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Shocked farang

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Everything posted by Shocked farang

  1. Same old story, they don't like the foreigners but they love their money and expertise. Nothing new under the sun in LOS.
  2. I have noticed some Cannabis shops with signs in Chinese indeed.
  3. The answer is yes, of course. There are cannabis shops selling it everywhere in Thailand, but as the article explains, it's going to end by April 2025.
  4. "Many coffee shops now are selling the stuff... and smoking it." Real coffee shops continue to sell only coffee and sometimes tea as well. This concept of a coffee shop selling cannabis is from Holland, it's like an euphemism, when someone says coffee shop there, everyone links it to cannabis. Here in Thailand it's just some cannabis entrepreneurs who copied the concept, the person buys some cannabis and consumes it on the premises, no need to take it home. Because of the lack of regulation some places like this have the chairs and ash tray outdoors, in front of the shop! This cannot happen in the Netherlands
  5. Copacabana is a <deleted> hole, it smells <deleted> from one end to the other. If you want a better beach nearby head to Ipanema, if you want a real beach head to Barra da Tijuca. Forget all about Copacabana, in the evening you'll probably be mugged there.
  6. I was there until a few days ago and I can say that it's not easy. There's a grey cloud enveloping the whole valley. I was indoors most of the time in the last few days.
  7. It's that simple as there's burning in Laos and Myanmar as well.
  8. Maya bay is because of the movie. It's beautiful of course but with the number of day trippers hardly worth a visit anymore.
  9. Pattaya is number one in freelancing ladyboys in the evening!
  10. All the toxic people around already started to target the poor maid who most probably never suspected that something so tragic could ever happen. Narcissists always tend to equate everything with money. They don't know, they have understanding of human empathy.
  11. Exactly, a survey like this can only be considered real in a country where prostitution is legal such as Germany. Elsewhere it's just a rough estimate.
  12. It is true. You can see how cops are always looking for ways to better their meager monthly income. They are very creative, the roadblocks in Pattaya are the prime example. The rider without a license gets stopped at the roadblock then he is instructed to pay a visit to the police station where everyone is already expecting him, he pays 550 TBH and gets a paid mark on the slip. One cop even told me when I went back to get the motorbike, "If they stop you again you can show this slip with the PAID mark on it! 555
  13. You are neglecting the downsides, every substance has its downsides.
  14. My research is my own experience with cannabis. Depend on the person/strain your reflexes slow down, also your cognitive ability goes haywire.
  15. Not many people are willing to talk about it but cannabis really impairs ones ability to drive.
  16. I meant the culture of the also Russian plumbers who visit Thailand not the scholars of course. Academic, scholar culture is apart in every country.
  17. Russian culture is very rough by nature, the oposite of the buddhist culture of Thailand.
  18. Please correct me if I'm wrong. This problem has roots in the corrupt nature of Thai police. The tendency in the Thai police when they come across all kinds of ilegal activities is to procure their share, their bribe first. This gives a strong message to all criminals that they can get away with anything.
  19. Well, Robison Crusoe won't be seen in Phuket, that's for sure!
  20. She was wearing the damm elephant pants when arrested! Another blow to the Khao San crowd. Some become begpackers some become kidnappers!
  21. I did a dive master course there in the 2000's, there was a feeling of connection and friendship among the diving community. But things change fast in developing Thailand. That diving season actually ended with me catching dengue fever.
  22. The man is on drugs! There's no doubt about that.
  23. It's impossible to put the genie back into the bottle. Thailand already created a weed/CBD culture. People who understand and like these products will not accept the end of this industry. I belive that at the end what will happen is that most shops will be linked to Thai traditional doctors nearby who can write prescriptions for medical usage for anyone. You just claim that you are suffering from some misterious headaches...That's it.
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