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Posts posted by jbsears

  1. My family is coming in town on Wednesday and would like to take them there if it is still open. I've heard that it is and that it isn't. Does anybody actually know for certain if the night bazaar is still open or not? Thanks

  2. Thanks for the try in your replies. I think there are probably better answers out there. I'm not too worried about the price except for being taken advantage of by a supposed friend. Friends shouldn't take profit from friends.

    But on the previous post, all the mixers are free provided by the hotel so we are just going to purchase probably a case of Red.

    I would prefer to only get honest answers from people that have experience buying cases. I am not aiming to start a pointless thread so please only constructive answers.

  3. Hello!

    My fiance has a friend at her work who's family owns a liquor store or distributor (not sure which). She has said she would give us a special price for Johnny Walker Red for our wedding reception. We have to buy 12 bottles at 500 Baht/bottle. I just want to know if this is a good deal? I've seen 1l bottles on sale at Big C before for 500 Baht so I'm not sure if this is really a great deal.

    It seems a number of yall own bars so yall should know if this is a deal we should take.

  4. You can do it at one of the MBK shops on the ground floor. My fiancee and I made shirts with our two little yorkies on them for our wedding picture book. It was quite expensive since we only had two made. It was 600 Baht a shirt. You may be able to get a better deal for 30 shirts but I don't think it will be too much cheaper since we my fiancee ordered our they said you have to order 100+ to get a real discount.

  5. Hello! I am about to do the 5am or 5:30 (the website says different times on different pages) visa run with Jack's Golf. The website says that it returns at 12:30. From what I've read on this forum, most people say they return around 5pm but these are usually later departure times. I was just wondering if any who has done the 5 or 5:30am visa run, what time does it actually return?

  6. Well, we got the London Cab. It took a while but we finally got through on the airport information line. In case anybody else wants to rent a London Cab, the price is 1000 Baht/hour at a minimum of 3 hours. Its not too bad since the best quote we got for an S-class was 1500/hour at a minimum of 3 hours. Also, the London Cab will give my wife-to-be plenty of room for her wedding dress.

    Thanks for all the help!

  7. I think I finally realized the problem here. It was what siamsquare123 said about the government being the father. This is why politics don't work here. The government is not a father or an authoritative figure. The people are the father and the authoritative figure. The government is the child, the representative of the people. The government is supposed to do what the people tell it to do. If it doesn't, it is then punished as in not re-elected. The problem is that the governments that have been in power here have felt that they are in power over the people instead of being the puppet of the people as it is supposed to be.

  8. I just bought my fiancee her engagement ring in January. I bought it at Paragon but we bought our wedding rings at the Old Siam complex. The problem with buying diamonds in Thailand is that Thais treat them like gold. They buy and then sell them back when they get bored of them or need money. Therefore, a lot of diamond stores only carry colorless, vvs2 and above diamonds. An engagement ring doesn't need to be that at all. Since an engagement ring is forever and never to be sold back, it is only for the eye to see. Therefore, a color of I and above is sufficient for white gold. With yellow gold, you can even go worse. For clarity you can get VS2 and above since they are still not visible to the naked eye and usually not visible at 10x magnification. In the US rings are usually sold at SI1 or SI2 since they are still flawless to the naked eye but are visible under 10x magnification.

    I personally would have preferred to buy my fiancee's engagement ring in the US but that just wasn't an option for me. I would just recommend the following two things: don't buy a colorless diamond (D,E,F) as you can save a ton of money by buying a near colorless diamond (G,H,I) and no one but a diamond jeweler can tell the difference, and second, don't buy a diamond that is VVS2 or above, no one will be able to tell the difference from one of them and a VVS1 or 2 with the naked eye including a diamond jeweler.

    Good luck shopping for the ring!

  9. I find it quite strange that it is acceptable to call out someone because of their ethnicity. I can't imagine the response you would get back home if you ever yelled out to a foreigner 'Hey Chinaman' or 'Hey Asian'. You would be looked at like a racist.

  10. Hello!

    My fiance and I want to hire a London Cab for our wedding in 2 weeks to bring us from the church to the reception. We are finding it extremely difficult to find out how to hire one. We hear that they are at the airport but it is a little far for us to travel just to try and find a London cab. We've tried to call the AOT Limousine number (081-652-4444) but it is disconnected. If anybody knows how we can find one to hire for a few hours, we would really appreciate it.

  11. The main problem with getting a degree in Thailand is if you want to find a job in the West after you graduate. I have a friend that went home with his MBA from arguably the top program here and couldn't find a job back home. Its not the problem of the quality of the top schools like TU, CU and AIT, but the quality perception of education from Thailand by US employers.

    Another problem is if you want to work here in Thailand after you graduate. Foreign graduates of Thai universities are treated the same as Thai graduates of Thai universities. You only get Western pay if you have a Western education.

    If you want to get a degree in Thailand and then get a post-grad degree in the US, you should go to TU or Chula. I talked with a professor here from Thailand who got a Bachelor from Chula and then a Master's and Ph.D. from the US. She said that only TU and Chula are considered on the same level as US universities by US admissions committees but BU and ABAC are gaining respect from them.

