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Hervey Bay

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Everything posted by Hervey Bay

  1. "They also criticized Mr. Trump for linking the tariffs to the fentanyl crisis, accusing him of using the issue as political leverage". Much as I dislike Trump, I agree with that move. Fentanyl and meth are real scourges. Possibly the only move of his I agree with.
  2. So that they know the technology they will be competing with and may be fighting against in the future. And because they cannot know everything and need US technology to complement their own.
  3. Her surname is Khantiphok. Say it out loud and think of slang.😁
  4. By extension, I guess this also applies for tobacco smoke and secondhand tobacco smoke ?
  5. My old Peugeot 504. Simple, almost agricultural, but sophisticated mechanically. Body designed by Pininfarina. They had the first outboard rear disc brakes of any car. Jaguar beat them but theirs were inboard...near the diff...and never worked well. Won the South Africa car rally 5 times against Mercedes who had helicopter backup. You still see them in North Africa a lot. Slow-revving pushrod engine, but fantastic suspension. I went everywhere in it. You could sleep in the early ones and I had some of the most comfortable sleeps of my life in it.
  6. The ultimate in cool. A real home for my soul.
  7. Long Q syndrome causes sudden death and is not infrequent
  8. Regarding the murders of those two British tourists, the puncture wounds on their bodies have never been explained, Who was that local guy who wore a shark tooth ring, and who some said had been seen arguing with at least one of them earlier ?
  9. I agree, Common sense shows us that as Mary and Joseph were married, hanky-panky had to be going on. Either that, or they had serious psychological problems.
  10. The Chinese are very sensitive about this, but 'methinks they do protest too much'. When Australia's former Prime Minister called for an enquiry into COVID origins, the Chinese government immediately cancelled BILLIONS of dollars in contracts to buy our produce. The last of these have only just been reinstated.
  11. I second the magnesium glycinate...it calms the mind better than any other form of magnesium. Perhaps you could also Google ADHD and see if you have any of the other symptoms. The hyperactivity is often of the mind. It is a common misconception that it is solely physical. I know because my own mind is overactive due to marginal ADHD.
  12. I once read that in the Aramaic language, in which some of the bible was written (or perhaps simply the language spoken by many in biblical times), the word "virgin" simply meant a woman who had never previously had a baby. Aside from that, there are pre-biblical myths about virgin births. It was certainly not exclusively Jesus.
  13. Actually, Australia does. Norway is not too bad either.
  14. It took me a while after living in Thailand to notice the way Thai people, especially mothers, use mock anger instead of actually getting angry the way Western people do, and I think it is actually a psychologically very sophisticated way of dealing with emotions and unwanted behaviour. But I am sure some Westerners living in Thailand have not even noticed it. The mother raises her voice in a falsetto and pretends to hit the child, but never does so. Thereafter all that is needed is to raise the voice in that falsetto and the child knows they have overstepped the mark, and to rein in their behaviour. I have tried it on adults here in the West and it works, but only if you make it over-exaggerated and obvious that you are play acting. In fact we do it already, but in quite a different way. Does anyone have thoughts or observations on this phenomenon ?
  15. A desperate move and akin to what Putin is doing
  16. The Thai psyche will never change. Thais do whatever they want, and nobody, even the police, can change their behaviour.
  17. No, they should be starved until their physical condition resembles the cat in that photo.
  18. I caught one of these once, and apart from the fact that they are very small, I recall that even when you cannot see the blue rings, there are a number of brownish circular patterns on them. The overall size of the octopus is a giveaway. It is apparent that they are not a juvenile but a tiny adult.
  19. "The collision’s impact badly dented the sedan’s door". It bent the car frame. That car would be a write-off in any Western country.
  20. They are news reports from many different sources, all around the world. You are behaving like either a troll or an idiot. Or both.
  21. On second thought, here are the first of many, many reports . They are hardly random. And these are not even the first page of Google results. Would you like me to post all the links from pages 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 ??? https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/09/health/teen-vaping-death.html https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/aug/03/victorian-student-found-unconscious-after-vaping-and-taken-to-hospital https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/teen-nearly-dies-from-vaping-left-with-permanently-damaged-lungs/news-story/a557d95fe2c62837883b242ef6147c93 https://au.news.yahoo.com/boy-12-dies-and-two-teen-girls-hospital-after-vaping-session-052607594.html https://www.foxnews.com/us/north-carolina-woman-warns-vaping-dangers-teen-stepsons-sudden-death-we-had-no-clue https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/health-wellbeing/russian-boy-dies-teen-sister-in-hospital-and-friend-in-coma-after-sleepover-vaping-session-c-5293943 https://7news.com.au/sunrise/on-the-show/sydney-teenager-dakota-stephenson-treated-in-icu-for-evali-a-lung-conditon-linked-to-vaping-c-4232124 https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/boy-dies-teen-sister-two-25927962 https://www.insideedition.com/north-carolina-mom-warns-about-potential-dangers-of-vaping-after-15-year-old-stepson-dies-82403 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12352437/Solomon-Wynn-North-Carolina-football-star-dead-vaping-saw-develop-heart-condition.html https://www.insider.com/15-year-old-died-vaping-youngest-vaping-death-2020-1
  22. I am not going to hunt around to look for evidence to try to convince you, Bob, as I suspect that you are either a closed-minded person or one of the forum trolls. I have read quite a few news articles on Yahoo News and other news sites about young people having very sudden and serious lung issues due to vaping. I'll let you search for them yourself.
  23. That is not at all true. In the short term, some young people develop very serious lung problems as a result. And furthermore, vaping has become a HUGE problem amongst teenagers here in Australia.
  24. You should see my passport photo ! But yes....the hair ! aaarrgh !
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