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Posts posted by john1000

  1. john 1000 , you sound depressed after your divorce.

    you need a couple of years to settle your mind a bit before coming out to a place like this.

    its a graveyard for someone in your present situation.

    come out for a holiday by all means , but spend some of that time travelling around the country , dont bury yourself in the bars , they can easily become destructively addictive.

    there are plenty of decent moral women here , but you will need a lot of time here before you can distinguish who's who and who you can trust.

    dont burn your bridges yet.

    Understand what you are saying, but how long do we have... Yes I am depressed but also I am trying hard to see this as an oportunity to change my life. My friend has been here about a dozen times and likes it, but not the bars. He thinks like me the alternative in the UK does not bear thinking about.

    Also UK women are as materialistic as TG. So people HERE are saying caution, but they are living in LOS!!

  2. Maybe better to start in a place called udon thani?? Have heard this is more rural and not so many bar girls.

    Anyone have experience there?

    I'm sorry guys - I've said it before and I'll say it again.

    This guy is a troll.

    Deny it john1000. :o

    As I have said I am genuine and found others on this board have been very helpful .and don't give a stuff what YOU think. Go and play somewhere else as Do you understand?? GO AWAY!!!

  3. The reason Udon Thani is on my mind, is that this maybe a place where street bars and drunk Farangs are not in your face, and my mate says transport links are good to other places.

    Also accommodation may be chaeaper. If I did strike lucky and find someone maybe a better disposition as she would be from a rural area.

    I am not so much in a hurry, but really need something to focus on. IE look forward to.

  4. "I'm sorry guys - I've said it before and I'll say it again.

    This guy is a troll"

    Whats a troll?? I have come on here to ask serious questions about my future, and found people very helpful. ( except you ) If you cannot be constructive, flame someone else if your bored. :o

  5. Maybe someone came along and took the money and phone and threw the bag away, she found it and is returning the bag.

    Usually the theft would just take the money and toss the bag away.

    Shouldnt always expect the worse in people

    Later that day the village headman of that village, 2 down from us, appeared with the aforementioned bag, minus the mobile phone and 400 baht in cash. He said a woman in his village had found it and was returning the documents, ie ID card and AIA insurance card but was keeping the phone and money!

    Find the girl and call the police. Will they do anything?

  6. Thanks for all the advice.

    Firstly, my interest was stimulated by a friend who visits every six weeks who is in a good position to do this as he is single, and works 3 monts of the year having a couple of properties rented out.

    I am NOT in the same position, my work in IT provides 35k PA and I am bored.... my friends are mostly settled, and all I seem to get when trying to kickstart my life here, is sad dating agencies full of women I don't fancy with baggage.

    I am well travelled but not in Asia. So my choices are simple I think.

    1. Compromise in life with someone new and never be truly satisfied.

    2. Be a sad old git and drink and dream of how things used to be.

    3. Top myself.

    4. Try something new

    Maybe I have no choice. My pension will have penalties if taken early, additionally I could rent what I have left after the divorce ( she is going for the throat) so will need to perform some calculations.

    This is a watershed for which I have not planned.

  7. Yes Yes I know there are pitfalls and people here are saying " see what happens" Keep your eyes open, do your research, but " what " exactly di I look out for?

    I am not dumb and have been around, and fairly cautious in my approach to life ( look where that got me ) but have no idea of specifics in Thailand....

  8. This comment worries me....

    Why do you need dosh to make friends? and what scenario should I be aware of? I have to ask here as I would ( knowing my luck ) find out the hard way.

  9. My main problem will be lack of friends and family, so would have to build up from scratch... do ex pats stick together and have a close community? are there pitfalls here?

  10. Had a look to try and find like minded threads, but only people from other countries discussing finances.

    What I feel I need is what are the pitfalls and common mistakes. ( some threads maybe)


    HONEST??? I thought I was set for life after my second marriage. No difference accross countries of the world. Women want; and will leave; if THEY are not happy. Men just take it in the nuts. ( DO SOUND BITTER?)

    Last time I was in my thirties and knew deep down life would get better and I would get another chance. This time at my age in the UK there is nothing for someone who is over 50 nothing at all.

  11. I appreciate that a couple of visits would be something that would be required, but is the amount I quoted a sufficient pot to keep me going in a modest lifestyle?

    I would rent not buy after reading some of the pitfalls wile renting, and keep the pension going.

    Are there thresds by members in a similar situation to me?


  12. Hi my name is John and at 52 am considering a move to escape... and just change my life.

    I work in IT enjoy motorbikes, music, and have satellite as my hobby.

    Loads of friends in UK but just really bored of life I guess after a divorce. ( pending )

  13. Yes I expect you have heard this before, but I am 52 years young and just going through a painful divorce whch may cost me dear, and wish to build a new life in Thailand.

    However I have a pension due and some cash wil become available from the sale of my cottage ( £200,00) but really do not know where to start.

    I have a friend who visits frequently, but maybe for all the wrong reasons.... his choice.

    Somewhere quiet where I could meet an honest?? girl and start over.

    This may be the story of many but would appreciate any threads that would illustrate obvious pitfalls.

    Thanks :o

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