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Shocked farang

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Everything posted by Shocked farang

  1. I didn't say that, go home and start doing your homework on managing a budget. Travelling always involve a budget, if you can't afford it, then don't leave home. Normal or abnormal isn't the question here. Be abnormal if you want but don't become a beggar. That's not cool to place your survival on the hands of the host society that kindly accepted your deceptive promisse that you would be a tourist!
  2. Now in Pattaya, the bar girls beg you for sex all day long...
  3. I guess that what he meant are some programs that help poor immigrants in the US, where they receive a hotel room and some money. It's mostly in big cities such as New York.
  4. For the people who keep comparing Thailand with their native countries, I'd say that if you show up as a tourist in Thailand, you are supposed to be able to support yourself without working or begging. About two weeks ago I saw a foreign beggar in Jomtien (beach near Pattaya), he really looked pathetic. Everyone in Thailand is OK with seeing a Thai or another Asian looking person asking for something but not a farang, ever! Just call someone back home and get an airline ticket. Stop being a fool in Asia.
  5. Next time you go to Suvarnabhumi airport take the time to check out the incredible number of Thai Airways planes completely inactive, in need of maintenance perhaps, that's still consequence of the Covid times.
  6. How would you know that the pilot in your flight is a student or not?
  7. That's were you go wrong, their idea is through information sharing, get their hands on your foreign income, even if it doesn't get to Thailand. Whether they will be able to enforce it, that's a different story.
  8. Sure that high networth individuals are the main target of this new "idea", my shot is that most, if not all, will decide to leave the land of smiles...
  9. This whole thing only shows that they live in a state of complete delusion. They have no means of enforcement of this new foreign tax regime. The only country on the planet that can do this is the US, due to the fact that the USD is the reference global currency, if a bank decides not to comply they just cut it off from USD transfer, all USD bank transfers have to go through the US.
  10. This is a fact, Thailand in the 90's was a completely different animal. The whole thing now gravitates around greed.
  11. Thailand is trying to imitate the US that taxes its tax residents globally, the only countries that do that are the US and Eritrea. Only the US actually has the means to enforce it. Another gimmick from this government to waste people's time and attention!
  12. His high prices sound like a rip off to me!
  13. I did say it's purchased in advance from an embassy. I said the first step on arrival is to purchase the Visa and then you get your stay stamped
  14. Visa exemption means that they will stamp the entry on your passport stating the maximum duration of your stay. Visa on arrival means that first of all, you must buy a Visa, that is an authorization to travel to Thailand, once you have that Visa then they will stamp your entry with the maximum stay.
  15. Simple, all the married expat needs to do is to buy a second hand laptop and claim to be a digital nomad. If they ask you what exactly you do, you reply that you are still in the "faking" phase, there's a saying in the digital nomad community that is : "fake until you make it".
  16. I feel the same way. They have overdone the advertising due to the lack of regulation. Why doesn't the government think in terms of more regulation, instead of making it ilegal?
  17. Sorry to say but it will make a difference for people who really smoke it. I am not a smoker but I have smoked many times and know the difference of the crap that used to be sold as cannabis and the high concentration THC that is sold now. I went into a cannabis store today to buy some CBD oil and was mind blowed by the smell and quality of their strains. I don't smoke but know how to differenciate between crap and good stuff.
  18. Well, the flower and the bud are the part of the plant where the most concentration of THC happens. So the best weed is always from the flowers and bud. Before it become ilegal and is driven underground you should have a look at a cannabis plant with flowers and buds. Many shops in Thailand now have the plant for display. It's something really interesting to see.
  19. In my humble opinion, medical use of cannabis is more about CBD than THC. CBD has no psychoactive effects and it has many positive properties. The main problem with THC isn't even that it has psychoactive effects but rather that it's almost impossible to know in advance what kind of effects a certain strain of cannabis will have on a certain individual.
  20. Stoner, Pothead definetly have a negative conotation. Just say weed smokers, or cannabis users as there are many people who prefer edibles or even THC oil.
  21. " 's also believed that the deceased passenger might have sustained fatal injuries due to not buckling the seatbelt during landing." Needless to comment on this, but I try to keep my seat belt bucked for most of the flight, no matter what the lights indicate.
  22. I'm so glad that my stock of KN 95 masks is full. Soon they will disappear from the stores.
  23. Not tough I would say, but definetly resilient. She looks quite Ok now.
  24. As far as I know it's a free market. Nobody is forcing anybody to buy her book, but if they think it's worth the price, good luck to her as a writer.
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