap yourself in' - this is the 'Twilight Zone'.

  4. 20 hours ago, baansgr said:

    So no happy endings...gonna explode soon 

    Never fear the Thais are resourceful. I believe in order to keep social distancing to an acceptable level - bar girls & mongers will be offered a thin , whole body length of cellophane, with a small, circular, cocktail Frankfurt sized hole about 3/4 of the way down. This is in the interest of not discriminating against the Japanese, Koreans & Chinese and practicing safe social distancing. Western mongers will be offered a different sheet with a Kranski sized hole :<)

  5. 2 hours ago, Leaver said:

    It's like a new tax.  They don't put it to the people in a referendum, because no one would vote for a new tax.  They just do it.  Now, maybe they are voted out in the next election for it, but the incoming government doesn't want to overturn it because it's their revenue now, so it basically stays forever. 


    In the future, maybe governments will do like India, and announce they are changing the notes, and any exchange over a certain amount requires ID to be supplied.  What do all the criminals do with their notes then?  

    Money - hard cash, is legal tender - it's tangible and it has universal value. A government can't pull the rug from under citizens and withdraw it covertly. Ordinary citizens can stand up to sneaky, brutish governments in a 'free' society. It's called people power. Don't become impotent - stand up and be counted. It may never happen - but it's important that it never does. Never mind criminals - they are the minority. Governments use this strategy to persuade ordinary law abiding citizens to give up their rights 'so we can catch the criminals' BS !!

    • Thanks 1
  6. 4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Another day of good news, bringing the likelihood of a full on curfew even less likely. We all know that way more testing would be helpful, but I am yet to hear of a single report of masses of sick and dying crowding at the hospitals. It does seem that Thailand is being most fortunate and that the virus here is unlikely to go crazy like in Europe and the US.

    This is fantastic news for a country with such a large population, where it's common for Thai's to mingle closely. And it's most unusual that they seem to be bucking global trends. Is it possible there is wholesale lying or shall we infer at the very least 'being very economical with the truth' ??

    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

    You missed the topic? I didn't change that!



    1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

    You missed the topic? I didn't change that!

    Bye now - whatever makes you happy. You just make sure you don't rock the boat and keep using pay wave. And above all don't make waves and don't yell and scream like that brat you mention. After all, you are convinced you can't make a difference. That's a good boy.

    • Haha 1
  8. 2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    I am talking about the UK, a country in lock-down. You don't have that choice. I am not there to ascertain how cash only people are being handled. But the reality is, to be handing cash back and forth, while trying to avoid infection, is stupid beyond belief.


    And yelling and screaming like a brat won't help.

    Oh ok you decide to change the ground rules. You didn't mention the virus. But it's interesting that most countries can hand over cash without a problem. Or can use gloves/ sanitizing gel  without peeing their pants. This is the usual long game they (big brother) is playing to soften jokers like you to condition everyone. Temporary rapidly becomes permanent.  Ooooh - go cashless or else you will get the virus or a disease or robbers will get you. Why does the UK have so much PC and surveillance ?? Because people don't scream and shout.

    • Thanks 2
  9. 3 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Yeah great, supermarkets in some countries not accepting cash. Touch-less card payment the way to go at the moment!

    Then don't go there. Choose a different supermarket. Scream, protest, get on the media, tell your friends, change to a political party that force supermarkets to accept legal tender (aka money). Write to the supermarkets and tell them to <deleted> off and you are taking your patronage elsewhere. Get out on the streets and burn your bra ???? - Don't be a sheep and be led by the nose. Once there is no cash - governments and banks, courts and umpteen organisations can stop your account with the press of a button or pilfer from your account.

  10. 6 hours ago, Leaver said:

    Even if you do not own a smart phone, they still know which tower your "dumb phone" is connected to.


    If you want to go off the grid, give up ALL technology, including your ATM card. 

    Yep, and unless you disguise yourself - facial recognition is being extensively used. Mongers are nothing compared to the perverted governments prying into peoples lives. And can you imaging if cash was eliminated. How do you secretly carry out ahem 'transactions of the heart' ??

  11. 38 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    I've worked as a freelance journalist for 40 years, seeing much of the world. I don't feel it robbed me of much. Rather, it enhanced it. I was my own boss to a very large extent, controlling myself and where I went. I appreciate that those who work in one place 9-5 might view things differently though.

    Good for you - key point here "I was my own boss" . So, no moronic boss breathing down your neck. Exactly my point. Most aren't as fortunate as you.

     However, if you were mega rich you could have the freedom to see much more of the world - with the constraints of a job. Nuff said.

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