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Posts posted by jbsears

  1. Have you thought about Sasin at Chula? I belive they have a partnership with Kellog or Northwestern.

    Not distance, but potentially part time or at night

    pay for it as you go.

    Local MBA like Sasin, is around 950,000 baht for the whole two years. That's around 25,000 dollars, so not really cheap.

    You can get funding from the US. Just ask your US bank. You will get a loan of up to 8k a year up to 88k total including undergrad and grad. You don't have to start paying back interest or principal until you graduate. I'm not sure if this counts towards foreign institutions but I believe it does as long as the institution is accredited.

  2. your joking boys ,

    this guy is having a top laugh at your expense.

    he's trolling you all like a frigging marlin.

    give it a miss punters and head down the rubbity. :o


    Do people really make up topics for amusement? A lot of people on this forum accuse others of making up stories, but I don't understand why anybody would do such a thing. What fun would anybody get out of making up stories like this and watching people reply? Well, if people actually do this, I feel sorry for them since they must have horribly boring lives.

    On this topic, I know Thai girls like this. They come from good families so you don't think they would be capable of this. But one in particular was just as the OP posts on his gf, she lied about her bf abusing her so I wouldn't mind seeing her even though she already had a Thai bf. I found out later that she is just a pathological liar and that her old bf never touched her in a violent manner. Afraid that even if this is a troll incident here, this situation does happen more often then one would think.

    GOOK LUCK!!!

  3. I think the prices at "slutsville" (should be "whoresville" since sluts do it for free) as the OP called it fair. The real rip off is at clubs where they charge 200-300 baht a small bottle of beer. This usually leads me to order a bottle whenever I go to a club. Back home the only place that sales beer at $5 or more is a strip club; regular bars are usually the cheaper places, around $2.50.

  4. I was just wondering if anybody knows of any clubs or bars that have band that plays western punk rock/pop music. I really love to listen to Fall Out Boy, The Killers, MCR, JET, Panic! At The Disco, etc. I just have never found any place that plays this kind of western music. I have found bars that play the Thai equivalent. Any suggestions I would really appreciate.

  5. Since no one knows what happened except for the two and maybe just the tuk-tuk driver since the Welshman may have been too inebriated to remember, I don't really want to comment on the specific situation. But in general, Phuket needs to find more tolerant tuk-tuk drivers. They work in a tourist town so they should expect to pick up drunks and maybe bad drunks. It comes with the job. They should also have posted prices like one poster mentioned. Most tourists come from places where negotiating prices is not accepted and even looked down upon as not being equal for all. Since the goal is to make money through servicing tourists, they should adapt to their customers.

    I went there with my partner last year and she hated Patong the most due to the majority of people just trying to take advantage of the tourists. We travel to island often during Thai holidays but never again to Patong until it gets cleaned up.

  6. I went to BNH once for some type of virus that caused a rash. The doctor prescribed these ointment packets which are needed but he prescribed about a year's worth. When I went to pay they told me it was 10,000 baht. I couldn't believe it. I didn't buy the medicine. I went to Boots where it was about 100 baht cheaper per packet and I didn't have to buy such a bulk worth. Boots sold individual packets where my total bill went from 10,000 baht to 1,500 baht.


  7. I'm a member at Fitness First and it is overpriced but not too bad since it is not overly crowded like california fitness. Gyms are just smaller and more expensive here in BKK. Back home my sis has a Bally's membership for $15 a month and I had one for $30 a month at a generic gym. And the ones in the West are much bigger with indoor tracks, pools, basketball courts, racquetball courts, etc. Think there just isn't enough room downtown to have a real fitness center like back in the States. Just take what you can get since they are sort of a luxury here instead of a necessity like back home.

  8. When I first came here I bought two yorkies from JJ cause my gf wanted them. They were healthy but we made sure that the people we bought them from were real breeders and not just a puppy mill. The place is dirty and the dogs will probably have some sort of minor problem like ticks or microscopic bugs in the ears which can be fixed in a couple weeks. Broke up and the dogs didn't end up with me.

    A couple years later really missed the dogs, so I purchased two more from reputable breeders not in JJ. I truly can't say they were any better since it is still Thailand. The level of sanitation is just not at the same standard level just as you see restaurants on the street. They just aren't at the same level of cleanliness as in the West.

    Never buy a dog from one of the JJ sellers that do not have a decent a/c shop or if they sell multiple breeds of dogs. A good breeder will specialize in only one or maybe two breeds. If they have a variety then it is probably a pet shop buying from puppy mills.

    As mentioned earlier by someone else, always check the lineage of the dogs. The pedigree papers should have 3 generations which is needed if you want to register it with the AKA. One place to find breeders is on pantipmarket.com or sanook.com or there is a dog magazine called dog world or something like that in Thai which has a list of Thai breeders and their contact info.