    In conclusion, I would say if you are going to study here to attend Chula, TU, BU or ABAC. Mahidol may be a good option too, but I do not know too much about their international program and it was not mentioned in my talk with the Thai professor.

  12. Exactly. It's just unbelievable that some people are trying to say that it's OK for Americans to put Buddha image on G strings because some bad monks had BBQ'ed a dog.

    Would it be OK for Thais to piss on a cross or a picture of Jesus because some Catholic priests have molested children?

    Some people.

    IMO,yes it would be.

    personally, I get sick of people complaining about their religion and what you can not do or say for fear of offending somebody.<deleted> em! :D

    If you don't want to be offended by the Budda,or the JC or the shiva doggie undies...don't look at the site.Simple really. :o

    I totally agree with this reply. No reason to take people's freedoms away b/c other people are offended. Boohoo!!!

  13. something fishy is going on - counter coup?? :o


    If there was going to be one, this weekend would be the perfect time when the city is empty. If they keep all this censoring up, it will piss off the already pissed off Thais and may lead to more anti-junta feeling. They should be careful to keep the populous happy.

  14. 6. You can appreciate Thai music, movies, comedy, news, opinions etc in a way that a non Thai speaker cannot

    I don't know if becoming fluent could make anybody appreciate a Thai comedy. I think anybody who watches a Thai comedy is dumber afterward.

  15. I am not, I was answering a response that assumed all Thais were limited to one wife. Thai muslims are legally allowed 4 wives.

    Thais are only allowed 1 legal wife. This includes Muslims too. This was what was brought up with Gen. Sonthi. He has two wives and registered both, but the law only allows the registration of one.

  16. I think it also depends on the environment of the bars. If your talking university bars in the West, you may find your sweetheart. If your talking bars/clubs in Thailand, you probably won't. One difference with Thailand and other countries like it is that it is not culturally acceptable for girls to hang out in bars. Therefore, most of the good girls that are marriage potential you will not find in the bars/clubs in Thailand. In the West where it isn't so taboo for girls to hang out in bars/clubs, you have a better chance to meet that special one. Unless a skanky whore is your type, a Thai beer bar is not a place to meet the future wife.

    what a load of <deleted>, lets talk about the west for a moment, you either meet people through your work environment , you were at college/university with them or you met in a bar/club. Same as in here in Thailand you stay away from Pattaya and the Nana/cowboy/patpong in bangkok, and go to the rest of the entertainment venues in bangkok you will meet a different set of people. Most people the world over meet their future partner in an entertainment establishment, same as in Thailand, you go out, yes many single thai girls want a thai bvoyfreind but also many want a farang boyfreind, same as in the west you get to know someone first, you have a chance of a relationship that may last, you just want a <deleted> then go to the above mentioned places.


    P.S this is an edit, i thought i had something semi-intelligent to say but as i am pissed can't remember what it was, and my above post after re-reading it makes no sense to me either, ###### heineken.

    Well said buriramboy and I agree. The "bars" people are talking about are not what I would class as a bar. There are plenty of night spots that aren't just full of tourists and BG's and are much more upmarket than your open aired bus shelter with a few chairs and BGs scattered around. These cater directly to the tourist trade so what would you expect to find there?



    I wasn't talking about bargirl places only. I mean all bars in Thailand. Good girls aren't supposed to go to bars and definitely aren't supposed to pick up guys in bars in this type of culture. Even if it is Santika or another bar that caters to well off Thais, a good girl will not be found there mingling with guys she doesn't know. The only exception to this are the girls that work in offices all week and go out with their coworkers on Friday or Saturday night. These girls are there to loosen up with their coworkers and not at all out to meet guys. I know many girls that aren't even allowed out at night by their parents. Trust me when I say many, many good marriage material girls will not be found in bars in Thailand.

  17. The problem seems to be with her intent to return to Thailand. I am more familiar with the US but it is probably similar with the UK. The 6 months is probably a problem. What kind of person can really get 6 months off work and still have a job when they come back? Is the school she works at a government school or a small private music school? If her letters are from a bar and a private music school, they probably won't carry much weight. If you ask for a visa that is 3 or 4 weeks which is plenty of time to attend the wedding and see family, you may have a better chance. Even 3 months is a long time to believe they will still have a job waiting. If she can take off for 3-6 months from work, what is stopping her from not coming back and just staying in the UK. It seems her job isn't that important if she can leave for that long. This is just what I believe the Embassy is thinking when denying her visa.

  18. I think it also depends on the environment of the bars. If your talking university bars in the West, you may find your sweetheart. If your talking bars/clubs in Thailand, you probably won't. One difference with Thailand and other countries like it is that it is not culturally acceptable for girls to hang out in bars. Therefore, most of the good girls that are marriage potential you will not find in the bars/clubs in Thailand. In the West where it isn't so taboo for girls to hang out in bars/clubs, you have a better chance to meet that special one. Unless a skanky whore is your type, a Thai beer bar is not a place to meet the future wife.

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