    Good Luck!

    Oh yeah, I wouldn't buy a JJ dog to save it from its current environment. It will just make the sellers continue what they are doing. Boycott them so they will stop when they make no money.

  9. Uncertainies are only caused by the certainy that people will not read the visa Nomenclature pinned thread on the forum. Of course, if they did so, the number of threads would drop dramatically



    Well, it would make sense to not call it "visa nomenclature" since a lot of people are non-native speakers. How many of them know the word nomenclature? And if you are talking about visa rules then nomenclature would not be the proper word to use. Why not call the thread "Visa Rules". Just a thought.

    Sorry, just read the nomenclature thread and it is labeled correct it is just not a good source of info. I don't see how this could help anyone with the questions that are being asked about rules. All this does is name the classification for different needs of a visa. Maybe one of the pinned ones gives visa rules. I don't know, i'm too lazy to read them. Its just easier to start a new thread that directs the person's exact question and situation. Peace

  10. Uncertainies are only caused by the certainy that people will not read the visa Nomenclature pinned thread on the forum. Of course, if they did so, the number of threads would drop dramatically



    Well, it would make sense to not call it "visa nomenclature" since a lot of people are non-native speakers. How many of them know the word nomenclature? And if you are talking about visa rules then nomenclature would not be the proper word to use. Why not call the thread "Visa Rules". Just a thought.

  11. I was just wondering why so many topics are closed that don't break the forum rules. I know some of the topics like bar girls and such aren't popular amongst many members, but as I read the forum rules there are no rules against it. This seems to me like a form of censorship. We are mostly all grownups, so can't we choose to view a topic of this nature if we want. I am just mentioning this because I just read the topic on bangkok hotels which was ended for no reason. It was a reasonable topic but I guess not PC. I am not a fan of these topics unless they are funny which some are but still people should have the freedom to ask for info on topics of this type.

  12. I walked into Bourbon Street a couple years ago but walked straight out. It is okay if you don't care how fancy your dinner is or if your on a budget.

    I went to Westin Grande last year and was pretty satisfied. Will probably go there again this year unless one of you guys or gals knows of a place that has pecan pie. Haven't found any pecan pie here yet and Thanksgiving isn't Thanksgiving without pecan pie. So if any of yall know, PLEASE post where to find it.

  13. UBC is extremely overpriced compared to American cable providers. Timewarner has digital cable for $25 a month which has 100s of channels. Comcast for the same price as the Platinum package you can also get 100s of channels.

    Also, I don't believe the reasoning for taking MTV and VH1 off the air. UBC said they were adding more knowledge-based channels, but the channels they added were two generic Thai music channels. It seems as if they didn't want to pay the royalties to the company that owns MTV and VH1 anymore when they can play Thai music for really cheap. As you can see, Channel V is still on and it is a cheap Asian licensed music channel.

    I am afraid they will drop HBO next because they can play VCD copies of movies on Movie Hits 53 for a lot cheaper than paying the HBO royalties.

    Anyways, I'm keeping my Platinum package just because there is no other choice. Lucky for UBC they have a monopoly in cable television at a Western standard.

  14. In my humble opinion the whole social problem (sex, booze, drugs etc) starts with a very bad system of education, both at home and in the schools, where sweeping problems under the carpet and pretending they don't exist still is the norm!!!

    This is the main problem. Schools and families ignore the problem here just like with sex and cheating. Here it seems it is better to pretend the problems don't exist at home or at school. The home should be where this is dealt with. The government should not have to get involved with issues such as underage sex or alchohol use. By making the age 25, it is just supporting the notion that thais are still considered kids until 25. I know too many 20-25 year olds here that are still treated like kids already by their family. The government doing it won't help.

  15. Yeah, I agree with the logic that the airport is not going to bring in more people or business even if it is a hub. I fly to the US a lot and the main hub is Taipei but I have never actually left the airport. I will be the same way here if it does become a hub. A lot more people may come but most won't leave the airport. Also, I have never heard of anyone choosing a city/country to visit because of an airport. I will choose a certain city to fly through because of an airport if I have a long layover. But an airport has no influence on my final destination. Just my thoughts.

  16. There is one thing that I don't understand. I would really appreciate someone clarifying immigration's reasoning.

    They are supposedly doing the tightening to get everybody on the proper visa/work permit and to get them to start paying their income taxes. Controlling border runs makes since but making it harder for people to get the proper visa like this business visa does not. Also, if they want everyone to get legal they need to make it easier to get a work permit, not harder. The main reason teachers are here without permits is not that they don't qualify, it is the schools are too lazy to do the paper work. All of us who have been here for a while know that thais are not the most productive people, so why don't they make it easier for the thais that have to do the paper work for their foreign employee's work permit.

  17. This makes no sense. How is someone supposed to start a company if they are not allowed to legally be in Thailand to start the company. Are they now expected to pay people in Thailand to totally start up the company and once it is up and running, they can then enter Thailand and head their own company. Shouldn't there be a temporary business visa for those just starting their business and then have them get a longer, more permenant visa once the business has been established.

  18. Is this true for all triple entry tourist visas? I have a non-immigrant B and it will end next month. I was going to get the triple entry tourist visa to stay on until I figure out where to get my next non-immigrant B visa from.

    Can anybody else let me know if they have stopped giving these triple entry tourist visa? Are they at least giving single entry tourist visas?

    Would love to hear peoples recent experiences in Penang.

  19. hi guys..

    so why do people want multiple tourist visa's anyway?

    surely 30 or 60 days is enough for a holiday - and thats what these tourist visa's are for.

    if you are working or staying in thailand why dont you get a work or retirement or dependants visa?

    i dont think that there is anything wrong here with the new visa requirements - just people trying to get around the law - for whatever reason - probably tax or insurance or just simply black employment ....

    so what do such people ( multiple tourist visa ) do for a living? how do they get money? one assumes its all illigal?

    so i guess thats why the thai authorities are trying to tighten up on them?

    amarka :o

    Some people need these visas because they are retired, under 50 and don't trust investing money in the country which seems to make since taking all of this into account. They need a retired visa for the young people. You don't have to be old to retire.

  20. :o

    hi all

    i agree with most of the pessimistic predictions and have felt for some time that my days are numbered and the quality of my life here is diminishing drastically. the next 18 months are going to be hel_l with the government in turmoil - maybe a military coup? or civil uprisings


    does anyone know anywhere else warm and reasonably cheap to live? Malaysia??????

    PHILIPPINES, same same but different

  21. basic economics, wages will rise. the overall level may decrease if schools refuse to pay the higher wages, but then with the less supply of foreign teachers, the rich thais will pay a steap price to have their kids taught by the remaining native english speakers. Good for the native speakers, bad for Thailand.

    Basic Economics takes into consideration the rigidity of the Demand - when the price rises, how many people will still pay, how many will switch to alternatives.

    I am talking about the vast majority of schools, not about those targetting rich families, or international schools. I assume most of those supply work permits to the teachers anyway.

    Not really, I've worked for schools paying top baht. One gives me 1000 baht an hour and another 600, but neither gives a work permit unless the employee is a full-time employee. Which neither is ideal, one has bad hours and the other the pay is better per hour if just part-time.

    I said basic economics. you are adding a lot of assumptions. and with any basic economic model , assumptions just complicate it. but you are right about the vast majority of schools, they will be hurt. But i don't see that as our problem. there are two sides. the schools and governments side looking out for the kids education through hiring and the teachers side of making sure they have money to support themselves and their families.

    Anyways, there are good and bad things. Should all work out as long as the non permit people get tourist visas instead. hopefully, the schools will pay for the extra costs.

  22. Be prepaired to apply for a Tourist- or Non-Immigrant visa instead of doing border hopping totalling more than 90 days in a row.

    Seems to me as if they just want everybody to have to pay for their visas. As long as one get a tourist or non-immigrant visa, one should be fine. It also allows for them to check the applicants out before giving them a visa since the applicant has to wait 24 hours. Really, doesn't seem too bad.

  23. So... 65,000 people in 2004, and some of these won't be coming in on visa on arrivals either, so actually the real number is lower again. So therefore, by my own criteria, not a big deal.

    Probably no major impact on Thailand's income from tourism, but can be a major impact on other areas, even from the Thai perpective.

    Take the fact that most foreign teachers in Thailand are working illegally. I assume most of them are doing the monthly visa runs.

    What will that do to English Teaching in Thailand?

    Much higher wages!!!!

    I assume you are joking? I was thinking more in the line of: fewer foreign teachers -> more Thais -> lower English teaching level (yes, even lower than now...)

    basic economics, wages will rise. the overall level may decrease if schools refuse to pay the higher wages, but then with the less supply of foreign teachers, the rich thais will pay a steap price to have their kids taught by the remaining native english speakers. Good for the native speakers, bad for Thailand.

  24. It seems fair to me as long as they allow continous tourist visas. Thailand is losing a lot of opportunity to make money with these visa on arrivals. Now people will have to leave for a couple days and pay the 2000 baht or so for a real tourist visa. With visa runs only the other country charges for its visa but Thailand charges nothing.

    I think a lot of people have it nice here that don't have a non-immigrant visa and shouldn't mind giving a little back to the government in the form of visa fees.

    Just my thoughts.

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